The Gospel According to Luke



The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.

Classroom Instructions

  • Luke’s Purpose (Inclusio):

    • 1:1-4 “Orderly account…So that you might know with certainty…” (ἐπιγνῷς).

    • 24:31 “And their eyes were opened, and they recognized (ἐπιγινώσκω) him.”

  • Luke-Acts:

    • Theophilus: May have been benefactor of the Luke-Acts writing project.

    • Historical anchors (names of rulers, census, etc.)

    • Holy Spirit Birth narratives with the Holy Spirit playing a prominent role in both

    • Prayer

    • Geographic Chiastic Structure (see Blomberg, 161)

      • LUKE: Rome - Galilee of the Gentiles - Samaria - Judea - Jerusalem

      • ACTS: Jerusalem - Judea - Samaria - World of the Gentiles - Rome

      • The resurrection and ascension form a narrative overlap between Luke-Acts.

        • May indicate why Luke leaves out Galilean resurrection appearances

and other geographic material that does not fit into his structure.

  • Gentile inclusion

    • examples:

      • 3:38 | Luke’s genealogy goes all the back to Adam

      • 3:6 | Longer quotation of Isaiah 40:3-5 compared to // in Mt & Mk 1:3

      • 4:14-30 | Jesus’ reading of Isaiah 61 in Nazareth

  • Focus on outsiders & reversal:

    • Gentiles

    • Tax collectors [Pharisee and the publican (18:9-14); Zacchaeus (19:1-10)]

    • Poor

    • Prostitutes

    • Foreigners

    • Samaritans

    • Women

  • Banquets/Meals/Tables — Luke includes 10 scenes of table fellowship and is the only one to mention the Pharisee’s accusation that Jesus “eats with sinners” (three times—5:29; 15:1;19:7).

  • Parables (28/40 total parables appear in Luke, 18 unique to Luke).

  • Emphasis on Savior/Salvation (8 times in Luke, 9 in Acts, 0 in other Synoptics)

    • “I must be” (δεῖ) — key theme in Luke-Acts often in connection to Jesus’ mission.

      • 4:43 | “I must preach the good news…”

      • 9:22 | “The Son of Man must suffer many things…”

      • 13:33 | “I must go on my way…”

      • 17:25 | “But first he must suffer…”

      • 19:5 | “Come down, for I must stay at your house today…”

      • 22:37 | “Scripture must be fulfilled in me…”

      • 24:7 | “The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands…”

      • 24:26 | “Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer…”

      • Acts 1:16 | “The Scripture had to be fulfilled…”

      • Acts 5:29 | “We must obey God rather than men…”

      • Acts 9:16 | “I will show him how much he [Paul] must suffer…”

The Gospel According to Luke Instructions

  • Luke’s Purpose (Inclusio):

    • 1:1-4 “Orderly account…So that you might know with certainty…” (ἐπιγνῷς).

    • 24:31 “And their eyes were opened, and they recognized (ἐπιγινώσκω) him.”

  • Luke-Acts:

    • Theophilus: May have been benefactor of the Luke-Acts writing project.

    • Historical anchors (names of rulers, census, etc.)

    • Holy Spirit Birth narratives with the Holy Spirit playing a prominent role in both

    • Prayer

    • Geographic Chiastic Structure (see Blomberg, 161)

      • LUKE: Rome - Galilee of the Gentiles - Samaria - Judea - Jerusalem

      • ACTS: Jerusalem - Judea - Samaria - World of the Gentiles - Rome

      • The resurrection and ascension form a narrative overlap between Luke-Acts.

        • May indicate why Luke leaves out Galilean resurrection appearances

and other geographic material that does not fit into his structure.

  • Gentile inclusion

    • examples:

      • 3:38 | Luke’s genealogy goes all the back to Adam

      • 3:6 | Longer quotation of Isaiah 40:3-5 compared to // in Mt & Mk 1:3

      • 4:14-30 | Jesus’ reading of Isaiah 61 in Nazareth

  • Focus on outsiders & reversal:

    • Gentiles

    • Tax collectors [Pharisee and the publican (18:9-14); Zacchaeus (19:1-10)]

    • Poor

    • Prostitutes

    • Foreigners

    • Samaritans

    • Women

  • Banquets/Meals/Tables — Luke includes 10 scenes of table fellowship and is the only one to mention the Pharisee’s accusation that Jesus “eats with sinners” (three times—5:29; 15:1;19:7).

  • Parables (28/40 total parables appear in Luke, 18 unique to Luke).

  • Emphasis on Savior/Salvation (8 times in Luke, 9 in Acts, 0 in other Synoptics)

    • “I must be” (δεῖ) — key theme in Luke-Acts often in connection to Jesus’ mission.

      • 4:43 | “I must preach the good news…”

      • 9:22 | “The Son of Man must suffer many things…”

      • 13:33 | “I must go on my way…”

      • 17:25 | “But first he must suffer…”

      • 19:5 | “Come down, for I must stay at your house today…”

      • 22:37 | “Scripture must be fulfilled in me…”

      • 24:7 | “The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands…”

      • 24:26 | “Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer…”

      • Acts 1:16 | “The Scripture had to be fulfilled…”

      • Acts 5:29 | “We must obey God rather than men…”

      • Acts 9:16 | “I will show him how much he [Paul] must suffer…”