The Book of Acts: An Action Packed Account Of The Church

The Book of Acts: An Action Packed Account Of The Church


The Book of Acts is a powerful narrative of action, courage, and faith that fueled the early Church's growth from Jerusalem to the entire Roman Empire. Through the miraculous events of Pentecost, we see essential traits of Kingdom recruits, while Stephen’s bold defense teaches resilience in life’s toughest battles. Paul’s journey with close companions like Silas highlights the unifying power of praise and worship, revealing that these acts were foundational to the Church’s expansion. Together, these stories offer timeless lessons on faith, community, and the unstoppable spread of the gospel.

Lesson 1
Lesson 1


The Book of Acts carries its name for a reason. It’s all about action. Every page is packed with power and adventure. Acts, written by Luke, continues the story of the Church’s expansion after Christ, from its humble beginnings in Jerusalem to the rapid spread of the gospel throughout the Roman Empire. Here is the cool thing, though. The action that started in Jerusalem is still going on all over the world. Let’s take a look at the story of Pentecost to learn two character traits of Kingdom recruits.