We All Have Something To Give!

Host and Co-Host enter.
Host Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors! Look at all of the wonderful friends who joined us today.
Co-Host Just in case we don’t know everyone, I think we should all shout our names on the count of three. Would you like to count with me? Ready? 1…2…3! (Shout your name)
Host Oh my, that’s a lot of names. We all have names. Let’s think of something else we all have. Do we all have eyes? Yes. How many do you have? Do we all have noses? Does anyone have three noses? No.
Co-Host What else do we all have?
(Allow for answers and have the kids count or describe it.)
Host Today we’re going to learn about something else we all have, but first let’s stand and everyone, make a loud “Choo-choo!”
Host and Co-Host enter.
Host Why is Engineer Courtney sad? (Pause) Oh, she thinks that she doesn’t have anything to give at the talent show. Is that true?
Co-Host No, our Big Point teaches us something different. Let’s stand and practice the Big Point.
Practice the Big Point and have the kids return to their pockets.
Host We all have something to give. I think we should do a talent show right now. Let’s choose some friends to show us different talents. Our talents will look different. Some people can dance, sing, jump, count, or play an instrument.
Co-Host When we choose some to show their talent, let’s clap for them to thank them for sharing it with us.
Choose kids to perform different talents. To encourage participation, ask the kids who can jump high, count to ten, or sing loudly. Then, choose that kid to perform. Use a variety of “talents” to show that there are a multitude of gifts. Have the Host and Co-Host perform a talent first to make everyone more comfortable with sharing.
Host Great job! Look at all of the wonderful things you can do. Everyone has something that they can give. It’s okay if that gift looks different.
Co-Host God uses all kinds of gifts as part of His big plan. Let’s see if Engineer Courtney will find her talent.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Host Is Chef Bananas baking a big cake? (Pause) He is baking a really big cake.
Co-Host Elmer has a very smart dog. Can you tell me what a doggie says? (Pause) That’s right; a doggie says, “Ruff, ruff!” We can say a lot more than “ruff, ruff.” We can say the Big Point. Let’s stand and say the Big Point right now.
Co-Host We All Have Something To Give!
Host To understand our Big Point better, let’s read the Big Verse from the Bible. The Bible teaches us what is true, and it helps us.
Host 1 Peter 4:10 (NIrV) says, “Each of you has received a gift in order to serve others.” God has given each of us a gift to share with others. All of our gifts look different, but they are all important.
Co-Host I am going to show you some different parts of the body, and I want you to tell me why each part is important.
Show the slides of the eyes, nose, ears, mouth, hands, and feet. Have the kids point to/show you their eyes, nose, etc. Ask the kids what those parts do and why they are important.
Host If our whole body was one big eye, then we couldn’t eat food. If our whole body was one big foot, could we smell things? (Pause) No. If our whole body was one big hand, could we hear? (Pause) No. Just like we have different parts of our bodies that do important jobs, each of us can give different things. All of those gifts are important, and God loves to use our gifts. Let’s stand and worship God by singing.
Jr. Conductors, we may not know what God wants us to give, but we believe that God will show us what things we can do or share to help others. Let’s pray and ask God what He wants us to give right now. (Pause) I’m proud of you for praying. God loves to help us share with others. I will pray for all of us.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Host What talent did Engineer Courtney share at the talent show? Did you like her magic tricks? What did she say after preforming a trick? Ta-da! Let’s all shout that. Ta-da! \
Co-Host I’m glad that she learned the Big Point. We can practice saying it again.
Co-Host We All Have Something To Give! I want to show you some pictures. You have to tell me if the pictures are the same or different.
Show the pictures and have the kids respond with the answer. Ask them to describe what is the same or what is different about the pictures.
Host Some of us have the same things to give, many of us have different things to share. That’s a good thing because our different gifts and talents help lots of different people.
Co-Host God uses us all to help in His big plan. Let’s say the Big Point again,
Co-Host We All Have Something To Give!
Let’s Practice our Big Point again. Hmm, did our Big Point say We All Have Something To Give or We Don’t Have Anything To Give? We All Have Something To Give
Let’s pretend that we are making a puppet talk. Slip your hand inside the puppet and move your hand to make it talk. What is your puppet saying? What did Conductor Carl make for the talent show? Sock puppet Why was Engineer Courtney upset? She didn’t think she could help Is that true? No
Let’s stand and pretend to build something. What should we build together? (Based on the kids’ answers, have them pretend to build an object using different tools.) Let’s stand back and look at our work. Good job. What did God ask the Israelites build? Tabernacle tent Did God use lots of different people? Yes Did everyone have some way to help build the Tabernacle? Yes
Can you show me something that you are good at doing, like dancing or singing or jumping in place? Wow, you are very good. What did Engineer Courtney learn that she could do? Magic tricks What did she say at the end of her trick? Ta-da! Did everyone at the talent show enjoy her magic tricks? Yes
Can you point to your eyes? Look at your friend’s eyes. Does he or she have the same or different color eyes? Can you point to your hair? Does he or she have the same or different color hair? Does God give everyone the same gifts or talents? No Some are the same and some are different. Why is it good that we all have different gifts to share? All of our different gifts help lots of different people / We all work together for God’s Big Plan
Let’s pretend to give a gift to our friend. Who gives good gifts to us so that we can help others? God Let’s review our Big Verse. 1 Peter 4:10 (NIrV), “Each of you has received ______ in order to serve others.” a. A Gift
b. Nothing