I Can Have Peace When I’m Disliked

Mr. Wiggins doesn't seem to like Conductor Carl. He is disappointed because of a bumpy ride he recently had. What will Conductor Carl do once he learns that someone dislikes him?
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I Can Have Peace When I’m Disliked



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Instructions

Countdown from 10

Suggested optional music for this lesson:

  • Soft instrumental music for Big Story

Engage 2 Prep: create a paper person chain. On a large roll of paper, draw a simple figure and fold the paper accordion style. Cut out most of the figure before the Engage. Try to leave the folds intact. You will make the last few cuts during the Engage.

WelcomeMaterials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2)

Host and Co-Host enter dressed in overalls.

Host Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors!

Co-Host We’ve had so much fun discovering how we can have peace. I’m so glad every time you visit the Train Station and discover God’s truth with us.

Host Let’s look at some pictures. I want you to tell us which thing you like the most by holding up one arm or two arms.

Show the following slides and have the kids say which item the like the most by holding up one or two arms. As you show the slide, ask the kids questions about the items or pretend to interact with the items.

Co-Host There were lots of Jr. Conductors who liked one thing but didn’t like the other. Have you ever met someone who didn’t like you? I sure hope not, but sometimes it happens.

Host It happens to everyone…engineers, mommies and daddies, even Conductor Carl. Today we will discover how God can help us have peace, even if someone does not like us. Give us a big, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Can you believe that Mr. Wiggins said such rude things about Conductor Carl?

Host I don’t think that Mr. Wiggins likes Conductor Carl. Jr. Conductors, do you like Conductor Carl? I do, too. It seems like Engineer Kelly is upset about Mr. Wiggins. Maybe she needs to hear the Big Point. Let’s practice it,

I Can Have Peace When I’m Disliked!

Co-Host When someone is mean to me or doesn’t like me, I sometimes feel like being mean to them.

Host Have you ever snatched a toy back from someone who snatched it from you? Let’s pretend to snatch away a toy. (Pretend to grab a toy) I don’t think that’s a peaceful choice.

Co-Host Being calm and peaceful means that you don’t get back at someone who dislikes you. Our feelings are real, but they make terrible leaders.

Host We’ve got to follow the right leader, Jesus. Let’s play follow the leader. I will be the leader that you should follow. Do exactly what I do.

Co-Host I will be a leader you should not follow. I’ll do the opposite of what (Host) does. Should you do what I do or what he/she does?

Host That’s right. Follow me. Let’s stand and play.

Play follow the leader with the kids. The Host performs various actions that the kids should copy. However, the Co-Host does the opposite or contrary actions. Encourage the kids to only follow the Host.

Host Was _______ (Co-Host) following the right leader? (Pause) No!

Co-Host But you guys did a good job following our friend. We can follow Jesus as our leader.

Host That means that we can choose peace and calm, even when someone dislikes us. Let’s see if Engineer Kelly will choose peace.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Paper Person Chain, Tape, Scissors

For this Engage create a paper person chain. On a large roll of paper, draw a simple figure and fold the paper accordion style. Cut out most of the figure before the Engage. Try to leave the folds intact. You will make the last few cuts during the Engage.

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host I don’t think I’ve ever seen Engineer Kelly so mad. That Mr. Wiggins is not nice. She had a hard time following the Big Point. Let’s practice singing the Big Point for her again,

I Can Have Peace When I’m Disliked!

Host Conductor Gordon shared an important verse from the Bible with her.

Host Romans 12:18 (NIrV) says, “If possible, live in peace with everyone.”

Co-Host We live with and around different people. We have parents and brother and sisters and friends and teachers and people at church all around us.

Host Have you ever made a paper person chain? I have one here. Let me make one more cut. (Finish cutting the paper chain) Watch what happens when I unfold it.

Unfold the chain, revealing the cutouts of people.

Co-Host It’s nice to have lots of people living and working together. Whenever someone decides that they don’t like us, that’s sad.

Tear the hands of the middle two “people” apart.

Host You can’t stop someone from saying they dislike you. You can’t make someone be your friend…but you can choose to live in peace with everyone.

Co-Host That means you don’t have to be mean back. You can even share God’s love with someone who dislikes you. You can live in peace.

Tape the torn paper chain hands together.

Host It may not be easy, but we can choose peace. Thankfully God helps us make that choice. Let’s stand up and worship Jesus.

Big Story

Play optional soft instrumental music.

Let’s all think of one person who has been unkind to you. It could be a friend or even someone in your family. (Pause) Now let’s pray for that person and ask God to help you forgive them. That means you won’t stay mad at them. Let’s do that now. (Pause) I’d like to pray for us all that God will help us make peace with others. (Pray)

Engage 3Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Beach Balls

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Mr. Wiggins didn’t even say that he was sorry.

Host That didn’t stop Conductor Carl from staying calm and peaceful. He made a wise choice. Let’s all practice our Big Point again,

Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Disliked!

Co-Host Some people didn’t like Paul and Silas because they served God and helped that girl, but Paul and Silas still made a wise choice. They didn’t even try to be mean back to them.

Host You can tell your family about Paul and Silas in jail when you do the Big Do this week.

Host Play the game, “Monkey in the Middle,” with your family. When you’re in the middle, remember that you can have peace in the middle of any problem.

Co-Host We should play that game now so that the Jr. Conductors can teach their parents. We’re going to choose two Jr. Conductors to help us.

Choose two kids help. Bring them onstage and put one on each side of the Co-Host.

Host You two will toss this beach ball back and forth, and your job is to try to keep our friend, (Co-Host), from catching it. Let’s see how long you can keep on tossing it.

Play the game several times, switching the person in the middle.

Co-Host That was a fun game. Do you think you could win that game at home?

Host I’m glad that we can have peace in the middle of any problem, just like Paul and Silas. Let’s say our Big Point once more.

Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Disliked!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say I Can Have Peace When I’m Liked or I Can Have Peace When I’m Disliked?

  • Let’s ball up our fists and make an angry face. Who wanted to sock Mr. Wiggins at the Train Station? Engineer Kelly Why was she mad? Mr. Wiggins didn’t like Conductor Carl Did Conductor Carl get mad, too, or choose peace? Peace

  • When I say go, see if you can wave at everyone in the room as fast as you can. Ready? Go! Romans 12:18 (NIrV), “If possible, live in peace with ________.”

    • Everyone
    • Just a few
  • Pretend that your feet hurt. Rub your feet and say, “Ow!” Pretend that your legs hurt. Stretch them. Pretend your back hurts. Touch it and say, “Yelp!” Whose backs hurt in the Big Story? Paul and Silas Were they hit for doing something good or bad? Good

  • Let’s raise our hands in the air, like we’re singing a song at church. What’s your favorite song to sing? What did Paul and Silas do when they were in jail? Praise God Did Paul and Silas run away from the jail or stay? Stay Did Paul and Silas tell the jail guard about Jesus? Yes

  • What did Conductor Carl tell us to do in the Big Do? Play Monkey in the Middle

I Can Have Peace When I’m Disliked Instructions

Countdown from 10

Suggested optional music for this lesson:

  • Soft instrumental music for Big Story

Engage 2 Prep: create a paper person chain. On a large roll of paper, draw a simple figure and fold the paper accordion style. Cut out most of the figure before the Engage. Try to leave the folds intact. You will make the last few cuts during the Engage.

WelcomeMaterials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2)

Host and Co-Host enter dressed in overalls.

Host Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors!

Co-Host We’ve had so much fun discovering how we can have peace. I’m so glad every time you visit the Train Station and discover God’s truth with us.

Host Let’s look at some pictures. I want you to tell us which thing you like the most by holding up one arm or two arms.

Show the following slides and have the kids say which item the like the most by holding up one or two arms. As you show the slide, ask the kids questions about the items or pretend to interact with the items.

Co-Host There were lots of Jr. Conductors who liked one thing but didn’t like the other. Have you ever met someone who didn’t like you? I sure hope not, but sometimes it happens.

Host It happens to everyone…engineers, mommies and daddies, even Conductor Carl. Today we will discover how God can help us have peace, even if someone does not like us. Give us a big, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Can you believe that Mr. Wiggins said such rude things about Conductor Carl?

Host I don’t think that Mr. Wiggins likes Conductor Carl. Jr. Conductors, do you like Conductor Carl? I do, too. It seems like Engineer Kelly is upset about Mr. Wiggins. Maybe she needs to hear the Big Point. Let’s practice it,

I Can Have Peace When I’m Disliked!

Co-Host When someone is mean to me or doesn’t like me, I sometimes feel like being mean to them.

Host Have you ever snatched a toy back from someone who snatched it from you? Let’s pretend to snatch away a toy. (Pretend to grab a toy) I don’t think that’s a peaceful choice.

Co-Host Being calm and peaceful means that you don’t get back at someone who dislikes you. Our feelings are real, but they make terrible leaders.

Host We’ve got to follow the right leader, Jesus. Let’s play follow the leader. I will be the leader that you should follow. Do exactly what I do.

Co-Host I will be a leader you should not follow. I’ll do the opposite of what (Host) does. Should you do what I do or what he/she does?

Host That’s right. Follow me. Let’s stand and play.

Play follow the leader with the kids. The Host performs various actions that the kids should copy. However, the Co-Host does the opposite or contrary actions. Encourage the kids to only follow the Host.

Host Was _______ (Co-Host) following the right leader? (Pause) No!

Co-Host But you guys did a good job following our friend. We can follow Jesus as our leader.

Host That means that we can choose peace and calm, even when someone dislikes us. Let’s see if Engineer Kelly will choose peace.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Paper Person Chain, Tape, Scissors

For this Engage create a paper person chain. On a large roll of paper, draw a simple figure and fold the paper accordion style. Cut out most of the figure before the Engage. Try to leave the folds intact. You will make the last few cuts during the Engage.

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host I don’t think I’ve ever seen Engineer Kelly so mad. That Mr. Wiggins is not nice. She had a hard time following the Big Point. Let’s practice singing the Big Point for her again,

I Can Have Peace When I’m Disliked!

Host Conductor Gordon shared an important verse from the Bible with her.

Host Romans 12:18 (NIrV) says, “If possible, live in peace with everyone.”

Co-Host We live with and around different people. We have parents and brother and sisters and friends and teachers and people at church all around us.

Host Have you ever made a paper person chain? I have one here. Let me make one more cut. (Finish cutting the paper chain) Watch what happens when I unfold it.

Unfold the chain, revealing the cutouts of people.

Co-Host It’s nice to have lots of people living and working together. Whenever someone decides that they don’t like us, that’s sad.

Tear the hands of the middle two “people” apart.

Host You can’t stop someone from saying they dislike you. You can’t make someone be your friend…but you can choose to live in peace with everyone.

Co-Host That means you don’t have to be mean back. You can even share God’s love with someone who dislikes you. You can live in peace.

Tape the torn paper chain hands together.

Host It may not be easy, but we can choose peace. Thankfully God helps us make that choice. Let’s stand up and worship Jesus.

Big Story

Play optional soft instrumental music.

Let’s all think of one person who has been unkind to you. It could be a friend or even someone in your family. (Pause) Now let’s pray for that person and ask God to help you forgive them. That means you won’t stay mad at them. Let’s do that now. (Pause) I’d like to pray for us all that God will help us make peace with others. (Pray)

Engage 3Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Beach Balls

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Mr. Wiggins didn’t even say that he was sorry.

Host That didn’t stop Conductor Carl from staying calm and peaceful. He made a wise choice. Let’s all practice our Big Point again,

Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Disliked!

Co-Host Some people didn’t like Paul and Silas because they served God and helped that girl, but Paul and Silas still made a wise choice. They didn’t even try to be mean back to them.

Host You can tell your family about Paul and Silas in jail when you do the Big Do this week.

Host Play the game, “Monkey in the Middle,” with your family. When you’re in the middle, remember that you can have peace in the middle of any problem.

Co-Host We should play that game now so that the Jr. Conductors can teach their parents. We’re going to choose two Jr. Conductors to help us.

Choose two kids help. Bring them onstage and put one on each side of the Co-Host.

Host You two will toss this beach ball back and forth, and your job is to try to keep our friend, (Co-Host), from catching it. Let’s see how long you can keep on tossing it.

Play the game several times, switching the person in the middle.

Co-Host That was a fun game. Do you think you could win that game at home?

Host I’m glad that we can have peace in the middle of any problem, just like Paul and Silas. Let’s say our Big Point once more.

Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Disliked!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say I Can Have Peace When I’m Liked or I Can Have Peace When I’m Disliked?

  • Let’s ball up our fists and make an angry face. Who wanted to sock Mr. Wiggins at the Train Station? Engineer Kelly Why was she mad? Mr. Wiggins didn’t like Conductor Carl Did Conductor Carl get mad, too, or choose peace? Peace

  • When I say go, see if you can wave at everyone in the room as fast as you can. Ready? Go! Romans 12:18 (NIrV), “If possible, live in peace with ________.”

    • Everyone
    • Just a few
  • Pretend that your feet hurt. Rub your feet and say, “Ow!” Pretend that your legs hurt. Stretch them. Pretend your back hurts. Touch it and say, “Yelp!” Whose backs hurt in the Big Story? Paul and Silas Were they hit for doing something good or bad? Good

  • Let’s raise our hands in the air, like we’re singing a song at church. What’s your favorite song to sing? What did Paul and Silas do when they were in jail? Praise God Did Paul and Silas run away from the jail or stay? Stay Did Paul and Silas tell the jail guard about Jesus? Yes

  • What did Conductor Carl tell us to do in the Big Do? Play Monkey in the Middle