I Can Have Peace When I’m Sad

Engineer Kelly invites kids to come over and play at the playground after school. They play jump rope. Unfortunately, Mia can’t jump the rope and she's really sad about it.
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I Can Have Peace When I’m Sad



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Instructions

Countdown from 10

Suggested Music For This Lesson:

  • Soft instrumental music for Big Story

Engage 1 Prep: cut a large circle to use as your face. You can use posterboard, or you can purchase the cardboard cake rounds that cake decorators use. Make the face any realistic or fun color you like. The frown could be made out of posterboard or laminated paper. Attach the mouth to the face with Velcro or brads, so that you can turn the mouth into a smile or frown.

Engage 2 Prep: This uses the “Torn and Restored Heart Trick.” To prepare, cut two identically sized hearts out of red paper. One will be folded and taped to the back of the other, so that after you tear the first one, you can unfold it to make it seem as if the heart has been put back together. You can find a great tutorial video by Christian illusionist David Laflin here.

Engage 3 Prep: This engage uses the special bounce/no bounce balls science experiment. You can find these online by searching for them by name. They are made of special rubber that allows one to bounce and the other not bounce, even though they appear to be made of the same material.

WelcomeMaterials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2)

Host and Co-Host enter dressed in overalls.

Host Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors! Do any of you have baby brothers or sisters at home?

Co-Host Babies can be lots of fun to play with, but sometimes they cry…loudly. Can you pretend to cry like babies?

Pretend to cry.

Host That was so silly. You sounded like babies, but you look like big kids. Let’s think of some reasons why babies cry.

Show the following slides and have the kids guess the reason why the baby might cry: hungry, burp, diaper change, tired, teething. Have the kids pretend to do some of the actions like rubbing their tummies, point to their teeth, yawning.

Co-Host Babies aren’t the only people that cry. Sometimes we cry, too.

Host That’s true. Sometimes we cry because we feel sad. Today we will discover that God can help us when we feel sad. Give us a big, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Large Face Cutout, Smile/Frown Cutout, Brads or Velcro

For this Engage, cut a large circle to use as your face. You can use posterboard, or you can purchase the cardboard cake rounds that cake decorators use. Make the face any realistic or fun color you like. The frown could be made out of posterboard or laminated paper. Attach the mouth to the face with Velcro or brads, so that you can turn the mouth into a smile or frown.

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Mia is so upset about not being able to jump the rope.

Host Jr. Conductors, let’s stand and pretend to jump rope. When I say, “Jump,” jump as high as you can. (Have the kids practice jumping a few times) Great job. You can have a seat on your pockets. Have you ever tried to do something, but you couldn’t? You may feel sad when that happens. That’s why our Big Point is such good news. Let’s practice it.

Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Sad!

Co-Host When we feel sad, we can still choose to be calm and peaceful.

Host That’s because we know that God is with us, and He will help us. Let’s think of some things that might make a Jr. Conductor sad. Then we can think of ways that God helps us.

Play the following slides and talk about each scenario. When you read the scenario, turn the smile on the face cutout to a frown. Then discuss ways that God helps you. Turn the mouth from a frown to a smile. With each scenario, you can ask the kids additional questions or pretend to do things related to the scenario.


  • Someone you love gets sick – God can heal that person. He can comfort us. He makes us strong, not weak.
  • Your mommy or daddy drops you off at daycare or school – God is with us wherever we go. God can help us find friends and teachers who are kind. God can protect us.
  • You lose a special toy – God can help you remember. God can help you feel calm as you look for it. God can help you sleep, even without your special item.
  • You can’t do something you want to do – Examples: tying your shoe, playing a game, learning to read, etc. God gives us a mind to learn. He helps us grow. God gives us healthy minds and bodies. God gives us kind teachers and parents to help us.

Co-Host Those things could make you feel sad, but now we know God helps us! I’m so glad we can have peace, even when sad things happen.

Host Just because you feel sad doesn’t mean you have to give up or quit. You can keep going because God loves to help you. Let’s see if Mia will keep going.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Red Heart (2)

This Engage uses the “Torn and Restored Heart Trick.” To prepare, cut two identically sized hearts out of red paper. One will be folded and taped to the back of the other, so that after you tear the first one, you can unfold it to make it seem as if the heart has been put back together. You can find a great tutorial video by Christian illusionist David Laflin.

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Mia is really sad. I’m glad that Inspector Nigel visited the park so that he could talk to her. He helped her learn the Big Point. Let’s practice singing the Big Point again,

Co-Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Sad!

Host Inspector Nigel shared an important verse from the Bible with her.

Host Psalm 34:18 (NIrV) says, “The Lord is close to those whose hearts have been broken.”

Co-Host When someone feels sad, we sometimes say they have a broken heart. Put your hand over your heart and feel it beating. (Demonstrate placing your hand over your heart) Our heart doesn’t actually break when we’re sad; it still works. That phrase just means that the person feels really sad.

Host Have you ever felt really sad? Show what kind of face you make when you feel sad. What kinds of things make you sad?

Allow the kids to answer. Give them some examples to begin with to get the conversation started. Examples: sad because you had an accident, sad when you have to say goodbye, someone said a mean thing to you, you were left out by older kids, etc. With each suggestion the Host tears part of the heart, according to the directions, until the heart is torn apart.

Host This heart is all torn apart.

Co-Host Let’s think of some of the ways God helps us.

Allow the kids to suggest answers but give them some examples to begin or as necessary for the illusion. Examples: God loves us, God forgives us, God can help us remember who the Bible says we are, God is kind to us, God never leaves us, God wants us to be part of His family. With each example, the Host unfolds the heart that had been taped to the back of the torn heart to reveal the restored heart.

Host It looks so much better! God can heal a sad heart.

Co-Host That’s why we can have peace, even when we feel sad.

Host God is close by when we feel sad, and He cares for us. I think that this is a great time to stand and worship Jesus, who loves us.

Big Story

Play optional soft instrumental music.

I’m glad that we have friends at church who can help us when we are sad. Let’s practice praying for our friends. Everyone, touch the shoulder of the person next to you. Quietly pray for that person and ask God to help them when they feel sad. (Pause) Thank you for praying. Now I will pray for all of you. (Pray)

Engage 3Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Bounce/No Bounce Balls

This Engage uses the special bounce/no bounce balls science experiment. You can find these online by searching for them by name. They are made of special rubber that allows one to bounce and the other not bounce, even though they appear to be made of the same material.

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Mia did such a good job jumping rope.

Host I’m glad that she didn’t give up. She found peace because of God’s help. Let’s all practice our Big Point again,

Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Sad!

Co-Host Elijah was sad and thought that he was all alone, but he wasn’t. Who was with Elijah? (Pause) That’s right; God was there.

Host You can tell your family about Elijah when you do the Big Do this week.

Host Make a list of some good things that God has done for you with your family. When you feel sad, look at the list and remember everything God has done.

Co-Host Do you like to play with bouncy balls? They are so much fun. I’m going to choose two Jr. Conductors to help us play with these bouncy balls.

Choose two kids help. Show the bounce and no bounce balls.

Host They look the same. Do they feel the same? Go ahead and try bouncing them.

One ball bounces and the other lands with a thud.

Co-Host Let’s switch and try it again.

Same result.

Host They look the same, but they aren’t. They are different on the inside. We’re different, too, because of Jesus. When we say, “Yes” to following Jesus, His Spirit comes to live inside us.

Co-Host That makes a big difference. When we feel sad, we have someone to help us bounce back and choose peace. To help you remember, we’re giving each of you a bouncy ball with a face on it. When your parents pick you up, show it to them and let them know that you can have peace no matter how you feel.

Host Let’s say our Big Point once more,

Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Sad!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say I Can’t Have Peace When I’m Sad or I Can Have Peace When I’m Sad?

  • Let’s pretend to play on a playground. (Pretend to do different activities like sliding, swinging, running, climbing, jumping) Who had trouble learning to jump at the Train Station? Mia How did she feel when she couldn’t jump? Sad Did Mia quit, or did she learn how to jump the rope? She learned

  • Stand up. Reach your arms to the side and spread out so that you can’t touch anyone with your fingertips. Move a little farther. Now squeeze close together. You can sit down. Psalm 34:18 (NIrV), “The Lord is ______ to those whose hearts have been broken.”

    • Close

    • Far Away

  • Let’s run in place. Run fast like someone is chasing you. Let’s climb up a mountain. Who ran away from a mean queen in the Big Story? Elijah Did Elijah feel sad and alone? Yes

  • Turn to someone and whisper, “Hello.” Try to whisper softer. “Hello.” Try it even softer. “Hello.” Who spoke to Elijah in a whisper? God Did God tell Elijah that he wasn’t alone? Yes Will God help you when you’re sad? Yes

  • What did Conductor Carl tell us to do in the Big Do? Make a list of good things God has done

I Can Have Peace When I’m Sad Instructions

Countdown from 10

Suggested Music For This Lesson:

  • Soft instrumental music for Big Story

Engage 1 Prep: cut a large circle to use as your face. You can use posterboard, or you can purchase the cardboard cake rounds that cake decorators use. Make the face any realistic or fun color you like. The frown could be made out of posterboard or laminated paper. Attach the mouth to the face with Velcro or brads, so that you can turn the mouth into a smile or frown.

Engage 2 Prep: This uses the “Torn and Restored Heart Trick.” To prepare, cut two identically sized hearts out of red paper. One will be folded and taped to the back of the other, so that after you tear the first one, you can unfold it to make it seem as if the heart has been put back together. You can find a great tutorial video by Christian illusionist David Laflin here.

Engage 3 Prep: This engage uses the special bounce/no bounce balls science experiment. You can find these online by searching for them by name. They are made of special rubber that allows one to bounce and the other not bounce, even though they appear to be made of the same material.

WelcomeMaterials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2)

Host and Co-Host enter dressed in overalls.

Host Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors! Do any of you have baby brothers or sisters at home?

Co-Host Babies can be lots of fun to play with, but sometimes they cry…loudly. Can you pretend to cry like babies?

Pretend to cry.

Host That was so silly. You sounded like babies, but you look like big kids. Let’s think of some reasons why babies cry.

Show the following slides and have the kids guess the reason why the baby might cry: hungry, burp, diaper change, tired, teething. Have the kids pretend to do some of the actions like rubbing their tummies, point to their teeth, yawning.

Co-Host Babies aren’t the only people that cry. Sometimes we cry, too.

Host That’s true. Sometimes we cry because we feel sad. Today we will discover that God can help us when we feel sad. Give us a big, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Large Face Cutout, Smile/Frown Cutout, Brads or Velcro

For this Engage, cut a large circle to use as your face. You can use posterboard, or you can purchase the cardboard cake rounds that cake decorators use. Make the face any realistic or fun color you like. The frown could be made out of posterboard or laminated paper. Attach the mouth to the face with Velcro or brads, so that you can turn the mouth into a smile or frown.

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Mia is so upset about not being able to jump the rope.

Host Jr. Conductors, let’s stand and pretend to jump rope. When I say, “Jump,” jump as high as you can. (Have the kids practice jumping a few times) Great job. You can have a seat on your pockets. Have you ever tried to do something, but you couldn’t? You may feel sad when that happens. That’s why our Big Point is such good news. Let’s practice it.

Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Sad!

Co-Host When we feel sad, we can still choose to be calm and peaceful.

Host That’s because we know that God is with us, and He will help us. Let’s think of some things that might make a Jr. Conductor sad. Then we can think of ways that God helps us.

Play the following slides and talk about each scenario. When you read the scenario, turn the smile on the face cutout to a frown. Then discuss ways that God helps you. Turn the mouth from a frown to a smile. With each scenario, you can ask the kids additional questions or pretend to do things related to the scenario.


  • Someone you love gets sick – God can heal that person. He can comfort us. He makes us strong, not weak.
  • Your mommy or daddy drops you off at daycare or school – God is with us wherever we go. God can help us find friends and teachers who are kind. God can protect us.
  • You lose a special toy – God can help you remember. God can help you feel calm as you look for it. God can help you sleep, even without your special item.
  • You can’t do something you want to do – Examples: tying your shoe, playing a game, learning to read, etc. God gives us a mind to learn. He helps us grow. God gives us healthy minds and bodies. God gives us kind teachers and parents to help us.

Co-Host Those things could make you feel sad, but now we know God helps us! I’m so glad we can have peace, even when sad things happen.

Host Just because you feel sad doesn’t mean you have to give up or quit. You can keep going because God loves to help you. Let’s see if Mia will keep going.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Red Heart (2)

This Engage uses the “Torn and Restored Heart Trick.” To prepare, cut two identically sized hearts out of red paper. One will be folded and taped to the back of the other, so that after you tear the first one, you can unfold it to make it seem as if the heart has been put back together. You can find a great tutorial video by Christian illusionist David Laflin.

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Mia is really sad. I’m glad that Inspector Nigel visited the park so that he could talk to her. He helped her learn the Big Point. Let’s practice singing the Big Point again,

Co-Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Sad!

Host Inspector Nigel shared an important verse from the Bible with her.

Host Psalm 34:18 (NIrV) says, “The Lord is close to those whose hearts have been broken.”

Co-Host When someone feels sad, we sometimes say they have a broken heart. Put your hand over your heart and feel it beating. (Demonstrate placing your hand over your heart) Our heart doesn’t actually break when we’re sad; it still works. That phrase just means that the person feels really sad.

Host Have you ever felt really sad? Show what kind of face you make when you feel sad. What kinds of things make you sad?

Allow the kids to answer. Give them some examples to begin with to get the conversation started. Examples: sad because you had an accident, sad when you have to say goodbye, someone said a mean thing to you, you were left out by older kids, etc. With each suggestion the Host tears part of the heart, according to the directions, until the heart is torn apart.

Host This heart is all torn apart.

Co-Host Let’s think of some of the ways God helps us.

Allow the kids to suggest answers but give them some examples to begin or as necessary for the illusion. Examples: God loves us, God forgives us, God can help us remember who the Bible says we are, God is kind to us, God never leaves us, God wants us to be part of His family. With each example, the Host unfolds the heart that had been taped to the back of the torn heart to reveal the restored heart.

Host It looks so much better! God can heal a sad heart.

Co-Host That’s why we can have peace, even when we feel sad.

Host God is close by when we feel sad, and He cares for us. I think that this is a great time to stand and worship Jesus, who loves us.

Big Story

Play optional soft instrumental music.

I’m glad that we have friends at church who can help us when we are sad. Let’s practice praying for our friends. Everyone, touch the shoulder of the person next to you. Quietly pray for that person and ask God to help them when they feel sad. (Pause) Thank you for praying. Now I will pray for all of you. (Pray)

Engage 3Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Bounce/No Bounce Balls

This Engage uses the special bounce/no bounce balls science experiment. You can find these online by searching for them by name. They are made of special rubber that allows one to bounce and the other not bounce, even though they appear to be made of the same material.

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Mia did such a good job jumping rope.

Host I’m glad that she didn’t give up. She found peace because of God’s help. Let’s all practice our Big Point again,

Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Sad!

Co-Host Elijah was sad and thought that he was all alone, but he wasn’t. Who was with Elijah? (Pause) That’s right; God was there.

Host You can tell your family about Elijah when you do the Big Do this week.

Host Make a list of some good things that God has done for you with your family. When you feel sad, look at the list and remember everything God has done.

Co-Host Do you like to play with bouncy balls? They are so much fun. I’m going to choose two Jr. Conductors to help us play with these bouncy balls.

Choose two kids help. Show the bounce and no bounce balls.

Host They look the same. Do they feel the same? Go ahead and try bouncing them.

One ball bounces and the other lands with a thud.

Co-Host Let’s switch and try it again.

Same result.

Host They look the same, but they aren’t. They are different on the inside. We’re different, too, because of Jesus. When we say, “Yes” to following Jesus, His Spirit comes to live inside us.

Co-Host That makes a big difference. When we feel sad, we have someone to help us bounce back and choose peace. To help you remember, we’re giving each of you a bouncy ball with a face on it. When your parents pick you up, show it to them and let them know that you can have peace no matter how you feel.

Host Let’s say our Big Point once more,

Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Sad!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say I Can’t Have Peace When I’m Sad or I Can Have Peace When I’m Sad?

  • Let’s pretend to play on a playground. (Pretend to do different activities like sliding, swinging, running, climbing, jumping) Who had trouble learning to jump at the Train Station? Mia How did she feel when she couldn’t jump? Sad Did Mia quit, or did she learn how to jump the rope? She learned

  • Stand up. Reach your arms to the side and spread out so that you can’t touch anyone with your fingertips. Move a little farther. Now squeeze close together. You can sit down. Psalm 34:18 (NIrV), “The Lord is ______ to those whose hearts have been broken.”

    • Close

    • Far Away

  • Let’s run in place. Run fast like someone is chasing you. Let’s climb up a mountain. Who ran away from a mean queen in the Big Story? Elijah Did Elijah feel sad and alone? Yes

  • Turn to someone and whisper, “Hello.” Try to whisper softer. “Hello.” Try it even softer. “Hello.” Who spoke to Elijah in a whisper? God Did God tell Elijah that he wasn’t alone? Yes Will God help you when you’re sad? Yes

  • What did Conductor Carl tell us to do in the Big Do? Make a list of good things God has done