Large Group Instructions
Suggested Optional Music for this lesson:
Soft instrumental music for Big Story
Game music for Engage 3 and Big Review
Optional sound effects for Welcome
- dog, bird, race car, cat, cow, lion
This segment uses sound effects as suggested below.
dog, bird, race car, cat, cow, lion
Host and Co-Host enter dressed in overalls.
Host Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors!
Co-Host Are you good listeners? What part of your body do you use to listen? Do you use your nose? Point to your nose. What about your eye? Point to your eye.
Allow for answers.
Host That’s right; we use our ears to listen. The sound comes into your ears, and your brain, point to your brain, understands what you heard. Let’s listen to some sounds and see if you can guess what you hear.
This activity uses sound effects as suggested below.
dog, bird, race car, cat, cow, lion
Co-Host Some of those sounds were happy sounds, but some made me feel a little nervous and scared. Do you ever feel scared when you hear sounds like a thunderstorm or a creaking door at bedtime?
Host Sometimes things can seem scary, but the good news is that God helps us when we feel scared.
Co-Host Whew! That’s a relief. Let’s listen closely to the Big Point to see what God says about being afraid. Give us a big, “Choo-choo!”
This Engage uses The Pie Face Game. Place whipped cream on the “hand” of the game.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Host Have you ever flown on a plane? Let’s stand up and pretend to fly like an airplane. (Go up high on your toes, left, right, down on your pockets to land) You can sit down. Flying up high can be exciting, but some people find it scary. Let’s listen to our Big Point again and see what it says about feeling afraid,
Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Afraid!
Co-Host Engineer Kelly is scared because she doesn’t know what will happen to Conductor Carl when he’s gone.
Host The not knowing can feel scary. Let’s show you what that means. Have any of you ever played the game “Pie Face?” In this game, you put your face in front of a machine that throws whip cream. One of our engineers (Adult or Teen Volunteer) will show you.
Have the volunteer place their face through the opening and turn the crank until the hand launches whipped cream at them. Amp up the tension as you wait for it to happen.
Co-Host Waiting for the whipped cream to fly made me so nervous.
Host I know! You never knew when it was going to launch. Let’s try that again with one of our Jr. Conductors. (Choose a child volunteer) You get to turn the crank until the hand goes up.
Co-Host Jr. Conductors, make a scared face like this.
Demonstrate a frightened look.
Host Wait just a second before you turn the crank. We’re going to do something a little different this time. I’m going to hold a paper plate in front of you, so you don’t get any whipped cream on you.
Have the child turn the crank until the whipped cream hits the paper plate.
Co-Host I didn’t feel as nervous when I knew that it was going to hit the plate.
Host I’m glad I could be there to help. We can choose peace when we feel scared because God is always here to help. He will help us every time. We don’t have to hold our breath and worry because God is with us. Let’s see if Engineer Kelly learns that.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Co-Host Engineer Kelly and Farmer Faith are scared because they think bad guys will hurt Conductor Carl.
Host I’m glad that Conductor Gordon is there to help them understand how they can have peace. Let’s practice singing the Big Point again,
Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Afraid!
Co-Host Conductor Gordon shared a good verse from the Bible with them.
Co-Host “I give my peace to you…do not be afraid.” Jesus said that to His friends and to us.
Host Have any of you ever spent the night away from your parents? Where did you go? (Allow for answers) Did any of you feel scared about spending the night away from your house?
Co-Host Some kids like to bring something with them to cuddle when they go to sleep. What’s this? (Allow for answers) Yes, it’s a fuzzy blanket. Do you have a special blanket? What color is it? (Pause) Pretend to rub a soft blanket on your nose.
Host Some kids like to bring one of these with them. What is it? (Allow for answers) It’s a stuffed animal. Do you have a favorite stuffed animal? Raise your hand if you’d like to share your stuffed animal’s name. (Select a few kids to share) Pretend to hug and squeeze your fluffy friend.
Co-Host Some kids want their special pillow when they visit another house. (Show the pillow) Pretend to fluff the pillow and lay your head on it. Everyone, snore loudly.
Pretend to snore.
Host What if you forgot your special stuffed animal or blanket? Would you feel nervous about going to sleep without it? You might feel so scared that you want to go home.
Co-Host That’s when our Big Verse is helpful. We might forget our special blanket or teddy bear or pillow, but we can never lose Jesus.
Host Jesus promises to give us peace. That means God is always with us, even when things seem scary.
Co-Host You can choose peace because you know that Jesus is with you.
Host You can’t lose Jesus, and no one can ever take Him away. Let’s stand and thank Jesus by worshipping Him.
Play optional soft instrumental music.
You can talk to Jesus and tell Him about anything that makes you scared. When you pray, ask Jesus for help. I want to pray for you today. Think of one way you need Jesus’ help. Even though I don’t know what you thought about, Jesus does. He can help you. I want to pray for all of you now. (Pray)
This Engage uses a bubble machine. If you don’t have a machine, then a bottle of bubble solution and wand will work.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Co-Host I’m glad to hear that Conductor Carl is safe.
Host Engineer Kelly and Farmer Faith learned how to have peace by trusting Jesus to help. Let’s all practice our Big Point again,
Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Afraid!
Co-Host Elisha was peaceful when that giant army surrounded him. That’s because he could see God’s army was even bigger and stronger. Elisha knew that God was with him.
Host You can tell your family about Elisha when you do the Big Do this week.
Host Find a small rock and ask your family to write the word “peace” on it. Carry it with you in your pocket. Whenever you feel afraid, reach in your pocket and hold on to the rock to remind you that Jesus is with you.
Co-Host We don’t want fear to be our leader. Instead we follow Jesus. Let’s play a fun game with some of our friends on stage. (Bring up kids) We’re going to blow some bubbles around the stage. Pretend that these are fear bubbles. You job is to pop those fear bubbles or blow them away.
Choose kids to play the game. If space permits, you could allow all of the kids to play. Play optional game music. Blow the bubbles and have the kids pop all of the bubbles. A great song option for this game is also “Fear Get Out of Here” by Orange Kids Music
Co-Host That was fun. You don’t have to listen to your fears. You can choose peace and push those fears away.
Host Even when you feel afraid, you can choose peace. Let’s say our Big Point once more.
Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Afraid!
Did our Big Point say I Can’t Have Peace When I’m Afraid or I Can Have Peace When I’m Afraid?
Let’s pretend to fly in an airplane. Stand up and hold your arms out to the side. What do you see as we’re flying? (Allow for answers) Who flew on an airplane at the Train Station? Conductor Carl Who was scared that Conductor Carl might get hurt? Engineer Kelly
Let’s pretend to give a gift to someone. What would be a silly gift to give? (Allow for answers) What would be a bad gift? (Allow for answers) What could be a good gift? (Allow for answers) John 14:27 (NIrV), “I give my peace to you…do not be ______.”
- Afraid
- Peaceful
Stand up and pretend to march, like a big army. (Have the kids stand and pretend to march in place) Who made a mean king mad in the Big Story? Elisha Why was the mean king upset? The king of Israel or Elisha knew where they were
Stand up and turn around three times. What did Elisha’s servant see when he looked around? God’s army of angels Did that help Elisha’s servant choose peace? Yes
What did Conductor Carl tell us to do in the Big Do? Find a "peace" rock