God Is Too Big To Notice Me

Children often feel small and insignificant. They feel that they are so small and God is so big. They begin to believe the myth that God is too big to notice them. In this lesson, the children will learn from another small person in the Bible, Zacchaeus. They will learn how Jesus stopped everything to notice a small little man and even asked to come to his house. Zacchaeus became a believer and began to follow Jesus. No matter how small and insiginif- cant we may feel, God is never too big to notice us. He knows every hurt, every care, every concern, and every detail of our lives. We are never so small that God loses track of us. He loves us and cares about our every need.
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God Is Too Big To Notice Me



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At Home Instructions

Family Devotion: God Is Too Big To Notice Me

God Is Too Big To Notice Me Instructions

Family Devotion: God Is Too Big To Notice Me