Gospel Of Luke: Investigating Jesus

Gospel Of Luke: Investigating Jesus


In his lengthy Gospel, Luke meticulously investigates the authenticity and divinity of Jesus, akin to a true crime journalist building a compelling case. Luke's medical background informs his detailed accounts, including miraculous healings and resurrections, which reveal powerful lessons about God's presence in our lives. Ultimately, his writings serve as an evidence binder, demonstrating that Christianity remains a vibrant quest for truth, as illustrated by thought-provoking stories that guide our personal journeys with Jesus.

Lesson 1
Lesson 1


Luke, the writer of Luke and Acts, penned notoriously long-winded books in the New Testament. Why is his Gospel account so long? Because he wanted his readers to investigate the authenticity, legitimacy, and divinity of Jesus. Throughout this series, we’re going to step into an investigation of our own. In true crime podcast format, we will investigate Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the help of the Apostle Luke. Take out your notebook because we are about to investigate the greatest story ever told.