The Book of Acts carries its name for a reason. It’s all about action. Every page is packed with power and adventure. Acts, written by Luke, continues the story of the Church’s expansion after Christ, from its humble beginnings in Jerusalem to the rapid spread of the gospel throughout the Roman Empire. Here is the cool thing, though. The action that started in Jerusalem is still going on all over the world. Let’s take a look at the story of Pentecost to learn two character traits of Kingdom recruits.
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FMR develops a monthly youth ministry curriculum that is free to all local churches. Each monthly release includes a sermon series, small group series, Bible devotional, and supporting graphics packs that are original, practical, and ready to use.

Small Group Instructions



• The Book of Acts carries its name for a reason. It’s all about action.

• Every page is packed with power and adventure.

• Acts, written by Luke, continues the story of the Church’s expansion after Christ, from its humble beginnings in Jerusalem to the rapid spread of the gospel throughout the Roman Empire.

• Acts is action-packed, character-driven, and rapidly moving.

This sort of storytelling makes me think of comics. It’s a literary universe where the stories never grow stale.

• The characters keep the story fresh.

• The action keeps the story exciting.

• The overall story moves quickly.

• That’s why you cannot go to a movie theater without seeing at least one poster for a film based on a comic book.

• These movies are magnets. They draw people in and keep them coming back.

ILLUSTRATION: Discuss Comic “Universes”

• There are so many characters and storylines that comic companies have “universes.” A universe is a fancy word for the fictional world crafted by a studio.

• Think of it like a big, make-believe world where superheroes and villains live, shop, and fight.

• Did you know there are thousands of characters in the Marvel universe alone?

• It’s not just Hulk, Iron Man, and Black Widow. There are over 2,000 others.


• Luke wants to introduce you to the characters who made up the action-packed adventure known as the Church.

• For this reason, Acts reads a lot like an action-packed comic without the pictures. New characters are introduced often.

• Power is impossible to miss.

• The action jumps off the page. It’s mesmerizing.

• While comics are captivating, they are fake. However, the Book of Acts is not a work of fiction; it’s a work of investigation.

• Luke meticulously documented the story of the Church’s advance.

• Here is the cool thing, though. The action that started in Jerusalem is still going on all over the world.

• From Jamaica to Jakarta to Jerusalem, the Church continues to grow a few millennia later.

• With so much expansion, we need action. That’s why Luke is here to recruit you.

• Let’s take a look at the story of Pentecost to learn two character traits of Kingdom recruits.


Trait #1 of Kingdom Recruits: They Are Obedient

• The story of Pentecost unfolds like the opening of a comic—the moment you can tell something special is about to happen with these seemingly unassuming characters.

• A mighty rushing wind filled the entire house where the disciples were gathered. Then, apparitions of fire appeared over their heads as if they were being controlled by an invisible puppeteer.

• At that moment, the Holy Spirit descended upon them.

• As they stepped into the streets of Jerusalem, their voices cut through the massive crowd that had gathered for a religious festival. Miraculously, the words they spoke were understood by all who heard them.

• It did not matter if they were from Ethiopia, Rome, Samaria, or South Dakota: they could hear the sermon in their native language.

• People panicked. Then, a confident man stood up, cleared his throat, calmed the crowd, and delivered a universe-shifting message.

• Who took the stage? It was none other than Peter. I am sure the disciples and even members of the audience gasped when they saw his face. Why? Because Peter had a reputation among the close followers of Jesus.

• Just a few months earlier, he had publicly denied Jesus on the eve of his death and then fled from the crowd (Luke 22:54-62).

• While Jesus was in the most vulnerable position of His life, Peter pretended he didn’t know Him and fled into the darkness of night.

• Look at him now! Peter, the impulsive and flawed follower, was standing at the center of this extraordinary scene.

• He was boldly proclaiming the message of the same man he had turned his back on. His convicted eyes swept across the sea of faces as he recounted the story of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection.

• Then, thousands of people turned their lives over to Jesus.

• Here Peter was preaching the first evangelistic sermon since Jesus moved out of town and into heaven. This is proof of Peter’s obedience.

• What if he never went to Jerusalem? What if he threw in the towel?

• Nobody would have blamed him, but his obedience set up an amazing outcome. The crowd started out confused and ended in clarity.

• Masses met Jesus and were filled with the Holy Spirit.

• Can you imagine what would have happened if Peter never stepped out in obedience?

• Imagine how much he would have missed out on.

• Just like Peter, we can find the strength to overcome our fears, face our challenges, and step out in obedience.

• Be like Peter. Be obedient. The Holy Spirit will do the rest.

Trait #2 of Kingdom Recruits: They Are Overcome by the Holy Spirit

• Not a single one of those disciples could take credit for what unfolded.

• People heard the disciples’ words in their native tongue.

• Supernatural fire figures danced over the disciples’ heads.

• Thousands came to faith in a man who was publicly executed.

• Every moment was miraculous, which proved the Holy Spirit’s power was all over Pentecost.

• The disciples knew they had to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit if they were going to make any progress.

• They were preaching an illegal message that also seemed illogical.

• Peter preached that a man from the past came back from death, and now he could change people’s lives in the present.

• People believed it and were changed. The only logical explanation was that this was from a Higher Power.

• The Spirit triggered the expansion of the Church.

• You cannot do anything significant for Christ without the Spirit. It’s not just major events, either.

• You need the Holy Spirit to guide you in your friendships.

• You need the Holy Spirit to help you in your daily decisions.

• You need the Holy Spirit to go with you to school, work, and even the grocery store.

• The Spirit strengthens you for every moment—both big and small.



• As the believers departed from Pentecost, they carried a renewed sense of boldness that led to supernatural outcomes, thanks to their obedience.

• That is how our part in God’s plan tends to work. We step out in obedience, and God does the rest.

• Look at the disciples.

• They knew they had been directly commissioned to spread the gospel wherever they went. They had no control over how people would react, but they just obeyed.

• God used their submission to accomplish his mission.

• The same is true for you. God uses your submission to accomplish his mission. So, let's all take action now.

Small Group


Go through these questions with your circle. Be honest. Be open. Talk through the tough stuff.

Ice Breaker:

Go around your circle and share this week’s highs and lows. What was the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week?

If you could have any superpower, which would you select? Why?

What’s one thing that stood out to you from today’s message?

What do you think Luke’s purpose for writing Acts was? How does the message of Acts connect with today’s believers?

What kind of emotions did Peter have to overcome before stepping up on that platform on Pentecost? Do you think it was difficult for him to step out in obedience like this?

The study highlights two character traits of Kingdom recruits: obedience to Jesus and being overcome by the Holy Spirit. Can you think of a time in your life when obedience to Jesus led to a significant change or outcome?

Application: Obedience plays a big role in the early Church. They had to go to Jerusalem, wait for the right time, and preach when prompted. What is a step of obedience God has in front of you this month?

Reading Plan


Acts 1

Acts 2

Acts 3

Acts 4

Acts 5

Acts 6

Acts 7

Do the following with each passage:

ASK– God to connect with you here. In prayer, start by slowing down and inviting God to be present. Begin with focus and openness to see what God has for you today.

READ– the selected section of Scripture slowly. Take note of the words and phrases that intrigue you, reading them a second time if necessary.

REFLECT– on what grabs you. How does this passage personally relate to your own life and experiences?

RESPOND– to the Scripture. Speak directly to God about what’s on your mind and heart. Look for ways to live out what you’ve uncovered.




• The Book of Acts carries its name for a reason. It’s all about action.

• Every page is packed with power and adventure.

• Acts, written by Luke, continues the story of the Church’s expansion after Christ, from its humble beginnings in Jerusalem to the rapid spread of the gospel throughout the Roman Empire.

• Acts is action-packed, character-driven, and rapidly moving.

This sort of storytelling makes me think of comics. It’s a literary universe where the stories never grow stale.

• The characters keep the story fresh.

• The action keeps the story exciting.

• The overall story moves quickly.

• That’s why you cannot go to a movie theater without seeing at least one poster for a film based on a comic book.

• These movies are magnets. They draw people in and keep them coming back.

ILLUSTRATION: Discuss Comic “Universes”

• There are so many characters and storylines that comic companies have “universes.” A universe is a fancy word for the fictional world crafted by a studio.

• Think of it like a big, make-believe world where superheroes and villains live, shop, and fight.

• Did you know there are thousands of characters in the Marvel universe alone?

• It’s not just Hulk, Iron Man, and Black Widow. There are over 2,000 others.


• Luke wants to introduce you to the characters who made up the action-packed adventure known as the Church.

• For this reason, Acts reads a lot like an action-packed comic without the pictures. New characters are introduced often.

• Power is impossible to miss.

• The action jumps off the page. It’s mesmerizing.

• While comics are captivating, they are fake. However, the Book of Acts is not a work of fiction; it’s a work of investigation.

• Luke meticulously documented the story of the Church’s advance.

• Here is the cool thing, though. The action that started in Jerusalem is still going on all over the world.

• From Jamaica to Jakarta to Jerusalem, the Church continues to grow a few millennia later.

• With so much expansion, we need action. That’s why Luke is here to recruit you.

• Let’s take a look at the story of Pentecost to learn two character traits of Kingdom recruits.


Trait #1 of Kingdom Recruits: They Are Obedient

• The story of Pentecost unfolds like the opening of a comic—the moment you can tell something special is about to happen with these seemingly unassuming characters.

• A mighty rushing wind filled the entire house where the disciples were gathered. Then, apparitions of fire appeared over their heads as if they were being controlled by an invisible puppeteer.

• At that moment, the Holy Spirit descended upon them.

• As they stepped into the streets of Jerusalem, their voices cut through the massive crowd that had gathered for a religious festival. Miraculously, the words they spoke were understood by all who heard them.

• It did not matter if they were from Ethiopia, Rome, Samaria, or South Dakota: they could hear the sermon in their native language.

• People panicked. Then, a confident man stood up, cleared his throat, calmed the crowd, and delivered a universe-shifting message.

• Who took the stage? It was none other than Peter. I am sure the disciples and even members of the audience gasped when they saw his face. Why? Because Peter had a reputation among the close followers of Jesus.

• Just a few months earlier, he had publicly denied Jesus on the eve of his death and then fled from the crowd (Luke 22:54-62).

• While Jesus was in the most vulnerable position of His life, Peter pretended he didn’t know Him and fled into the darkness of night.

• Look at him now! Peter, the impulsive and flawed follower, was standing at the center of this extraordinary scene.

• He was boldly proclaiming the message of the same man he had turned his back on. His convicted eyes swept across the sea of faces as he recounted the story of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection.

• Then, thousands of people turned their lives over to Jesus.

• Here Peter was preaching the first evangelistic sermon since Jesus moved out of town and into heaven. This is proof of Peter’s obedience.

• What if he never went to Jerusalem? What if he threw in the towel?

• Nobody would have blamed him, but his obedience set up an amazing outcome. The crowd started out confused and ended in clarity.

• Masses met Jesus and were filled with the Holy Spirit.

• Can you imagine what would have happened if Peter never stepped out in obedience?

• Imagine how much he would have missed out on.

• Just like Peter, we can find the strength to overcome our fears, face our challenges, and step out in obedience.

• Be like Peter. Be obedient. The Holy Spirit will do the rest.

Trait #2 of Kingdom Recruits: They Are Overcome by the Holy Spirit

• Not a single one of those disciples could take credit for what unfolded.

• People heard the disciples’ words in their native tongue.

• Supernatural fire figures danced over the disciples’ heads.

• Thousands came to faith in a man who was publicly executed.

• Every moment was miraculous, which proved the Holy Spirit’s power was all over Pentecost.

• The disciples knew they had to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit if they were going to make any progress.

• They were preaching an illegal message that also seemed illogical.

• Peter preached that a man from the past came back from death, and now he could change people’s lives in the present.

• People believed it and were changed. The only logical explanation was that this was from a Higher Power.

• The Spirit triggered the expansion of the Church.

• You cannot do anything significant for Christ without the Spirit. It’s not just major events, either.

• You need the Holy Spirit to guide you in your friendships.

• You need the Holy Spirit to help you in your daily decisions.

• You need the Holy Spirit to go with you to school, work, and even the grocery store.

• The Spirit strengthens you for every moment—both big and small.



• As the believers departed from Pentecost, they carried a renewed sense of boldness that led to supernatural outcomes, thanks to their obedience.

• That is how our part in God’s plan tends to work. We step out in obedience, and God does the rest.

• Look at the disciples.

• They knew they had been directly commissioned to spread the gospel wherever they went. They had no control over how people would react, but they just obeyed.

• God used their submission to accomplish his mission.

• The same is true for you. God uses your submission to accomplish his mission. So, let's all take action now.

Small Group


Go through these questions with your circle. Be honest. Be open. Talk through the tough stuff.

Ice Breaker:

Go around your circle and share this week’s highs and lows. What was the best part of your week and the lowest part of your week?

If you could have any superpower, which would you select? Why?

What’s one thing that stood out to you from today’s message?

What do you think Luke’s purpose for writing Acts was? How does the message of Acts connect with today’s believers?

What kind of emotions did Peter have to overcome before stepping up on that platform on Pentecost? Do you think it was difficult for him to step out in obedience like this?

The study highlights two character traits of Kingdom recruits: obedience to Jesus and being overcome by the Holy Spirit. Can you think of a time in your life when obedience to Jesus led to a significant change or outcome?

Application: Obedience plays a big role in the early Church. They had to go to Jerusalem, wait for the right time, and preach when prompted. What is a step of obedience God has in front of you this month?

Reading Plan


Acts 1

Acts 2

Acts 3

Acts 4

Acts 5

Acts 6

Acts 7

Do the following with each passage:

ASK– God to connect with you here. In prayer, start by slowing down and inviting God to be present. Begin with focus and openness to see what God has for you today.

READ– the selected section of Scripture slowly. Take note of the words and phrases that intrigue you, reading them a second time if necessary.

REFLECT– on what grabs you. How does this passage personally relate to your own life and experiences?

RESPOND– to the Scripture. Speak directly to God about what’s on your mind and heart. Look for ways to live out what you’ve uncovered.