Family Mechanics

Family Mechanics


You know, families are a lot like cars. They need a lot of different parts to run smoothly, you have to put the right things in them so they continue to run properly, and when they break down you need to take them to somebody who knows what they’re doing in order to fix it.

In this series, we are going to be talking about how we can take care of our families just like we take care of our cars. If you ignore your car, don’t change the oil, don’t change the tires, whatever, it WILL break down. No doubt about it.

Your children will learn how to handle conflict in the family in the lesson called “Family Feud.” They will learn how to deal with the pain of divorce in “When The Family Breaks Down.” “Meet The Parents” helps the children discover how they can help influence their parents’ attitudes by loving, honoring, and obeying them. Finally, in “Where’s Dad?”, they will discover the amazing truth about how we all have the same loving heavenly Father. Even if we don’t have a Dad living at home, we can rest assured we will always have a Heavenly Father who will never leave us.

Lesson 1
Lesson 1

Family Feud

Every family has struggles. There are days when we get along wonderfully with our brothers, sisters, cousins, etc. There are other days when everything they do gets on our nerves and all we do is fuss and fight. It’s not a surprise when members of the same family fight or argue. That’s to be expected. What we can’t let happen is for those short fights and arguments to turn into “family feuds.” If we don’t try to reconcile quickly, there may be permanent damage done to the family. In this lesson, the children will learn how to put an end to the fights and arguments that creep up in the life of an ordinary family.