I Can Have Peace When I’m Angry



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Instructions


Suggested optional music for this lesson:

  • Soft instrumental music for Big Story
  • Game Music for Engage 3
WelcomeMaterials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Stuffed Animal

Host and Co-Host enter dressed in overalls.

Host Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors!

Co-Host Do you know what kind of animal I’m holding? (Pause) This one isn’t real; it’s stuffed with fluffy stuffing. Do any of you have real animals at your house? What kind?

Allow for answers.

Host Let’s look at some pictures of animals. When we look at each one, I want you to try to make the sound you think that animal makes when it’s angry.

Co-Host If you’re not sure, just guess.

Play the following slides. Some of the animals won’t have an easily identifiable sound. Encourage the kids to make up a sound. Be silly and have fun with it.

Host Oh my, those were some angry sounds. Do you ever feel angry or frustrated?

Co-Host I do. I wonder what we can do when we feel angry.

Host That’s something we’re going to learn in the Big Point. Listen closely. First give us a big, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Emoji Balloon (2)

This Engage uses emoji balloons that can be purchased online. If you don’t have these particular balloons, then draw simple faces on a light-colored balloon. You need a happy face and angry face balloon.

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Engineer Courtney seems so angry. Why is she upset?

Host Have you ever gotten angry on your birthday? Oh my, that seems like a terrible day to be upset. I think we can follow our Big Point on our birthday and every day.

I Can Have Peace When I’m Angry!

Co-Host Engineer Courtney thinks that she has to act angry because she feels angry. Let’s ball up our fist like we’re angry. Shake it and say, “Grrr!”

Host Sometimes we do feel like that, but God helps us make different choices. When frustrating things happen, our angry feelings can get puffed up like this balloon.

Blow up the angry face balloon.

Co-Host What do you think will happen if our friend keeps blowing up the balloon?

Allow for answers

Co-Host It will pop. Let’s tell him/her, “Stop!”

Host Those angry feeling make you want to pop. That’s how Engineer Courtney felt. But God wants to help you. He can fill you up with calm and peaceful feelings. He wants to give you those and take away your angry feelings.

Co-Host Take a deep breath. Hold it. Let it go.

Let the balloon go.

Host Talking to Jesus, worshipping Jesus, and reading the Bible help you make wise choices instead of listening to your feelings. Even when you feel angry, you can have peace.

Blow up the happy face balloon.

Co-Host It’s because God gives you the power to choose how you act.

Host Let’s see if Engineer Courtney will make that choice.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Foam Hands, Tiny Hands

This Engage uses giant foam hands. You can also substitute toy Hulk hands. Both the foam and tiny hands can be purchased online. If you don’t have access to either visual, you can still have the kids do the actions.

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Is Engineer Courtney still angry, or is she choosing peaceful feelings?

Host She sure is. Feelings are real, but they shouldn’t tell us what to do. God gives us the power to choose. That’s what we do when we follow the Big Point. Let’s practice singing the Big Point again,

Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Angry!

Co-Host Conductor Carl shared a verse with Engineer Courtney.

Co-Host Matthew 5:9 (NIrV) says, “Blessed are those who make peace.” Blessed means that God will help you when you choose peace instead of getting upset.

Host Let’s think of some things we can do with our hands when we feel angry. I have giant hands.

Show the giant foam hands.

Co-Host I have tiny hands. (Show the tiny hands) You can use your regular hands. If we feel angry, we could shake our hands as we throw a fit. Let’s shake our hands as we jump up and down.

Co-Host shakes his/her hands and jumps.

You can have a seat. We can use our hands to wave at someone politely who frustrated us. Let’s wave and smile.

Wave with the giant hands.

Co-Host If we lose a game, we could push someone with our hands. Hold your hands out and pretend to push.

Host Even if we feel angry, we could use our hands to shake hands. Shake someone’s hand that’s nearby.

Use the foam hands to shake the Co-Host’s hand.

Co-Host If we’re angry, we could use our hands to point and call someone names. Let’s pretend to point and laugh.

Host We could use our hands to draw a picture for someone, even if they made us angry. Let’s pretend to draw a picture.

Co-Host Just because you feel angry, you don’t have to act angry. You can make peace with others. That gives God the chance to help you, even when things don’t go your way.

Host Bad things may still happen, but you can make a peaceful choice no matter what. That’s because you follow God as your leader instead of your feelings. Let’s stand and worship God.

Big Story

Play optional instrumental music.

David made a wise choice when he decided not to fight Nabal. David loved to worship God. That helped him when he needed to listen to wise advice and make a better choice. Worship helps us stay close to God so we can have peace. After we check on Engineer Courtney it will be time to worship.

Engage 3Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Emoji Balloons

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Choosing peace helped Engineer Courtney have a happy birthday.

Host I’m thankful she made a wise choice. Let’s all practice our Big Point again,

Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Angry!

Co-Host That’s what David did in our Big Story. Abigail was a peacemaker and helped David choose peace, even when he felt angry. I’m glad that we can be peacemakers like Abigail, too.

Host You can tell your family about Abigail when you do the Big Do this week.

Host Play a game with your family. If you lose the game, don’t get angry. Choose peace.

Co-Host Let’s play a game together now. I have some friends who will help us play. Let’s play a game where we see if we can keep these happy face balloons floating while the music plays.

Choose kids to play the game. If space permits, you could allow all of the kids to play. Play optional Game Music. Play a few rounds of the game. Have the Host or Co-Host “accidentally” knock the balloon away or hit it to the ground. Ask the kids what the wise choice is to make in that situation.

Co-Host That was fun. Thanks for helping us make a wise choice.

Host Even when you feel angry, you can choose peace. Let’s say our Big Point once more,

Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Angry!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say I Can’t Have Peace When I’m Angry or I Can Have Peace When I’m Angry?

  • What song do we sing on our birthday? (Pause) Happy Birthday! Let’s sing it now. (Sing) Who was angry on her birthday? Engineer Courtney Why was she angry? She thought they forgot her birthday, Chef Bananas made her wait to try the pie, Engineer Kelly stepped on her toe

  • Let’s use our hands to make our face look happy instead of angry. Make an angry face. Use your fingers to push each side of your mouth up to make a smile. (Demonstrate for the kids) Matthew 5:9 (NIrV) says, “Blessed are those who make ______.”

    • Peace
    • Fights
  • Pretend to swing a sword. Say, “Swish, swish” as you swing it. Who wanted to fight with a sword in the Big Story? David Why did David want to fight Nabal? Nabal had been rude to David and his soldiers

  • Can you practice bowing down? Why did Abigail bow down in front of David? She wanted to make peace Did Abigail help David make a wise choice? Yes

  • What did Conductor Carl tell us to do in the Big Do? Play a game

I Can Have Peace When I’m Angry Instructions


Suggested optional music for this lesson:

  • Soft instrumental music for Big Story
  • Game Music for Engage 3
WelcomeMaterials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Stuffed Animal

Host and Co-Host enter dressed in overalls.

Host Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors!

Co-Host Do you know what kind of animal I’m holding? (Pause) This one isn’t real; it’s stuffed with fluffy stuffing. Do any of you have real animals at your house? What kind?

Allow for answers.

Host Let’s look at some pictures of animals. When we look at each one, I want you to try to make the sound you think that animal makes when it’s angry.

Co-Host If you’re not sure, just guess.

Play the following slides. Some of the animals won’t have an easily identifiable sound. Encourage the kids to make up a sound. Be silly and have fun with it.

Host Oh my, those were some angry sounds. Do you ever feel angry or frustrated?

Co-Host I do. I wonder what we can do when we feel angry.

Host That’s something we’re going to learn in the Big Point. Listen closely. First give us a big, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Emoji Balloon (2)

This Engage uses emoji balloons that can be purchased online. If you don’t have these particular balloons, then draw simple faces on a light-colored balloon. You need a happy face and angry face balloon.

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Engineer Courtney seems so angry. Why is she upset?

Host Have you ever gotten angry on your birthday? Oh my, that seems like a terrible day to be upset. I think we can follow our Big Point on our birthday and every day.

I Can Have Peace When I’m Angry!

Co-Host Engineer Courtney thinks that she has to act angry because she feels angry. Let’s ball up our fist like we’re angry. Shake it and say, “Grrr!”

Host Sometimes we do feel like that, but God helps us make different choices. When frustrating things happen, our angry feelings can get puffed up like this balloon.

Blow up the angry face balloon.

Co-Host What do you think will happen if our friend keeps blowing up the balloon?

Allow for answers

Co-Host It will pop. Let’s tell him/her, “Stop!”

Host Those angry feeling make you want to pop. That’s how Engineer Courtney felt. But God wants to help you. He can fill you up with calm and peaceful feelings. He wants to give you those and take away your angry feelings.

Co-Host Take a deep breath. Hold it. Let it go.

Let the balloon go.

Host Talking to Jesus, worshipping Jesus, and reading the Bible help you make wise choices instead of listening to your feelings. Even when you feel angry, you can have peace.

Blow up the happy face balloon.

Co-Host It’s because God gives you the power to choose how you act.

Host Let’s see if Engineer Courtney will make that choice.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Foam Hands, Tiny Hands

This Engage uses giant foam hands. You can also substitute toy Hulk hands. Both the foam and tiny hands can be purchased online. If you don’t have access to either visual, you can still have the kids do the actions.

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Is Engineer Courtney still angry, or is she choosing peaceful feelings?

Host She sure is. Feelings are real, but they shouldn’t tell us what to do. God gives us the power to choose. That’s what we do when we follow the Big Point. Let’s practice singing the Big Point again,

Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Angry!

Co-Host Conductor Carl shared a verse with Engineer Courtney.

Co-Host Matthew 5:9 (NIrV) says, “Blessed are those who make peace.” Blessed means that God will help you when you choose peace instead of getting upset.

Host Let’s think of some things we can do with our hands when we feel angry. I have giant hands.

Show the giant foam hands.

Co-Host I have tiny hands. (Show the tiny hands) You can use your regular hands. If we feel angry, we could shake our hands as we throw a fit. Let’s shake our hands as we jump up and down.

Co-Host shakes his/her hands and jumps.

You can have a seat. We can use our hands to wave at someone politely who frustrated us. Let’s wave and smile.

Wave with the giant hands.

Co-Host If we lose a game, we could push someone with our hands. Hold your hands out and pretend to push.

Host Even if we feel angry, we could use our hands to shake hands. Shake someone’s hand that’s nearby.

Use the foam hands to shake the Co-Host’s hand.

Co-Host If we’re angry, we could use our hands to point and call someone names. Let’s pretend to point and laugh.

Host We could use our hands to draw a picture for someone, even if they made us angry. Let’s pretend to draw a picture.

Co-Host Just because you feel angry, you don’t have to act angry. You can make peace with others. That gives God the chance to help you, even when things don’t go your way.

Host Bad things may still happen, but you can make a peaceful choice no matter what. That’s because you follow God as your leader instead of your feelings. Let’s stand and worship God.

Big Story

Play optional instrumental music.

David made a wise choice when he decided not to fight Nabal. David loved to worship God. That helped him when he needed to listen to wise advice and make a better choice. Worship helps us stay close to God so we can have peace. After we check on Engineer Courtney it will be time to worship.

Engage 3Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Emoji Balloons

Host and Co-Host enter.

Co-Host Choosing peace helped Engineer Courtney have a happy birthday.

Host I’m thankful she made a wise choice. Let’s all practice our Big Point again,

Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Angry!

Co-Host That’s what David did in our Big Story. Abigail was a peacemaker and helped David choose peace, even when he felt angry. I’m glad that we can be peacemakers like Abigail, too.

Host You can tell your family about Abigail when you do the Big Do this week.

Host Play a game with your family. If you lose the game, don’t get angry. Choose peace.

Co-Host Let’s play a game together now. I have some friends who will help us play. Let’s play a game where we see if we can keep these happy face balloons floating while the music plays.

Choose kids to play the game. If space permits, you could allow all of the kids to play. Play optional Game Music. Play a few rounds of the game. Have the Host or Co-Host “accidentally” knock the balloon away or hit it to the ground. Ask the kids what the wise choice is to make in that situation.

Co-Host That was fun. Thanks for helping us make a wise choice.

Host Even when you feel angry, you can choose peace. Let’s say our Big Point once more,

Host I Can Have Peace When I’m Angry!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say I Can’t Have Peace When I’m Angry or I Can Have Peace When I’m Angry?

  • What song do we sing on our birthday? (Pause) Happy Birthday! Let’s sing it now. (Sing) Who was angry on her birthday? Engineer Courtney Why was she angry? She thought they forgot her birthday, Chef Bananas made her wait to try the pie, Engineer Kelly stepped on her toe

  • Let’s use our hands to make our face look happy instead of angry. Make an angry face. Use your fingers to push each side of your mouth up to make a smile. (Demonstrate for the kids) Matthew 5:9 (NIrV) says, “Blessed are those who make ______.”

    • Peace
    • Fights
  • Pretend to swing a sword. Say, “Swish, swish” as you swing it. Who wanted to fight with a sword in the Big Story? David Why did David want to fight Nabal? Nabal had been rude to David and his soldiers

  • Can you practice bowing down? Why did Abigail bow down in front of David? She wanted to make peace Did Abigail help David make a wise choice? Yes

  • What did Conductor Carl tell us to do in the Big Do? Play a game