Peter was an average, ordinary fisherman who answered God’s call to follow Jesus. He made a lot of mistakes along the way. When Jesus went to Heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to give SUPERnatural power to the disciples. At that moment, Peter went from Average Pete to SUPER Pete! In this series, we will follow the remainder of Peter’s life where “Average Pete” left off. We will walk through the book of Acts and learn from some of the greatest experiences in Peter’s life. In doing so, the kids will learn that God can use them to do SUPER things for Him. We will learn from the story of the healing the lame man, the salvation of Simon the Sorcerer, the resurrection of Tabitha, the meeting at Cornelius’ house, Peter’s jailbreak, and the huge conflict with the Jews in Jerusalem. It will be an unbelievable journey through the book of Acts. We hope you and your children enjoy this adventure through the lessons Peter learned in this amazing series: “SUPER Pete.”