The Bible is our “Guidebook for Living.” It is filled with life-filled, power-packed words given to us directly from the Lord Himself through anointed writers over thousands of years. But, how much of the Bible do we really know? We asked ourselves here at High Voltage Kids Ministry, “If owning a Bible became illegal tomorrow and the only Bible we could have was what we had memo- rized, how much would the average American Christian know?” The answer was, sadly, “Not much.” We decided to change that. We decided to choose TEN scriptures to memo- rize. TEN scriptures to build a foundation of Bible knowledge. TEN scriptures to “hide in our heart.” TEN scriptures to memorize—FOR LIFE! “TEN FOR LIFE!” Now, in no way are we saying these ten scriptures are “more important” than others. These are just the TEN we chose. However, we did try to choose scriptures based on a wide variety of topics to lay the foundation for a life of scripture memoriza- tion. Each lesson in this series focuses on one of these TEN scriptures and the life lesson that can be learned from it. Encourage your kids to not just learn from the scrip- ture, but to MEMORIZE it. Test them on them. Reward them weekly for memorizing them. It will be a life-changing experience for them—and YOU!