Joshua was an EXTREME hero from the Bible. Throughout his life, Joshua had to do some EXTREME things in order to fulfill God’s plan for his life. It started a long time before we ever see him in the battle of Jericho. In this series, we are going to learn about the EXTREME preparation that God put Joshua through to get him ready to lead the nation of Israel. Then, we will look at the EXTREME fears that Joshua had to conquer as he took over for Moses as leader of God’s people. All of this leads us up to the point where Joshua leads the children of Israel across the Jordan river and conquers the city of Jericho. But, the EXTREME lessons don’t end there. We learn another EXTREME lesson by watching how Joshua handles the mistake of Achan. We hope you and your children enjoy this EXTREME adventure through the EXTREME lessons we learn from the life of Joshua: EXTREME HERO!