Remember Jesus

In this session, we start with personal sharing and prayer, reflecting on recent experiences. Then, in small groups, we discuss last week's lesson and this week's readings, focusing on application and insights. Inspired by Luke 22:19-20, we pray for those who don't know Jesus. Exploring the Rhythm (Luke 22:19-20) and the Last Supper story (Luke 22:7-20), we note God's provision and our response. We set action steps, commit to obedience, and plan to share our testimony soon. Homework includes reflection, Bible readings, and journaling to prepare us for further growth.
Start Lesson
Remember Jesus




Following Jesus Together is a resource supported by Ridge Christian in Broken Arrow, OK. In addition to offering a simple and free small group starter curriculum, this resource serves as a primer for local and global Disciple Making and Church Planting Movements. If you're interested in learning how to implement these principles in your church or community, we'd love to assist or connect you with others who can help. Feel free to reach out to us at

Small Group Instructions


Have one participant share their three to five minute story. Then, ask - What was something you were thankful for or discouraged by since we last met? (pray for one another)

Check In

Split into groups of two to three and ask one another these two questions:

How did you apply the lesson from last week?

What is one take away from this week’s reading homework?


 In your same groups of two or three, think of at least one person who doesn’t know Jesus. Spend a few minutes praying for these people.


Read about the Rhythm

Read the story (Luke 22:7-20) two times and retell the story from memory as a group.


What do we observe about God?

What do we observe about people?

Is there a sin to avoid or a promise to claim?

What examples are there to follow in the passage?

What commands are there to put into practice in the passage?

Observe More (Optional):

What is the Lord’s Supper?

 Bread and cup representing Jesus’ body and blood.

Why do we eat the Lord’s Supper? 

His body was broken and His blood was spilt.

How do we receive the Lord’s Supper?

We must examine ourselves, confess our sins to God and remember Jesus died to give us forgiveness.

Who should receive the Lord’s Supper?

Baptized disciples devoted to Jesus.


What is something we should do in response to this passage? Think of a tangible action step.


Split into groups of two to three and ask one another these questions: How do you think God wants you to respond to this lesson?

What tangible goal will you set for this week to put this into practice?

Who is someone with whom you might be able to share this truth? (Write down your plan in your participant workbook. At our next gathering, we will take time to celebrate what God did in our lives as we put this passage into practice.)


Practice retelling the story together one more time.


Pray we will be faithful to what God has told us to do!


Put your plan into action this week. Complete Bible readings and journal for this week. Plan to share your three to five minute testimony within the coming weeks if you have not already.

Remember Jesus Instructions


Have one participant share their three to five minute story. Then, ask - What was something you were thankful for or discouraged by since we last met? (pray for one another)

Check In

Split into groups of two to three and ask one another these two questions:

How did you apply the lesson from last week?

What is one take away from this week’s reading homework?


 In your same groups of two or three, think of at least one person who doesn’t know Jesus. Spend a few minutes praying for these people.


Read about the Rhythm

Read the story (Luke 22:7-20) two times and retell the story from memory as a group.


What do we observe about God?

What do we observe about people?

Is there a sin to avoid or a promise to claim?

What examples are there to follow in the passage?

What commands are there to put into practice in the passage?

Observe More (Optional):

What is the Lord’s Supper?

 Bread and cup representing Jesus’ body and blood.

Why do we eat the Lord’s Supper? 

His body was broken and His blood was spilt.

How do we receive the Lord’s Supper?

We must examine ourselves, confess our sins to God and remember Jesus died to give us forgiveness.

Who should receive the Lord’s Supper?

Baptized disciples devoted to Jesus.


What is something we should do in response to this passage? Think of a tangible action step.


Split into groups of two to three and ask one another these questions: How do you think God wants you to respond to this lesson?

What tangible goal will you set for this week to put this into practice?

Who is someone with whom you might be able to share this truth? (Write down your plan in your participant workbook. At our next gathering, we will take time to celebrate what God did in our lives as we put this passage into practice.)


Practice retelling the story together one more time.


Pray we will be faithful to what God has told us to do!


Put your plan into action this week. Complete Bible readings and journal for this week. Plan to share your three to five minute testimony within the coming weeks if you have not already.