Into Your Hand I Commit

The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.
This is the last saying of Jesus on the cross. And it’s a perfect way of summarizing Jesus’ life (which really shouldn’t surprise us — this is Jesus we’re talking about, after all, so His last words will be perfect).
How intentionally do we really live? Are we really taking the long view with life, and maintaining a focus, a consistent direction? Or, are we just kind of wandering around, trying to just make it through today?
What’s the solution to this apathy? Solomon says at the end of Ecclesiastes, the other thing that really has meaning is to “fear God and keep His commandments.”
But if we want our lives to have meaning, that’s what we have to do: we have to follow Jesus.
But coming to that level of commitment is difficult — because it involves having at least some kind of sense of what you think God is leading you to do.
Take 8 hours - I know that’s a challenge — but isn’t the direction of your life worth it? Isn’t the One who sacrificed everything to give you a hope, a future, and a direction in life worth it? Take 8 hours to be alone with God — open up your life to Him, and ask Him this question, “what do you want me to do?” and listen for His voice — I don’t know how He’ll respond: maybe a Scripture will come to mind. Maybe a word someone had once said to you. Maybe with an inner conviction. Maybe an audible voice — I don’t know. But the One whose hands we put our lives in raised Jesus from the dead. And the same Spirit that did that is, according to Romans 8, at work in you — directing, guiding, leading.