FMR develops a monthly youth ministry curriculum that is free to all local churches. Each monthly release includes a sermon series, small group series, Bible devotional, and supporting graphics packs that are original, practical, and ready to use.
• Luke was a journalist trying to solve and build a case.
• Sometimes in life, you may find yourself having to do the same.
• Occasionally, life sends us expected moments, and we have to put on our detective hats.
ILLUSTRATION: Share a story of an unexpected moment from the news.
• That happened to a Kentucky man who was the victim of a quirky crime. In rural Kentucky, a homeowner named Charles had his lawnmower moved in the middle of the night. Proud of his new ride, he was furious and wanted to get to the bottom of it. He pointed his finger at his neighbor Gary for borrowing his lawnmower. But Charles wasn’t exactly Sherlock Holmes; he had no evidence outside of a suspicious vibe and possibly a grudge. What was Charles to do? He went all high-tech and fancy and set up a lawn surveillance system to catch Gary in the act.
• Eventually, his lawnmower was again moved overnight, and Charles was ready to catch Gary green-handed. He excitedly hit play on the tape, and his eyebrow raised. He saw his criminal, but it wasn’t Gary.
• Nope, it was a goat from his neighbor’s yard.
• The goat was sneaking onto the lawnmower, turning it on, and riding around before poorly parking it and running off into the night. Talk about unexpected!
• Luke loved unexpected characters and details.
• Whether it’s a true crime podcast or a written story, the characters are crucial for understanding.
• If Charles had never set up a camera, he would’ve never known to expect goats. Charles needed that information to come to a conclusion. Information is what helps us come to solutions, and that’s especially true with background information.
• A person’s background helps us know what motivated them, formed them, and shaped them.
• That’s why Luke wanted to give us background information on the characters in the life of Christ.
• These details provide us with the context for everything.
• Luke was obsessed with some unexpected suspects in the life of Jesus, too.
• From family to followers to friends, these characters could easily slip into the background.
• Luke refuses to let that happen in his writing.
• In true crime format, Luke opens his book with an orientation. Just like college kicks off with new student orientation, Luke begins with Jesus orientation.
• His research proved to be robust, too.
• He reports on the extended family of Jesus, the birth of some family members, the story of the Nativity, the prophecies of the Old Testament, and the early life of Jesus.
• Then, knowing that orientation is key to comprehension, he begins to break down the key characters in the ministry of Jesus.
• Yes, we are about to meet the disciples. However, this account is not just character development.
• Luke wants you to see Jesus’s overall strategy. This is His method for sparking His movement.
• What was His method? Let’s break it down.
• We can see two movement-building steps when Jesus forms his team. Let’s take a look at Luke 5.
Step 1: Jesus Picked the Perfectly Imperfect People
• What was the first thing Jesus did when it was time for his movement to spark? He built a team.
• He didn’t go to Indeed or the local temples to find the best of the best of the best. Jesus went to a dock packed with smelly fishermen.
• This would be like trying to build an NBA team by going to the local playground for recruitment. It’s not very reasonable or logical.
• This is sort of like a recruitment scene in a superhero movie...except nobody is very powerful at all.
• As a matter of fact, all these newly-appointed disciples are quite wimpy.
• However, Jesus showed them that significance was not found in their power but in His.
• Jesus picked the perfectly imperfect people to help spark His movement.
• Do you notice how much detail Luke uses? The other Gospel authors also tell the story of the recruitment of the disciples, but Luke wants you to know who was there, who saw it, and what proof there was. Why did he do that?
• Because he’s an investigator. Keep in mind that Luke’s essay was being read not too long after the death of Jesus.
• Thus, a sizable chunk of these people were still alive.
• He is basically challenging the readers to fact-check him.
• These perfectly imperfect men witnessed it all—the miracles, the teachings, and the spark of a universal movement.
• Luke documented it, they experienced it, and it turned the world upside down.
• Jesus is God in the flesh. Even He, with all that power pumping through his veins, felt the need to build a team before starting His ministry.
• He sought out disciples, friends, and companions for His journey.
• If Jesus needs community, imagine how much you need it!
• Be sure to prioritize picking the right people for your journey. They will push you forward, keep you grounded, and help you every step of the way.
• Jesus understood something crucial. If you surround yourself with good people, they will help you go far.
• Also, these disciples weren’t just companions but witnesses to the power of God in action in their little town.
• Let’s dive back into the story.
• Jesus had assembled His people; now, it was time to put on a display of power.
Step 2: Jesus Proved the Power of God
• This story is not just about recruitment; it’s about astonishment.
• Luke recounts that Jesus proved God’s power to show the disciples that walking with Him was walking in power.
• While teaching on the shore, Jesus noticed some weary fishermen by the dock.
• After days of struggling, their nets remained empty, which meant their bellies and bank accounts were the same.
• Then, Jesus showed up and offered some advice. He told them to go to a part of the lake they had fished all day.
• With exacerbation, they explained they had fished there all day and hadn’t even caught a goldfish cracker. Jesus insisted, and they cast their nets again.
• What did they have to lose? They gave it a shot.
• Within seconds, their boat was supernaturally filled with fish. A recognizably salty and fishy smell wafted through the air as the not-yet-disciples shouted in excitement.
• Look at all these fish! They’d be eating fish tacos for months, right? To modern ears, Luke’s story seems like it’s about seafood.
• However, remember that they lived in a society that largely practiced bartering. When they caught so many fish that their boat sank, it was the ancient equivalent of hitting the jackpot on a slot machine.
• Those catfish may as well have been cash fish.
• Jesus proved his power and His provision in mere moments.
• These scruffy fishermen noticed it, marveled at it, and were never the same.
• As a person who loves details, I love the Gospel of Luke. As we study, you will see that he squeezed every possible detail into his accounts. Why?
• Because he truly believed in the power of God, but he wanted to invite people to investigate it for themselves.
• He dropped names.
• He mentioned locations.
• He gave scrupulous details.
• Luke didn’t just know about the power of Jesus. He believed it was provable.
• Of all the Bible authors, Luke teaches us the most about the disciples by far. He was likely friends with many of them due to his mission work with Paul and had gotten to know the others through his investigation process.
• While Luke does not shy away from their shortcomings, he would want you to know that the disciples are not just sidekicks but part of the bigger picture.
• These fishermen were average people, just like you and me.
• They had doubts, made mistakes, and were far from qualified to help start a worldwide religion.
• While everything in their life was ordinary, they had just discovered something extraordinary.
• Jesus stepped into their boat, and they stepped out as different people.
• They “left everything and followed Him.” They dropped their tackle boxes and nets. They might have even put their boats on Craigslist.
• They were ready to give everything to this radical rabbi from Nazareth. Their lives and the entire world turned upside down when Jesus walked up to their little camp on the shore.
• Ultimately, a worldwide movement was sparked, with these men as the pioneers and Jesus as their purpose.
• For them, everything started on a boat, and they left everything on that boat.
• The example of the disciples begs the question: if you want to see a movement spark, who do you need with you, and what do you need to leave behind?
• The disciples dropped their nets, which represented what they held dearly, because they met someone who meant much more to them than material things. • What do you need to walk away from to follow Jesus with everything?
• Is it an unhealthy routine, a harmful friendship, a purposeless path, or even a career you know isn’t right for you?
• Whatever it is, leave it. Jesus has the power to provide.
• Jesus has the power to take care of you.
• Jesus has the power to come through for you. He proved it to the disciples, and I know He has also proved it to you. Leave what you need to and follow Him.
• He will take care of the rest.
• As we conclude the first part of our investigation into the extraordinary life of Jesus Christ, we discover that even in the most unlikely circumstances, God’s power prevails.
• Just as Jesus chose perfectly imperfect fishermen to be the pioneers of His movement, so must we choose our companions wisely.
• Ridding ourselves of distractions and surrounding ourselves with individuals who uplift us is the key to unlocking our greatest potential for the gospel.
• We should all follow the example of those humble fishermen. Let us cast aside the nets that bind us to mediocrity and embrace the adventure of following Jesus.
• Leave behind the doubts, fears, and comfort zones that hinder your progress, for in His presence, you will discover a power that defies explanation.
• In the end, it’s not about where you’ve been or what you’ve left behind.
• It’s about the journey of a lifetime, guided by the Savior who can turn your ordinary existence into an extraordinary adventure.
• Allow your investigation to motivate you to step out in faith.
• Every major movement was sparked by a moment of obedience.
TALK IT OUT Go through these questions with your circle. Be honest. Be open. Talk through the tough stuff.
Ice Breaker: Go around your circle and share this week’s highs and lows. What was the best part of your week and what was the lowest part of your week?
Have you ever had something really strange or unexplainable happen to you? Tell the group about it.
What’s one thing that stood out to you from today’s message?
What do you find interesting about the miracle of Jesus calling the disciples? What do you think it taught the disciples?
Like Jesus chose the fishermen as His disciples, how can we ensure we select the best companions in our journey with Jesus?
What are some “nets” in your life that you might need to leave behind to fully follow Jesus? Reflect on a specific “net” in your life that you feel hesitant to leave behind. What steps can you take to overcome this hesitation and fully embrace following Jesus?
Application: When the disciples investigated Jesus and saw his power, they lept into action. What action do you think Jesus would like you to take today?
Luke 8
Luke 9
Luke 10
Luke 11
Luke 12
Luke 13
Luke 14
Do the following with each passage:
ASK– God to connect with you here. In prayer, start by slowing down and inviting God to be present. Begin with focus and openness to see what God has for you today.
READ– the selected section of Scripture slowly. Take note of the words and phrases that intrigue you, reading them a second time if necessary.
REFLECT– on what grabs you. How does this passage personally relate to your own life and experiences?
RESPOND– to the Scripture. Speak directly to God about what’s on your mind and heart. Look for ways to live out what you’ve uncovered.