Jesus Is The Good Shepherd



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Instructions

Countdown From 10
WelcomeMaterials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Shepherd Costume, Shepherd Staff

Host enters.


Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors! You’re dressed differently today.


That’s because I’m helping Farmer Faith at her farm. I am a shepherd.


That sounds like fun. What does a shepherd do?


I watch…um…uh…I don’t know what I watch. Maybe it’s cats. Can you meow for me? (Pause) No, that’s not what they sound like.


Do you watch puppies? Everyone, bark.


Nope, that’s not right either. They sound different. Try mooing. (Pause) Close, but not right.


The Jr. Conductors might know. Do you know what kind of animal a shepherd watches over?


Sheep? That sounds right. Can you make a sheep sound, so I can be sure? (Pause) That’s it. I watch sheep.


I’m glad that you remembered how you help Farmer Faith. Jesus talked about sheep in the Bible. That’s what we’re going to hear about today. Everyone, stand and give me a big, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Shepherd Costume, Shepherd Staff, Sheep Costume

This engage uses a sheep costume. This could be an actual costume or simply a robe or poncho with cotton balls attached. Host and Co-Host enter.


Engineer Kelly is working very hard to keep bad guys out of the Prince and Princess Day Fair. She sounds nervous about being brave when she sleeps.


Do you ever worry about scary things when you go to sleep? What we learned in our Big Point will help her. Let’s practice our Big Point again.

Practice the Big Point.


Jesus is a shepherd? Does He watch sheep, too?


He does, but Jesus’ sheep aren’t white and full of wool. We are Jesus’ sheep.


I don’t remember saying, “Baa” when I say, “Hello.” When you say, “Hello,” Jr. Conductors, do you say, “Baa” or “Hello?”


That doesn’t mean we are real sheep. It means that Jesus leads us like a good shepherd. Let’s think of some of the ways that you lead your sheep at Farmer Faith’s farm.


I think I need a friend to come up and pretend to be a sheep.

Bring up a child to wear the sheep costume or mask.


Okay, now I need all of the Jr. Conductors to stand up and pretend to be sheep, too. Shepherds lead sheep to good things like yummy grass. Follow me to the grass.

Walk in place. As you walk, tell the kids to turn different directions.


We’re here. Pretend to chew some green grass. (Chew) This grass is very chewy.


Shepherds also protect the sheep. Oh no! There’s a wolf over there. Can you howl like a wolf? (Pause) Sheep can’t fight a wolf. I’ll protect you! I’ll swing my staff and bonk the wolf on the head. He’s gone. Whew!


Shepherds also help the sheep find safe places to sleep.


We should head back to the sheep pen. I’ll open the door. Only sheep can enter, no wolves. Can you, “Baa” like a sheep ,so I know to let you in? (Pause) You can come in. Sit back down and pretend to sleep.


Good job. Jesus takes care of us like a perfect shepherd. He protects us, too. Jesus is always watching out for us. We should share that with Engineer Kelly.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Shepherd Costume, Shepherd Staff, Sheep Costume

Host and Co-Host enter.


Engineer Kelly learned about Jesus being the Good Shepherd.


Now she doesn’t have to be afraid when it’s time to sleep. Let’s practice singing the Big Point again,


Jesus Is The Good Shepherd!


Professor Beaker shared a verse, and in it, Jesus talks about being a shepherd. John 10:14 (NIrV) says, (VFX: Big Verse) “I am the good shepherd. I know My sheep, and My sheep know Me.”


Did you know that sheep know the voice of their shepherd and will come when the shepherd calls?


That explains why Mark and Penelope follow me when I call their names. They’re sheep. I have an idea. Let’s play a matching game to see how well we know which sheep are which.


We’ll give you a chance to pick two cards and see if they match. Let’s see if we can match them all.

Use the included PowerPoint to play the matching game. Allow each kid to choose two numbers, click the number to reveal the sheep. If they don’t match, click them again to cover the card and allow another child to choose. If you don’t have access to PowerPoint, you could print the cards and do a traditional matching game.


Do you think that Jesus knows each of us?


He does. The Bible says that God even knows how many hairs are on our heads.


Jesus must really love us. I’m glad I know that Jesus watches over me like a shepherd.


He is the Good Shepherd. Jesus will never, ever forget about you. It’s almost time to travel to the Big Story Station, but first let’s stand and sing a song to worship Jesus.

Big Story

Let’s thank Jesus for being the Good Shepherd and watching over us. Quietly, talk to Jesus right now where you are. Tell Him, "Thank You” for protecting you and helping you. (Pause) Now I’ll pray for all of us.

Engage 3Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Shepherd Costume, Shepherd Staff

Host and Co-Host enter.


It looks like Engineer Kelly is going to have lots of fun at the Prince and Princess Fair.


Especially because of what she learned about Jesus in our Big Point. Let’s all practice our Big Point again,


Jesus Is The Good Shepherd!


It’s nice to know that Jesus takes care of us and protects us. He never takes His eyes off of us.


You can tell your family all about Jesus being the Good Shepherd when you do the Big Do this week. Conductor Carl gave us a fun idea.


Play follow the leader with your family, then talk about why Jesus is such a good leader.


Let’s play that now. I’ll be the leader. You have to watch me closely and do exactly what I do. I won’t tell you what to do; make sure you move just like me.

Play the game making different movements for the kids to follow. If space permits, you could move about the room as you play.


That was a lot of fun. You did a good job watching the leader. That’s what we do with Jesus. We watch Jesus and do what He does. Let’s say our Big Point once more,


Jesus Is The Good Shepherd!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say Jesus Is the Bad Shepherd or Jesus Is The Good Shepherd?

  • Let’s pretend to swing our sword like a brave knight. Who protected the Prince and Princess Fair from bad guys? Engineer Kelly Why was Engineer Kelly scared? She was worried when she slept

  • Turn to someone nearby and tell them your name. Make up a silly name for yourself. What is it? What does our Big Verse say? John 10:14 (NIrV), “I am the good shepherd. I know My sheep, and My sheep ____ Me.”

    • Know

    • Don’t know

  • Let’s howl like a wolf. Roar like a lion. Swipe your powerful paw, like a bear. When an animal tries to eat sheep, who protects the sheep? Shepherd Can Jesus protect us? Yes

  • What does your bed look like? What color is it? Is it a regular bed or is it shaped like something? Does the shepherd help the sheep find a safe place to sleep? Yes Does Jesus guard us like a shepherd guards the sheep pen? Yes

  • Let’s play a game. I want you to follow me, but I only want you to do what I say and not copy how I move. It’s very silly. Let’s see if you cannot be tricked. (Play) Did Conductor Carl tell us to play follow the leader and talk about Jesus for our Big Do?

    • Yes

    • No

Jesus Is The Good Shepherd Instructions

Countdown From 10
WelcomeMaterials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Shepherd Costume, Shepherd Staff

Host enters.


Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors! You’re dressed differently today.


That’s because I’m helping Farmer Faith at her farm. I am a shepherd.


That sounds like fun. What does a shepherd do?


I watch…um…uh…I don’t know what I watch. Maybe it’s cats. Can you meow for me? (Pause) No, that’s not what they sound like.


Do you watch puppies? Everyone, bark.


Nope, that’s not right either. They sound different. Try mooing. (Pause) Close, but not right.


The Jr. Conductors might know. Do you know what kind of animal a shepherd watches over?


Sheep? That sounds right. Can you make a sheep sound, so I can be sure? (Pause) That’s it. I watch sheep.


I’m glad that you remembered how you help Farmer Faith. Jesus talked about sheep in the Bible. That’s what we’re going to hear about today. Everyone, stand and give me a big, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Shepherd Costume, Shepherd Staff, Sheep Costume

This engage uses a sheep costume. This could be an actual costume or simply a robe or poncho with cotton balls attached. Host and Co-Host enter.


Engineer Kelly is working very hard to keep bad guys out of the Prince and Princess Day Fair. She sounds nervous about being brave when she sleeps.


Do you ever worry about scary things when you go to sleep? What we learned in our Big Point will help her. Let’s practice our Big Point again.

Practice the Big Point.


Jesus is a shepherd? Does He watch sheep, too?


He does, but Jesus’ sheep aren’t white and full of wool. We are Jesus’ sheep.


I don’t remember saying, “Baa” when I say, “Hello.” When you say, “Hello,” Jr. Conductors, do you say, “Baa” or “Hello?”


That doesn’t mean we are real sheep. It means that Jesus leads us like a good shepherd. Let’s think of some of the ways that you lead your sheep at Farmer Faith’s farm.


I think I need a friend to come up and pretend to be a sheep.

Bring up a child to wear the sheep costume or mask.


Okay, now I need all of the Jr. Conductors to stand up and pretend to be sheep, too. Shepherds lead sheep to good things like yummy grass. Follow me to the grass.

Walk in place. As you walk, tell the kids to turn different directions.


We’re here. Pretend to chew some green grass. (Chew) This grass is very chewy.


Shepherds also protect the sheep. Oh no! There’s a wolf over there. Can you howl like a wolf? (Pause) Sheep can’t fight a wolf. I’ll protect you! I’ll swing my staff and bonk the wolf on the head. He’s gone. Whew!


Shepherds also help the sheep find safe places to sleep.


We should head back to the sheep pen. I’ll open the door. Only sheep can enter, no wolves. Can you, “Baa” like a sheep ,so I know to let you in? (Pause) You can come in. Sit back down and pretend to sleep.


Good job. Jesus takes care of us like a perfect shepherd. He protects us, too. Jesus is always watching out for us. We should share that with Engineer Kelly.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Shepherd Costume, Shepherd Staff, Sheep Costume

Host and Co-Host enter.


Engineer Kelly learned about Jesus being the Good Shepherd.


Now she doesn’t have to be afraid when it’s time to sleep. Let’s practice singing the Big Point again,


Jesus Is The Good Shepherd!


Professor Beaker shared a verse, and in it, Jesus talks about being a shepherd. John 10:14 (NIrV) says, (VFX: Big Verse) “I am the good shepherd. I know My sheep, and My sheep know Me.”


Did you know that sheep know the voice of their shepherd and will come when the shepherd calls?


That explains why Mark and Penelope follow me when I call their names. They’re sheep. I have an idea. Let’s play a matching game to see how well we know which sheep are which.


We’ll give you a chance to pick two cards and see if they match. Let’s see if we can match them all.

Use the included PowerPoint to play the matching game. Allow each kid to choose two numbers, click the number to reveal the sheep. If they don’t match, click them again to cover the card and allow another child to choose. If you don’t have access to PowerPoint, you could print the cards and do a traditional matching game.


Do you think that Jesus knows each of us?


He does. The Bible says that God even knows how many hairs are on our heads.


Jesus must really love us. I’m glad I know that Jesus watches over me like a shepherd.


He is the Good Shepherd. Jesus will never, ever forget about you. It’s almost time to travel to the Big Story Station, but first let’s stand and sing a song to worship Jesus.

Big Story

Let’s thank Jesus for being the Good Shepherd and watching over us. Quietly, talk to Jesus right now where you are. Tell Him, "Thank You” for protecting you and helping you. (Pause) Now I’ll pray for all of us.

Engage 3Materials: Overalls, Train Hat, Handkerchief, Shepherd Costume, Shepherd Staff

Host and Co-Host enter.


It looks like Engineer Kelly is going to have lots of fun at the Prince and Princess Fair.


Especially because of what she learned about Jesus in our Big Point. Let’s all practice our Big Point again,


Jesus Is The Good Shepherd!


It’s nice to know that Jesus takes care of us and protects us. He never takes His eyes off of us.


You can tell your family all about Jesus being the Good Shepherd when you do the Big Do this week. Conductor Carl gave us a fun idea.


Play follow the leader with your family, then talk about why Jesus is such a good leader.


Let’s play that now. I’ll be the leader. You have to watch me closely and do exactly what I do. I won’t tell you what to do; make sure you move just like me.

Play the game making different movements for the kids to follow. If space permits, you could move about the room as you play.


That was a lot of fun. You did a good job watching the leader. That’s what we do with Jesus. We watch Jesus and do what He does. Let’s say our Big Point once more,


Jesus Is The Good Shepherd!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say Jesus Is the Bad Shepherd or Jesus Is The Good Shepherd?

  • Let’s pretend to swing our sword like a brave knight. Who protected the Prince and Princess Fair from bad guys? Engineer Kelly Why was Engineer Kelly scared? She was worried when she slept

  • Turn to someone nearby and tell them your name. Make up a silly name for yourself. What is it? What does our Big Verse say? John 10:14 (NIrV), “I am the good shepherd. I know My sheep, and My sheep ____ Me.”

    • Know

    • Don’t know

  • Let’s howl like a wolf. Roar like a lion. Swipe your powerful paw, like a bear. When an animal tries to eat sheep, who protects the sheep? Shepherd Can Jesus protect us? Yes

  • What does your bed look like? What color is it? Is it a regular bed or is it shaped like something? Does the shepherd help the sheep find a safe place to sleep? Yes Does Jesus guard us like a shepherd guards the sheep pen? Yes

  • Let’s play a game. I want you to follow me, but I only want you to do what I say and not copy how I move. It’s very silly. Let’s see if you cannot be tricked. (Play) Did Conductor Carl tell us to play follow the leader and talk about Jesus for our Big Do?

    • Yes

    • No