The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.
Classroom Instructions
SUMMARY: Session eleven examines 2 Samuel 21-24, which is something like an “epilogue” for 1-2 Samuel. This section is set off from the rest and does not represent chronological continuation of the story but rather a retrospect on David’s reign. We will look at each of the accounts, examine its literary structure, and focus in on the very center in order to hear the primary message, which is a call to Israel to center themselves on Torah meditation and obedience.
Order of Events:
David ends a famine (21:1-14)
David’s mighty men (21:15-22)
David’s hymn of praise (22:1-51)
David’s final oracle (23:1-7)
David’s mighty warriors (23:8-39)
David ends a plague (24:1-53)
David’s Hymn:
Praise to God the Rock (22:1-4)
God’s deliverance of David (22:5-20)
Reasons for God’s favor (22:21-25)
Reflection on God’s ways (22:26-29)
God’s deliverance of David (22:30-46)
Praise to God the Rock (22:47-51)
Reasons for God’s Favor:
LORD, righteousness, cleanness (22:21)
Kept, guiltless (22:22)
- God’s law/decrees (22:23)
Blameless, kept (22:24)
LORD, righteousness, cleanness (22:25)
Questions for Reflection and Discussion:
Look again at the six parts of this closing section. What lessons can be drawn from each individually? What is added to the message when we take them as a whole?
In what ways do you see David’s life story echoed in your own? How are you like him? How are you different?
Who are your “mighty warriors”? (Those who have helped you be faithful to God.) In what ways can you honor them?
This section emphasizes meditating on and obeying God’s instructions. Which is more of a struggle for you: making time to learn and meditate, or obeying what you know?