I Praise God Because He Keeps His Promises



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: If your parents promise to take you to get ice cream, how long would you wait before you remind them of their promise?

Welcome Prep: Set up the game prior to service. Use a table if necessary. The point of the game is to demonstrate what happens when a foundation is shaky. That’s the opposite of what we find with God.

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Cardboard Boxes, Jenga, Table

The Host and Co-Host enter, wearing lab coats.


Welcome to the Lab! Let’s begin today with a game.


In this game, these kids will take turns removing a block from the tower, making it a bit shakier each time. If the tower falls on your turn, then your team loses.

Play optional game music. Play the game until the tower falls.


That game was intense. Each time they removed blocks from the bottom, the tower got more and more wobbly. Every building needs a solid foundation, so it doesn’t fall.


Every promise is built on a foundation, too. That foundation is a person’s character. Who the person is determines if you can believe them.


Today we will hear David’s story, from the Bible. He trusted Someone with all his heart, and then praised Him. Let’s what's going on with Herman and Rusty today but first, tell someone nearby what kind of building you would design or build if you were an architect.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), Balance Pods (6)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Alex seems worried about whether his band director will keep her promise.


Have you ever had someone make a promise, but you worried that he or she wouldn’t keep it? Would someone like to share what you were promised?

Interview a kid.


Let’s check out our Big Point and find out what the Bible says about promises. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, it is your job to read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, I Praise God Because He Keeps His Promises! One of the big reasons why we praise God is because of all of the promises that He has kept.


Not only for this, but we also praise God because we believe that He will keep the promises we’re still waiting to receive.


Praising God for what He’s already done is a great way to build your faith because it reminds us why we trust God.


The challenge is that while we wait on a promise, we often get nervous. Let’s bring up a volunteer to help us.

Choose a child to help.


I’d like for you to stand on this one balance pod. It’s not very big, so you’ll have to work at standing. This is how we feel sometimes when we’re waiting on a promise. We feel a little shaky. Sometimes we’re only given one piece of God’s big plan. We have to wait for God to show us the next part.


While you’re waiting, there can be a temptation to quit. Maybe you wonder if God has forgotten. Praise and worship help remind us that God doesn’t forget. It’s a great way to keep steady when you feel nervous.

The Co-Host allows the child to use his or her arm to balance. The Host places a new pod down after the child steps onto the next pod. Use as few or as many as you like.


Each time God shows you the next part of His great big plan, you can take a step of faith and follow it. All the while, keep praising God for what He’s done and what He’s going to do.


That praise keeps you on track with God. Let’s see if Alex found out about his promotion at practice.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Alex seemed ready to take his band by force. Would that have been a good idea?


I think it would create more problems. The same happens when we try to jump ahead of God. It’s better to remember our Big Point,


I Praise God Because He Keeps His Promises!


Herman shared a Big Verse that helps us understand our Big Point. Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, you get to read the verse.


Psalm 145:13 (NIrV) says, “The Lord will keep all His promises. He is faithful in everything He does.” King David wrote that, and he had a lot of experience with God’s promises.


Faithfulness is what helps us trust what God says. Let’s say our friend here is a champion cartwheeler. He/She can do the absolute best cartwheel you’ve ever seen. Do you trust me?

Allow for answers.


Why not? You heard what he/she said. I’m the best. Watch me walk around the stage. Look at me stretch out my legs and arms. That proves it, right? Would you be willing to risk all the money in your piggy bank on my cartwheels?


Is it enough that he/she said he/she can do a cartwheel and walked around? What more do you need to see? (Pause) Yes, you need to see a cartwheel! Why?

Have the Co-Host make a terrible attempt at a cartwheel. If the Host or Co-Host is not able to physically do a cartwheel, then feel free to sub a different volunteer for this segment instead of the Co-Host.


You were right. I’m not a world class cartwheel specialist. If I told you I was, and then backed it up with that move, then I wouldn’t be a faithful person. God is different.


Everything that God promises is based on the fact that He has kept His promises in the past. He can and will do everything He says. You can read the stories of all the people He has helped. You can even talk to people here whom God has helped. Every time that God backs up His word, He proves He is faithful. That’s why we can trust His promises. It’s also why we keep praising Him. Let’s stand and do that now.

Big Story

Play optional soft instrumental music.

Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. Other people may have let you down. They might have promised one thing and done another. I want you to know that God won’t do that. He will always keep His promises. Maybe you’re going through a tough time. You may have some big challenges facing you. God can help you. We have some Connectors here who would love to pray with you about whatever is going on. We trust that what God says in His Word for us will come true. So come down and find a person to pray with.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Sumo Ball (2), Rope or Mat

Host and Co-Host enter.


I’m glad that Alex waited. He got the promotion his band director promised to give him.


He was like David. David was promised the crown of Israel. He could have taken it for himself that night while Saul was sleeping, but he didn’t. He trusted God’s plan and kept praising God. Let’s say our Big Point,


I Praise God Because He Keeps His Promises!


That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.


Play “King of the Couch” with your family. See if you can knock everyone else off the couch and be the king. Then, tell your family how David waited for God to make him king.


Let’s play a version of that game right now. We’re going to see who is king of the stage. We have two bopper balls. Each kid will wear one and try to push their opponent out of the circle. Let’s play!

Play the game for as many rounds as time allows. Create a circle with a mat or piece of carpet. You can also use rope, tape, or cones to create a boundary. Have each kid wear an inflatable sumo ball. If you don’t have these, then you could use inflatable boppers or inflatable boxing gloves to push each other.


After you play the game at home, be sure to explain how David waited for God’s promise to become the king. Tell your parents about David finding Saul sleeping and the wise choice that David made. Let’s turn and connect with our Small Groups and talk about loving God.

Small Group

Gather the kids into Small Groups and discuss the following.

  • Why was Alex worried at Herman’s Lab today? He thought his band director had forgotten her promise to him Have you ever felt like Alex because you were worried someone forgot a promise to you? Why? How do we know God won’t forget a promise? God has been faithful to keep His promises in the past, which gives us confidence now. God doesn’t lie.

  • What would you have done if you were David spying King Saul sleeping? Why was it a good choice for David not to hurt the king? David allowed God to get everything ready for him to become king. Had he jumped too soon, he might have caused bigger problems. Killing Saul would have made David look like an evil murderer and not someone who honored God.

  • What is one thing about God you can remember while you wait for His promises?

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Play King of the Couch and talk about how David waited for God to make him king

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says I Praise God Because He ______ His Promises!

    • Keeps

    • Forgets

  • Who was king while David was young?

    • Saul

    • Samuel

  • Saul was kind to David.

    • True

    • False

  • What is something God has done for you?

  • How does praising God help you wait for God’s promise?

  • Psalm 145:13 (NIrV), “The Lord will keep all His promises. He is _______ in everything He does.”

    • Faithful

    • Forgetful

  • Why was it wiser for David to wait for God’s promise than to kill King Saul in the tent?

  • What eventually happened to David?

    • He became king

    • Saul captured him

  • We can praise God before and after God’s promise is complete.

    • True

    • False

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Play King of the Couch. Try to knock everyone else off and become king

I Praise God Because He Keeps His Promises Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: If your parents promise to take you to get ice cream, how long would you wait before you remind them of their promise?

Welcome Prep: Set up the game prior to service. Use a table if necessary. The point of the game is to demonstrate what happens when a foundation is shaky. That’s the opposite of what we find with God.

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Cardboard Boxes, Jenga, Table

The Host and Co-Host enter, wearing lab coats.


Welcome to the Lab! Let’s begin today with a game.


In this game, these kids will take turns removing a block from the tower, making it a bit shakier each time. If the tower falls on your turn, then your team loses.

Play optional game music. Play the game until the tower falls.


That game was intense. Each time they removed blocks from the bottom, the tower got more and more wobbly. Every building needs a solid foundation, so it doesn’t fall.


Every promise is built on a foundation, too. That foundation is a person’s character. Who the person is determines if you can believe them.


Today we will hear David’s story, from the Bible. He trusted Someone with all his heart, and then praised Him. Let’s what's going on with Herman and Rusty today but first, tell someone nearby what kind of building you would design or build if you were an architect.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), Balance Pods (6)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Alex seems worried about whether his band director will keep her promise.


Have you ever had someone make a promise, but you worried that he or she wouldn’t keep it? Would someone like to share what you were promised?

Interview a kid.


Let’s check out our Big Point and find out what the Bible says about promises. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, it is your job to read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, I Praise God Because He Keeps His Promises! One of the big reasons why we praise God is because of all of the promises that He has kept.


Not only for this, but we also praise God because we believe that He will keep the promises we’re still waiting to receive.


Praising God for what He’s already done is a great way to build your faith because it reminds us why we trust God.


The challenge is that while we wait on a promise, we often get nervous. Let’s bring up a volunteer to help us.

Choose a child to help.


I’d like for you to stand on this one balance pod. It’s not very big, so you’ll have to work at standing. This is how we feel sometimes when we’re waiting on a promise. We feel a little shaky. Sometimes we’re only given one piece of God’s big plan. We have to wait for God to show us the next part.


While you’re waiting, there can be a temptation to quit. Maybe you wonder if God has forgotten. Praise and worship help remind us that God doesn’t forget. It’s a great way to keep steady when you feel nervous.

The Co-Host allows the child to use his or her arm to balance. The Host places a new pod down after the child steps onto the next pod. Use as few or as many as you like.


Each time God shows you the next part of His great big plan, you can take a step of faith and follow it. All the while, keep praising God for what He’s done and what He’s going to do.


That praise keeps you on track with God. Let’s see if Alex found out about his promotion at practice.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Alex seemed ready to take his band by force. Would that have been a good idea?


I think it would create more problems. The same happens when we try to jump ahead of God. It’s better to remember our Big Point,


I Praise God Because He Keeps His Promises!


Herman shared a Big Verse that helps us understand our Big Point. Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three, you get to read the verse.


Psalm 145:13 (NIrV) says, “The Lord will keep all His promises. He is faithful in everything He does.” King David wrote that, and he had a lot of experience with God’s promises.


Faithfulness is what helps us trust what God says. Let’s say our friend here is a champion cartwheeler. He/She can do the absolute best cartwheel you’ve ever seen. Do you trust me?

Allow for answers.


Why not? You heard what he/she said. I’m the best. Watch me walk around the stage. Look at me stretch out my legs and arms. That proves it, right? Would you be willing to risk all the money in your piggy bank on my cartwheels?


Is it enough that he/she said he/she can do a cartwheel and walked around? What more do you need to see? (Pause) Yes, you need to see a cartwheel! Why?

Have the Co-Host make a terrible attempt at a cartwheel. If the Host or Co-Host is not able to physically do a cartwheel, then feel free to sub a different volunteer for this segment instead of the Co-Host.


You were right. I’m not a world class cartwheel specialist. If I told you I was, and then backed it up with that move, then I wouldn’t be a faithful person. God is different.


Everything that God promises is based on the fact that He has kept His promises in the past. He can and will do everything He says. You can read the stories of all the people He has helped. You can even talk to people here whom God has helped. Every time that God backs up His word, He proves He is faithful. That’s why we can trust His promises. It’s also why we keep praising Him. Let’s stand and do that now.

Big Story

Play optional soft instrumental music.

Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. Other people may have let you down. They might have promised one thing and done another. I want you to know that God won’t do that. He will always keep His promises. Maybe you’re going through a tough time. You may have some big challenges facing you. God can help you. We have some Connectors here who would love to pray with you about whatever is going on. We trust that what God says in His Word for us will come true. So come down and find a person to pray with.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Sumo Ball (2), Rope or Mat

Host and Co-Host enter.


I’m glad that Alex waited. He got the promotion his band director promised to give him.


He was like David. David was promised the crown of Israel. He could have taken it for himself that night while Saul was sleeping, but he didn’t. He trusted God’s plan and kept praising God. Let’s say our Big Point,


I Praise God Because He Keeps His Promises!


That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.


Play “King of the Couch” with your family. See if you can knock everyone else off the couch and be the king. Then, tell your family how David waited for God to make him king.


Let’s play a version of that game right now. We’re going to see who is king of the stage. We have two bopper balls. Each kid will wear one and try to push their opponent out of the circle. Let’s play!

Play the game for as many rounds as time allows. Create a circle with a mat or piece of carpet. You can also use rope, tape, or cones to create a boundary. Have each kid wear an inflatable sumo ball. If you don’t have these, then you could use inflatable boppers or inflatable boxing gloves to push each other.


After you play the game at home, be sure to explain how David waited for God’s promise to become the king. Tell your parents about David finding Saul sleeping and the wise choice that David made. Let’s turn and connect with our Small Groups and talk about loving God.

Small Group

Gather the kids into Small Groups and discuss the following.

  • Why was Alex worried at Herman’s Lab today? He thought his band director had forgotten her promise to him Have you ever felt like Alex because you were worried someone forgot a promise to you? Why? How do we know God won’t forget a promise? God has been faithful to keep His promises in the past, which gives us confidence now. God doesn’t lie.

  • What would you have done if you were David spying King Saul sleeping? Why was it a good choice for David not to hurt the king? David allowed God to get everything ready for him to become king. Had he jumped too soon, he might have caused bigger problems. Killing Saul would have made David look like an evil murderer and not someone who honored God.

  • What is one thing about God you can remember while you wait for His promises?

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Play King of the Couch and talk about how David waited for God to make him king

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says I Praise God Because He ______ His Promises!

    • Keeps

    • Forgets

  • Who was king while David was young?

    • Saul

    • Samuel

  • Saul was kind to David.

    • True

    • False

  • What is something God has done for you?

  • How does praising God help you wait for God’s promise?

  • Psalm 145:13 (NIrV), “The Lord will keep all His promises. He is _______ in everything He does.”

    • Faithful

    • Forgetful

  • Why was it wiser for David to wait for God’s promise than to kill King Saul in the tent?

  • What eventually happened to David?

    • He became king

    • Saul captured him

  • We can praise God before and after God’s promise is complete.

    • True

    • False

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Play King of the Couch. Try to knock everyone else off and become king