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2 Samuel
Session 1
Approaching 2 Samuel
Session one sets the stage for our study by placing the book of 2 Samuel within its various contexts and thinking through how these help set a framework for reading it well.
Session 2
What Kind of King? (2 Samuel 1:1-2:7)
In session two, David responds to the death of Saul. What kind of king will David be, specifically in comparison to Saul. We also reflect on how to connect David’s royal responsibilities with God’s calling on each of our lives.
Session 3
God’s Mission and the World’s Pain (2 Samuel 2:8-4:12)
Session three examines the time when David ruled as king over a single tribe. It provides an opportunity to reflect on how God’s mission engages a world that is far from ideal.
Session 4
From Rise to Reign (2 Samuel 5-6)
Session four follows David’s ascent to full kingship. Now we can’t help but wonder what sort of ruler he will turn out to be. This text will begin to answer that question, and along the way we get the remarkable and instructive story of Uzzah’s death.
Session 5
David’s Dream and God’s Plan (2 Samuel 7)
Session five covers what may be the single most important chapter of 2 Samuel with respect to the overall storyline of Scripture. Here God establishes a covenant with David that will forever mark God’s dealings with Israel and humanity as a whole.
Session 6
A Season of Faithfulness (2 Samuel 8-10)
Session six covers 2 Samuel 8-10, which is basically a series of victories for David and his men. We first see David faithfully leading Israel in battle and then we see his willingness to act with mercy and kindness toward potential enemies.
Session 7
David’s Sin (2 Samuel 11-12)
Session seven explores one of the most famous and tragic events of David’s life. Perhaps the question is not whether we will fail, but how we will respond when we realize what we’ve done.
Session 8
David’s House Unravels (2 Samuel 13-14)
Session eight follows the tragic fallout of David’s sin. On the one hand, David is restored to his place as king, but on the other hand, things will never be the same.
Session 9
David and Absalom (2 Samuel 15:1-19:8)
Session nine follows the tension between David and his son Absalom, who conspired to the throne and effectively put Israel into small-scale civil war.
Session 10
The Return of the King (2 Samuel 19:9-20:26)
Session ten follows David’s movements as he returns to Jerusalem once the threat of Absalom has been moved. We note in particular how David’s “return from exile” speaks to Israel’s history as well as the mission of Christ.
Session 11
David’s Reign in Retrospect (2 Samuel 21-24)
Session eleven examines 2 Samuel 21-24, which is something like an “epilogue” for 1-2 Samuel.
Session 12
The Books of Samuel in Scriptural Context
Session twelve wraps up our study of 2 Samuel but we will be looking at how both “books” of Samuel fit into their Scriptural context. We’ll examine many of the NT connections and reflect on how David helps us make sense of Jesus.