The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.
Classroom Instructions
SUMMARY: Session eight covers 2 Samuel 8-10, which is basically a series of victories for David and his men. We first see David faithfully leading Israel in battle and then we see his willingness to act with mercy and kindness toward potential enemies. We will learn from David’s faithfulness, but we will also notice a deeper and even more important faithfulness revealed in these accounts.
Learning from David’s Faithfulness
David gave God ________________________.
David shepherded ________________________ his people.
David showed ________________________ to enemies.
David guarded Israel’s ________________________.
Celebrating God’s Faithfulness
Promises to David
Promises to Abraham
If God’s faithfulness stretches all the way back…
Where do you find yourself in this story?
Questions for Reflection and Discussion:
How do you engage God differently during seasons of failure and seasons of success?
Which story in these chapters do you find most personally meaningful? Why?
Which of the lessons that we learn from David are most relevant to you in this season of life? What can you do to put into practice what the Spirit is drawing to your attention?
When you first read these chapters, did you most closely identify with Mephibosheth? Why or why not? Do you now see how he can serve as a symbol for you and me?
Why is it important that we don’t just read Scripture to find “moral lessons”? Who in your life needs to be reminded of the truth of God’s faithfulness? How will you remind them?