Lesson 5

In the next verse of the passage we are learning in Colossians 3, the Apostle Paul tells us to “clothe yourselves with...humility, gentleness, and patience...” In this lesson, the children will learn how pride can be the enemy of God’s will for our lives. If we struggle with pride, we need to have an “Extreme Makeover” and replace the pride with humility, gentleness, and patience. It’s not easy to be humble. It’s more difficult to be gentle. It’s nearly impossible for today’s Christian to be patient. But, with God’s help, each of us can learn how to “clothe ourselves” with these traits so that the world can see Jesus in our lives.
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Lesson 5



Classroom Instructions

Intro Video
SkitMaterials: Chuck Foo (a wanna-be Karate instructor with a Minnesota accent); Carmine ( another leader wearing a bowtie)
Illustrated MessageMaterials: a large sheet of poster board; two feet of string or yarn; marker; a baby doll (or a LIVE baby, if possible)
Review Questions

Classroom Instructions

Intro Video
SkitMaterials: Chuck Foo (a wanna-be Karate instructor with a Minnesota accent); Carmine ( another leader wearing a bowtie)
Illustrated MessageMaterials: a large sheet of poster board; two feet of string or yarn; marker; a baby doll (or a LIVE baby, if possible)
Review Questions