Lesson 8

Today’s child has a very busy schedule. There are so many things to occupy their time—from sports to video games, homework to hanging out with friends. So many things are competing for their time, energy, and focus. Too often, God is last on the list of priorities for a child. They would never admit it or say it out loud. But, by the fact that they spend all of their time, energy, and focus on all these other things and leave God to “if they have time”, says it all. Today, the children will learn that if the will put God FIRST, then He will take care of all the other details in their life.
Start Lesson
Lesson 8



Classroom Instructions

Intro Video
SkitMaterials: Referee Ricky
Game TimeMaterials: two jump ropes; two sets of swim fins
Illustrated MessageMaterials: a paper plate; a butter knife; two pieces of bread; jar of peanut butter; a jar of jelly; a large clock; a wallet (or purse); a mediumsized glass jar; unpopped popcorn kernels (enough to fill the glass jar); three golf balls
Review Questions

Classroom Instructions

Intro Video
SkitMaterials: Referee Ricky
Game TimeMaterials: two jump ropes; two sets of swim fins
Illustrated MessageMaterials: a paper plate; a butter knife; two pieces of bread; jar of peanut butter; a jar of jelly; a large clock; a wallet (or purse); a mediumsized glass jar; unpopped popcorn kernels (enough to fill the glass jar); three golf balls
Review Questions