Large Group Instructions
Host and Co-Host enter. The Co-Host is walking with his/her arms hanging by his/her side. The arms only move because of the Co-Host’s full body movements. It’s like they are asleep.
Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors! I have a fun idea. Let’s all wave to our friends.
Everyone waves. The Co-Host slings his/her arm in the air in an attempt to wave.
That was a strange wave. What’s wrong with your arms?
I think they fell asleep and don’t want to wake up.
Jr. Conductors, let’s pretend that our arms are asleep. Now stand up and try to move your arms by swinging your body from side to side, like this.
Let’s move our arms like big waves! (Make big waves in front of you) Let’s shout to our arms to wake up. Wake up! Everyone, shake those arms out.
I’m glad that your arms woke up. We’re going to need them today. We get to meet someone in the Bible people thought would never wake up, but Jesus brought him back to life! Everyone, stand and give me a big, “Choo-choo!”
This object lesson uses magic sand, which is technically hydrophobic sand. You can purchase this sand online from retailers such as Steve Spangler Science. Hydrophobic sand can also be made at home. Have regular sand of the same color for the presentation.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Farmer Faith seems worried about her caterpillar friend. Do you think that Inspector Nigel can help her find him?
I think I have an idea where her friend is, but we’ll be sure to check back in and see what Inspector Nigel says. It’s going to help us understand something true we’re discovering about Jesus. Let’s practice our Big Point again,
Jesus Is The Resurrection And The Life!
Those are some big words in that Big Point. What does it mean?
That Big Point teaches us that Jesus gives us life. That means He helps us to become a different person when we follow Him. We look the same on the outside, but Jesus helps us to think and act differently.
We look the same, but act different?
Yes, the life that Jesus gives us changes us on the inside. Let me show you what I mean with some special sand that Professor Beaker made for us.
Both jars of sand look the same.
Pour the regular sand into the water and watch what happens.
Co-Host pours the regular sand into one bowl of water. He/She picks it up and shows that it’s clumpy and wet.
That’s what regular sand does when it’s in water. Do you ever use wet sand at the beach to make a sandcastle?
Watch what happens when I pour our special sand into the water. (Pour the magic sand into the bowl of water) It behaves differently than the regular sand. Watch this. (Pick the magic sand up out of the water to show that it’s dry)
It’s dry! That sand looks the same, but it’s different.
That’s because Professor Beaker did an experiment to help this sand not get wet. When we become Jesus’ followers, He gives us new life that changes us on the inside. It makes us act and think differently. We become brand new in here. (Point to your heart) Let’s see what Farmer Faith discovers.
Host and Co-Host enter.
What is Farmer Faith’s caterpillar friend going to turn into? (Pause) That’s right; he will become a butterfly. That means that he isn’t gone forever. I can’t wait to see the bright colors on his wings.
That’s the good news of our Big Point. Jesus gives us life so we can live forever with Him. Let’s practice singing the Big Point again,
Jesus Is The Resurrection And The Life!
Did you hear the Big Verse that Inspector Nigel shared?
John 11:25 (NIrV) says, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in Me will live, even if they die.”
Did you know that Jesus died and came back to life? That’s what we celebrate every Easter.
What kinds of things did Jesus do? Was He really alive, or was He invisible?
He was really alive. Let’s look at some things that we can do now.
Show each picture. Ask the kids what is happening in the picture. Have them act out the action, and then explain how Jesus did that very thing in the Bible after He came back to life. He ate. He walked. People touched his hands. He cooked. He talked. Focus on the fact that Jesus was truly alive after the resurrection.
Jesus did all kinds of things just like we do. He is exactly the same now as He was on earth?
Jesus is alive, but He’s even better now because His body is perfect, and now it will never die. Jesus changes us on the inside, and one day He will change us on the outside. We’ll have a body that can do all of the things Jesus did, and it will never, ever die. It’s almost time to travel to the Big Story Station, but first let’s stand and worship God.
Optional, play soft instrumental music.
Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. Jesus helps us make wise choices. Let’s all think of one thing that we need to change. It could be saying mean words, biting, or throwing a fit when you don’t get your way. Think of that one thing and then ask Jesus to help you make a wise choice. You can pray and say, “Jesus help me to be different.” Let’s do that now. (Pause) I’m glad you made that choice. I want to pray for everyone now. Dear Jesus, thank You for helping us to make wise choices, and to become different on the inside. Thank you that You want all of us to be Your friends. Amen.
Host and Co-Host enter.
Farmer Faith’s caterpillar friend turned into a beautiful butterfly. He didn’t go away. He changed.
That’s what Jesus can do for us. He changes us on the inside, and one day He will change our outside. That’s because our Big Point is true. Let’s all practice our Big Point again,
Jesus Is The Resurrection And The Life!
You can tell your family about Jesus giving new life to Lazarus when you do the Big Do this week. Conductor Carl gave us a fun idea.
Use a roll of toilet paper to see how fast you can wrap someone up, just like Lazarus. Then unwrap that person as fast as you can.
Let’s try that now. We have some friends who are going to wrap another Jr. Conductor. Let’s see how fast they can do it.
Choose two or three kids and a volunteer to wrap and unwrap another child. Have the remaining kids cheer for them. After they finish, dismiss the volunteers.
I’m glad that Jesus gives us life that changes us on the inside. We can act and think differently because of Jesus.
One day Jesus will change us on the outside so we can live forever. Let’s say our Big Point once more,
Jesus Is The Resurrection And The Life!
Did our Big Point say Jesus Is The Resurrection And The Life! or Jesus Is Not The Resurrection And The Life!?
Let’s pretend to munch on a leaf. Are leaves delicious food? What kind of things eat leaves? What kind of bug was Famer Faith’s friend? Caterpillar Why was Farmer Faith worried about him? She couldn’t find him
Pretend that you are a flower. Stretch your flower petals out wide. Oh no, we didn’t get enough water. Shrink like a plant that is too dry. Look, Farmer Faith is watering us. Let’s spring back up. What does our Big Verse say? John 11:25 (NIrV), “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in Me will ____, even if they die.”
Not Live
What do you like to drink when you don’t feel well? Do you drink water? Sprite? Ginger Ale? Juice? Let’s rub our necks like your throat hurts. What happened to Jesus’ friend, Lazarus? He got sick Did he get better or did he die? Died
Let’s clap four times. (Clap) Stand up and stomp four times. (Stomp) Spin around four times. (Spin) How many days was Lazarus in the tomb? 4 What happened when Jesus told Lazarus to come out? He came back to life
What kind of bugs are your favorites? What color are ladybugs? What color are grasshoppers? What kinds of bugs can fly? What happened to Farmer Faith’s caterpillar friend? He became a butterfly Can Jesus change us on the inside and change us on the outside one day? Yes