Thanks & Giving

Thanks & Giving



This “THANKS + GIVING” series is much more than some good lessons around a holiday theme. These are two principles that have the power to change lives. Gratitude and generosity are not widely prevalent in our society, especially in the life of a child. There is a natural tendency in all of us to get sucked into thinking that life is “all about me.” Helping kids to understand that all that they receive and benefit from in their lives is the result of someone else’s generosity is crucial. Teaching them to take the time to acknowledge that and express gratitude to those people, and to God, is powerful. Once that happens, we find that generosity prompts gratitude and gratitude inspires generosity and the cycle becomes intertwined and contagious. Thankful, giving people stand out…we notice them and want to be like them. So yes, this holiday is the perfect opportunity to teach kids about thanks and giving. It’s a great reminder for us, as well. As we model these traits in our own lives, not only will we reap personal reward, but we also have the opportunity to start a trend and ignite a truth in the hearts and minds of kids that will literally change their lives.

Thanks & Giving Week 1
Thanks & Giving Week 1

Don't Forget To Say Thanks!

Engineer Kelly is in charge of the Train Station Thanksgiving party. She has a lot do and needs a lot of help. Unfortunately, she has forgotten to say two simple words, "Thank You." Hopefully, Conductor Carl can help her remember.