Discipleship in Children’s Ministry Small Groups

The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.
Session 4 Leader Guide
Session 4: Discipleship in Children’s Ministry Small Groups
Opening Activity Idea:
● Provide a piece of paper and something to write with to every volunteer.
● Ask them to draw an image that represents their discipleship journey
● Have them add to their drawing the individuals and groups that were important in their discipleship.
● Ask for volunteers to share their drawings.
Preparation for video content or lead your volunteers in reviewing the content (see handout)
Space for Connection:
Connection to God
Connection with leaders
Connection with other students
Space for Conversation (how to lead discussion)
Start the conversation
Guide the discussion
Create time for quiet
Listen well
Watch non-verbal cues
Allow for participation
Conclude the discussion well
Practice together:
● Choose a Bible story (example: Parable of the Good Samaritan)
● Divide into small groups. Ask each group to write 4-5 discussion questions/prompts that could guide a discussion of the story.
● List ways you can help kids connect to God in your small group time.
● How have you seen kids connect with others during small group? List ways to facilitate this.
● What struggles do you have in leading a conversation in your small group?
Concluding Activity:
● Review the list of ways to help kids connect to God and one another. Identify something you could try during your next small group.
● Identify one thing you can try to lead a discussion differently during your next small group.
● As a group, brainstorm ways leaders can appropriately connect to the kids in their small group.
Ask each leader to commit to one of these activities in the next month.
Session 4 Handout
Session 4: Discipleship in Children’s Ministry Small Groups
Space for Connection:
Connection to God
Connection with leaders
Connection with other students
Space for Conversation:
Start the conversation
Guide the discussion
Create time for quiet
Listen well
Watch their non-verbal cues
Allow for participation
Conclude the discussion well