I Will Praise God



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: Tell me about the best thing your parents did for you this week.

Welcome Prep: Prior to service, use the boxes to create two tall towers (at least taller than the kids). The kids playing the game will compete, using the water balloon slingshot and bean bags to try to knock down their tower first. Each team will consist of three kids. 1’x1’ cardboard boxes work best, but you can substitute any boxes you might have on hand.

Engage 2 Prep: For the experiment, prepare a 12:1 ratio of vinegar to baking soda and adjust the amount based on the size of the jar.

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Cardboard Boxes (1’ x 1’), Water Balloon Slingshot, Bean Bags Or Plastic Ball

The Host and Co-Host enter, wearing lab coats.


Welcome to the Lab! Are you guys ready for a game?


On your mark, get set, go!

Play optional game music as game starts.


These teams are competing to see which team knocks down their tower first.

Play the game. If the teams have trouble knocking them down completely, adjust the measure of victory to whoever has knocked down the most when you call time.


Congrats to our winners! Wow, if I knocked down something that tall with just a slingshot, I’d be tempted to tell everyone what I did.


Me, too. Today we’re going to meet a guy who used a slingshot to take on a giant, but he didn’t brag on himself. Pay attention to discover who got the credit for that battle. Let’s check in at the lab but first, tell someone nearby the name of the tallest person you know.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Have you ever been part of a group at school, but one kid took the credit for doing all the work? How did that make you feel?


Do you think that Rusty is being fair to his bandmates? No, he’s not. He’s making it all about himself. That attitude is the opposite of how the Bible teaches us to act.


Let’s check out our Big Point to find out what the Bible says. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, we need you to read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, I Will Praise God! The Bible teaches us that we aren’t supposed to hog the credit for ourselves. Instead, we should spend our time praising God.


It might sound like we’re saying you should spend most of your time singing, but singing is only part of praising. It’s great to sing praise songs, but you can worship God in lots of different ways.


Praise is all about thanking God for who He is and what He has done. It’s acknowledging that God is responsible for the good things in our lives. Can someone tell me about the best meal you’ve ever eaten at a restaurant?

Interview a kid.


Can (Child’s name) take the credit for that meal? Probably not, who cooked that meal? (Allow for answers) Can that person take all the credit for that meal?


Who else had a part in making that meal a reality?

Interview more kids. Talk about the different people responsible, from the cook to the restaurant owner, to the people responsible for the electricity, to the people who made the cooking utensils, to the people who built the building, to the truck drivers who drove the trucks, to the farmers, etc.


Wow, there are lots of people involved in getting one meal to your plate.


Ultimately, all that work and effort goes back to God. He created the world, the sun and the rain, without which the plants couldn’t grow, and the animals couldn’t eat. He gave all those people the strength and intelligence to do their jobs. He blessed his/her family with the money to buy that meal.


God is just as responsible for all the other good things that happen to us. The wise choice is to give God the praise first and always thank Him for His help. Let’s see if Rusty can stop making it all about himself.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Baking Soda, Vinegar, Glass Jar (3), Pan, Table

Host and Co-Host enter.


If Rusty was in your band, would you be ready to kick him out?


I definitely would. He’s acting like it’s all about him, but the worst part is that he doesn’t see how God is the One who deserves the most praise. We can be different. Let’s say our Big Point,


I Will Praise God!


Herman shared a Big Verse that helps us understand our Big Point. Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


Please read the verse after we count down from three.


Psalm 9:1 (NIrV) says, “Lord, I will give thanks to You with all my heart. I will tell about all the wonderful things You have done.” Have you ever received a gift and forgotten to say, “Thank you?”


I have, and that is not a good feeling. Has that ever happened to any of y’all?

Ask a few kids to answer.


Saying, “Thank you,” lets others know that you are grateful. Real gratitude is something that starts in your heart and just explodes out of your mouth. If you’re not really thankful, then you might forget to say it.


If you are thankful for God’s help, then in your heart and with your words, you just can’t help but say it. That’s what we call praise. It’s like this experiment. Let’s choose an assistant to help us.

Choose an assistant to help. Bring the kid to the table which displays the ingredients for the experiment.


This is a classic experiment. I need our assistant to pour the baking soda into the glass jar. (Dump the baking soda) Now let’s see what happens when we add the vinegar. (Pour the vinegar) Look at that reaction!


It explodes out of the jar. That’s what our praise should be like. It begins on the inside with our attitude of thankfulness for all God has done for us and our love for God. Those attitudes explode out in praise and worship as we tell what we feel and think about God. That’s what we can do right now. Let’s worship our good God.

Big StoryMaterials: If done live, Sling, Bag, River Rocks (5), 1’x1’ Boxes (20)

Optional play soft instrumental music.


Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. Think of one great thing that’s happened in your life, a big win. Picture that win and think about how God helped you. Then we’ll take a moment at our seats to thank God for His help. We can always praise Him for being so good, wise, and strong. Let’s do that now. (Pause) I’m going to pray for us all and thank Him. (Pray) Let’s stand, sing, and give praise to our great God.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


It’s a good thing that Rusty figured out that he didn’t do everything by himself. He finally gave others the credit for helping him win.


That’s what David did after his fight with Goliath. David knew that God had made his victory possible. David wasn’t hesitant to worship God. That’s the kind of attitude we should have every day. Let’s say our Big Point,


I Will Praise God!


That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.


Take some time as a family to worship God by reading a Psalm from the Bible. After you read it, talk about how the Psalm or song teaches us to praise God.


In the Bible, worship was often something people did while bowing. Do you know why? Bowing shows respect to God and displays that you believe God is the only real God and leader.


When David praised God, he often listed the reasons why God should receive our praise. Let’s see if we can list at least 10 different reasons why we praise God. If you can reach 15 reasons, then your whole group will receive a special reward.

Interview some kids and allow them to suggest answers. Only count different answers. Include some adult volunteers if kids have trouble. If they make the goal (15), then give the entire group candy during pickup.


You guys did it! Praising God isn’t about making God feel good about Himself. Praise and worship actually bless us. Since you found ways to praise God, we’re going to bless you with (Reward) as you leave today. But first let’s turn and connect with our Small Groups and talk about loving God.

Small Group

Gather the kids into Small Groups and discuss the following.

  • Why was it a problem when Rusty tried to take all the credit? He wasn’t the only one responsible for the win. Why is it a problem to hog all the credit and not praise God? It’s not truthful since our blessings come from God. It also shows a lack of humility and makes us feel like we are the most important. Praise reminds us that God is our Leader and helps us remain grateful.

  • Why did David praise God after he defeated the giant? David recognized that God gave him the victory over Goliath. He knew that without God’s help he would have lost. David wanted God to get the credit and praise.

  • Our Big Verse reminds us to talk about the good things God has done. Share one good thing God has done for you this week.

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Read a Psalm and talk with your family about how the Psalm teaches us to praise God

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says I Will Praise _______!

    • God

    • Myself

  • Who tried to take all the credit for the band’s win at the Lab?

    • Ethel

    • Rusty

  • Who chose to stand up and fight the giant?

    • David

    • Saul

  • What was the giant’s name?

    • Gilead

    • Goliath

  • Name one reason why we can praise God.

  • Psalm 9:1 (NIrV), “Lord, I will give thanks to You with all my heart. I will ____ about all the wonderful things You have done.”

    • Forget

    • Tell

  • Name some ways we can praise God.

  • David took all the credit for defeating Goliath.

    • True

    • False

  • The name of the book where David wrote songs to praise God is called “Psalms.”

    • True

    • False

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Read a Psalm and talk with your family about how the Psalm teaches us to praise God

I Will Praise God Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: Tell me about the best thing your parents did for you this week.

Welcome Prep: Prior to service, use the boxes to create two tall towers (at least taller than the kids). The kids playing the game will compete, using the water balloon slingshot and bean bags to try to knock down their tower first. Each team will consist of three kids. 1’x1’ cardboard boxes work best, but you can substitute any boxes you might have on hand.

Engage 2 Prep: For the experiment, prepare a 12:1 ratio of vinegar to baking soda and adjust the amount based on the size of the jar.

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Cardboard Boxes (1’ x 1’), Water Balloon Slingshot, Bean Bags Or Plastic Ball

The Host and Co-Host enter, wearing lab coats.


Welcome to the Lab! Are you guys ready for a game?


On your mark, get set, go!

Play optional game music as game starts.


These teams are competing to see which team knocks down their tower first.

Play the game. If the teams have trouble knocking them down completely, adjust the measure of victory to whoever has knocked down the most when you call time.


Congrats to our winners! Wow, if I knocked down something that tall with just a slingshot, I’d be tempted to tell everyone what I did.


Me, too. Today we’re going to meet a guy who used a slingshot to take on a giant, but he didn’t brag on himself. Pay attention to discover who got the credit for that battle. Let’s check in at the lab but first, tell someone nearby the name of the tallest person you know.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Have you ever been part of a group at school, but one kid took the credit for doing all the work? How did that make you feel?


Do you think that Rusty is being fair to his bandmates? No, he’s not. He’s making it all about himself. That attitude is the opposite of how the Bible teaches us to act.


Let’s check out our Big Point to find out what the Bible says. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, we need you to read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, I Will Praise God! The Bible teaches us that we aren’t supposed to hog the credit for ourselves. Instead, we should spend our time praising God.


It might sound like we’re saying you should spend most of your time singing, but singing is only part of praising. It’s great to sing praise songs, but you can worship God in lots of different ways.


Praise is all about thanking God for who He is and what He has done. It’s acknowledging that God is responsible for the good things in our lives. Can someone tell me about the best meal you’ve ever eaten at a restaurant?

Interview a kid.


Can (Child’s name) take the credit for that meal? Probably not, who cooked that meal? (Allow for answers) Can that person take all the credit for that meal?


Who else had a part in making that meal a reality?

Interview more kids. Talk about the different people responsible, from the cook to the restaurant owner, to the people responsible for the electricity, to the people who made the cooking utensils, to the people who built the building, to the truck drivers who drove the trucks, to the farmers, etc.


Wow, there are lots of people involved in getting one meal to your plate.


Ultimately, all that work and effort goes back to God. He created the world, the sun and the rain, without which the plants couldn’t grow, and the animals couldn’t eat. He gave all those people the strength and intelligence to do their jobs. He blessed his/her family with the money to buy that meal.


God is just as responsible for all the other good things that happen to us. The wise choice is to give God the praise first and always thank Him for His help. Let’s see if Rusty can stop making it all about himself.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Baking Soda, Vinegar, Glass Jar (3), Pan, Table

Host and Co-Host enter.


If Rusty was in your band, would you be ready to kick him out?


I definitely would. He’s acting like it’s all about him, but the worst part is that he doesn’t see how God is the One who deserves the most praise. We can be different. Let’s say our Big Point,


I Will Praise God!


Herman shared a Big Verse that helps us understand our Big Point. Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


Please read the verse after we count down from three.


Psalm 9:1 (NIrV) says, “Lord, I will give thanks to You with all my heart. I will tell about all the wonderful things You have done.” Have you ever received a gift and forgotten to say, “Thank you?”


I have, and that is not a good feeling. Has that ever happened to any of y’all?

Ask a few kids to answer.


Saying, “Thank you,” lets others know that you are grateful. Real gratitude is something that starts in your heart and just explodes out of your mouth. If you’re not really thankful, then you might forget to say it.


If you are thankful for God’s help, then in your heart and with your words, you just can’t help but say it. That’s what we call praise. It’s like this experiment. Let’s choose an assistant to help us.

Choose an assistant to help. Bring the kid to the table which displays the ingredients for the experiment.


This is a classic experiment. I need our assistant to pour the baking soda into the glass jar. (Dump the baking soda) Now let’s see what happens when we add the vinegar. (Pour the vinegar) Look at that reaction!


It explodes out of the jar. That’s what our praise should be like. It begins on the inside with our attitude of thankfulness for all God has done for us and our love for God. Those attitudes explode out in praise and worship as we tell what we feel and think about God. That’s what we can do right now. Let’s worship our good God.

Big StoryMaterials: If done live, Sling, Bag, River Rocks (5), 1’x1’ Boxes (20)

Optional play soft instrumental music.


Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. Think of one great thing that’s happened in your life, a big win. Picture that win and think about how God helped you. Then we’ll take a moment at our seats to thank God for His help. We can always praise Him for being so good, wise, and strong. Let’s do that now. (Pause) I’m going to pray for us all and thank Him. (Pray) Let’s stand, sing, and give praise to our great God.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


It’s a good thing that Rusty figured out that he didn’t do everything by himself. He finally gave others the credit for helping him win.


That’s what David did after his fight with Goliath. David knew that God had made his victory possible. David wasn’t hesitant to worship God. That’s the kind of attitude we should have every day. Let’s say our Big Point,


I Will Praise God!


That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.


Take some time as a family to worship God by reading a Psalm from the Bible. After you read it, talk about how the Psalm or song teaches us to praise God.


In the Bible, worship was often something people did while bowing. Do you know why? Bowing shows respect to God and displays that you believe God is the only real God and leader.


When David praised God, he often listed the reasons why God should receive our praise. Let’s see if we can list at least 10 different reasons why we praise God. If you can reach 15 reasons, then your whole group will receive a special reward.

Interview some kids and allow them to suggest answers. Only count different answers. Include some adult volunteers if kids have trouble. If they make the goal (15), then give the entire group candy during pickup.


You guys did it! Praising God isn’t about making God feel good about Himself. Praise and worship actually bless us. Since you found ways to praise God, we’re going to bless you with (Reward) as you leave today. But first let’s turn and connect with our Small Groups and talk about loving God.

Small Group

Gather the kids into Small Groups and discuss the following.

  • Why was it a problem when Rusty tried to take all the credit? He wasn’t the only one responsible for the win. Why is it a problem to hog all the credit and not praise God? It’s not truthful since our blessings come from God. It also shows a lack of humility and makes us feel like we are the most important. Praise reminds us that God is our Leader and helps us remain grateful.

  • Why did David praise God after he defeated the giant? David recognized that God gave him the victory over Goliath. He knew that without God’s help he would have lost. David wanted God to get the credit and praise.

  • Our Big Verse reminds us to talk about the good things God has done. Share one good thing God has done for you this week.

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Read a Psalm and talk with your family about how the Psalm teaches us to praise God

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says I Will Praise _______!

    • God

    • Myself

  • Who tried to take all the credit for the band’s win at the Lab?

    • Ethel

    • Rusty

  • Who chose to stand up and fight the giant?

    • David

    • Saul

  • What was the giant’s name?

    • Gilead

    • Goliath

  • Name one reason why we can praise God.

  • Psalm 9:1 (NIrV), “Lord, I will give thanks to You with all my heart. I will ____ about all the wonderful things You have done.”

    • Forget

    • Tell

  • Name some ways we can praise God.

  • David took all the credit for defeating Goliath.

    • True

    • False

  • The name of the book where David wrote songs to praise God is called “Psalms.”

    • True

    • False

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Read a Psalm and talk with your family about how the Psalm teaches us to praise God