Kids love to play “dress up” all the time. They can “dress up” and pretend to be ANYTHING they want—a policeman, a princess, a cowboy, a nurse – whatever! When they play “dress up”, they can put on any set of clothes and instantly become someone or something else! There’s another kind of “dress up”, too. When you have somewhere really im- portant to go – like church, a banquet, or maybe a wedding – you put on your best clothes, right? You DRESS UP! This series is about clothing, but it is not about shirts and pants and all that kind of stuff. We are learning about what the Bible teaches us in Romans 13:14, “Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ...” When we “clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ...”, we are “dressing up” in the things that make us more like Jesus. When people look at our lives, they will INSTANTLY know we are Christians by what they see in our lives. They should see love, humility, gentleness, forgiveness, kindness, mercy – things like that. It’s not about the outward clothes we wear. Clothing ourselves in the Lord Jesus Christ is about what people see in your words, actions, and character. We must “Clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ” so that people will see Jesus in us! We hope you and your kids will enjoy this series that takes a crazy twist on clothing and teaches how to clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.