Jesus Is The Bread Of Life



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Instructions

Countdown From 10
WelcomeMaterials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2)

Host enters.


Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors! Did anyone eat breakfast/lunch/dinner (Choose the meal closest to service time) before you came to visit?


I didn’t. I’m so hungry. Do you think I could have a snack right now?


I don’t think you can have one right now, but maybe we can help you choose a snack for later.


I like that idea. I really want a snack that has bread in it.


We’ll show some snack ideas. Jr. Conductors, help our friend choose the snack that’s either made with bread or has bread in it.

Have the kids choose which item contains bread. If you’d prefer, you could also have the actual snack items on stage for the kids to choose between.


Those were great suggestions. Everything looked so delicious that I don’t know which one to choose. Maybe I’ll take a nibble of each of them.


Be careful not to eat too much. Today we get to hear about a time when Jesus talked about bread. Let’s keep our listening ears turned all the way up so we can hear. Everyone, stand and give me a big, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Bread, Knife, Jelly, Peanut Butter, Mustard, Ketchup, Pickles

Host and Co-Host enter.


I hope Mia finds the missing cereal.


She’s worried that her cousin might be angry. I think God can help her. That’s what we learned in our Big Point. Let’s practice our Big Point again,


Jesus Is The Bread Of Life!


I’m confused. How does our Big Point teach us that God can help us?


I’ll show you. But first would you like to help me make a sandwich, Jr. Conductors?


I guess we could help our friend. What kind of sandwich should we make? (Allow for answers) I agree. Let’s make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


If we want to make a sandwich, which item do we begin with? Should we put peanut butter on the plate or spread the jelly on our hands? Let’s pretend to cover our hands with peanut butter and jelly. Now squish your hands together. It’s a hand sandwich! Is that what we do? No, we use bread.


After starting with bread, what should we spread on top of it? Can you point to what we should use?

Allow for answers. As you talk, suggest strange items such as ketchup and mustard to the kids. Feel free to sub different weird items. As you discuss, the Host makes the sandwich.


That looks yummy. Let’s rub our tummies like we’re ready for a snack.


After you eat this sandwich, would you get hungry again?


Could you only eat one sandwich and not be hungry again for the rest of your life? No, you would need new sandwiches every day.


Of course you do. Jesus said that He is the Bread of Life. That means that Jesus gives us the help we need every single day. He doesn’t just help us one time. Jesus keeps helping us.


I can talk to Jesus any day, right?


That’s right. Jesus wants us to ask Him for all the help we need. He will never run out of ways to help us. Let’s see if Mia can find that missing cereal.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Silk Streamer, Change Bag, Regular Silk

Host and Co-Host enter. This object lesson uses a silk streamer than can be purchased online at If you are unable to use a silk streamer, you could make one by attaching cloths together or use a roll of paper. A change bag works great because you can place both silks in the bag. You could also just place the items in a regular bag.


Have you ever been to the grocery store with your mommy or daddy? Mia saw lots of food while she was there with Conductor Carl.


The boxes of cereal helped her learn the Big Point. Let’s practice singing the Big Point again,


Jesus Is The Bread Of Life!


Conductor Carl said that even the grocery store could run out of boxes of cereal, but Jesus will never run out of power to help us. I like the Big Verse Conductor Carl shared.


John 6:35 (NIrV), “I am the Bread of Life. Whoever comes to Me will never go hungry.”


Jesus will always be there to help us. He never, ever goes away. It’s like this piece of silk. Some people think that if they ask Jesus for help one time, that’s all that He can do for them.

Take the single silk out of the bag and fling it into the air. Reach back in and pull nothing out.


I worry about that. Sometimes I ask Jesus to help me have a peaceful sleep and no bad dreams. But the next night, I don’t ask because I worry that Jesus doesn’t want to help me again.


That’s not how Jesus works. He says that we will never go hungry. That means that Jesus’ help is there day after day after day. You don’t just get a little help. You get a lot of help.

Switch the lever on the change bag and pull out the long silk streamer.


Wow! I can keep asking Jesus for His help?


Yep, it never runs out. Jesus gives us all that we need. Jesus even told us to pray every day and to ask God to give us what we need.


I like learning about Jesus. It makes me want to be around Him.


Conductor Carl reminded Mia about the good things she knows about her cousin, Luna. The more good things we know about someone, the more we want to be around them. We know lots of good things about Jesus, like He loves to help us. Before we head to the Big Story Station, let’s stand and sing a song to worship Jesus.

Big Story

Optional, play soft instrumental music.

Jesus loves you, and He loves to help you. All you have to do is ask. That is something we can do right now. Let’s quietly pray and talk to Jesus. While we do, ask Him to help you. He could help you not have scary dreams or if you’re feeling worried or sad. Talk to Jesus now. (Pause) Now I’ll pray for all of us.

Engage 3Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Play Food

For this game choose play food that will allow you to build a sandwich together. A great option is the Melissa & Doug Felt Food Sandwich Playset. You can also use real food if you would prefer.

Host and Co-Host enter.


Engineer Kelly and Mia enjoyed their breakfast together, and now Mia is excited to visit with her cousin, Luna.


It helps that Mia knows how nice her cousin is, so she doesn’t have to be worried. We learned about Jesus in our Big Point. Let’s all practice it again,


Jesus Is The Bread Of Life!


Just like Jesus fed lots of people with that small lunch that never ran out, Jesus’ help for us will never run out.


We can tell our families about Jesus feeding all the people with just two fish and five pieces of bread when we do the Big Do this week. Conductor Carl gave us a fun idea.


Make a sandwich with your family. As you add things to the sandwich, talk about all of the ways Jesus helps us.


I have a fun idea. Let’s use some toy food to build a sandwich. I have two Jr. Conductors and two engineers (volunteers) who will help. Let’s see which team can build the tallest sandwich.

Have each adult volunteer work with each child as a team to build the tallest sandwich out of the play food. Encourage the kids to cheer and encourage their friends.


Those are some tall sandwiches. Let’s pick off the toppings and think of different ways Jesus helps us.

Take off a few of the items and discuss ways Jesus helps us such as: wisdom, healing, peace when we sleep, protection, joy, etc.


Let’s say our Big Point once more,


Jesus Is The Bread Of Life!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say Jesus Is The Bread Of Life! or Jesus Is the Pizza of Life?

  • Let’s pretend to eat a bowl of cereal. What kind of cereal do you like to eat? Do you pour milk or tomato juice in your cereal? Take a big bite. Who ran out of cereal at the Train Station? Mia Did Conductor Carl help her find more? Yes Where did they go? Grocery Store

  • Poke out your tummies like you ate a really big lunch. Rub your tummy like you are hungry. What does our Big Verse say? John 6:35 (NIrV), “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to Me will never go ______.”

    • Hungry

    • Full

  • What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? What did the boy in our Big Story bring for his lunch? Bread and Fish Did he keep his lunch or share it with Jesus? Shared it

  • Can you tell me what color hair your mommy has? What does your daddy like to eat? Is your grandma or grandpa nice? Did Mia learn her cousin was nice or mean? Nice It helps when we know something about someone. What did we learn about Jesus? He wants to help us

  • Let’s pretend to eat as many slices of pizza as we can. What toppings are on your pizza? Ready? Go! (Pretend to eat) Wow! How many slices did you eat? When Jesus passed out the bread and fish was it enough to feed the big, giant crowd of people?

    • Yes

    • No

Jesus Is The Bread Of Life Instructions

Countdown From 10
WelcomeMaterials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2)

Host enters.


Welcome to the Train Station, Jr. Conductors! Did anyone eat breakfast/lunch/dinner (Choose the meal closest to service time) before you came to visit?


I didn’t. I’m so hungry. Do you think I could have a snack right now?


I don’t think you can have one right now, but maybe we can help you choose a snack for later.


I like that idea. I really want a snack that has bread in it.


We’ll show some snack ideas. Jr. Conductors, help our friend choose the snack that’s either made with bread or has bread in it.

Have the kids choose which item contains bread. If you’d prefer, you could also have the actual snack items on stage for the kids to choose between.


Those were great suggestions. Everything looked so delicious that I don’t know which one to choose. Maybe I’ll take a nibble of each of them.


Be careful not to eat too much. Today we get to hear about a time when Jesus talked about bread. Let’s keep our listening ears turned all the way up so we can hear. Everyone, stand and give me a big, “Choo-choo!”

Engage 1Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Bread, Knife, Jelly, Peanut Butter, Mustard, Ketchup, Pickles

Host and Co-Host enter.


I hope Mia finds the missing cereal.


She’s worried that her cousin might be angry. I think God can help her. That’s what we learned in our Big Point. Let’s practice our Big Point again,


Jesus Is The Bread Of Life!


I’m confused. How does our Big Point teach us that God can help us?


I’ll show you. But first would you like to help me make a sandwich, Jr. Conductors?


I guess we could help our friend. What kind of sandwich should we make? (Allow for answers) I agree. Let’s make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


If we want to make a sandwich, which item do we begin with? Should we put peanut butter on the plate or spread the jelly on our hands? Let’s pretend to cover our hands with peanut butter and jelly. Now squish your hands together. It’s a hand sandwich! Is that what we do? No, we use bread.


After starting with bread, what should we spread on top of it? Can you point to what we should use?

Allow for answers. As you talk, suggest strange items such as ketchup and mustard to the kids. Feel free to sub different weird items. As you discuss, the Host makes the sandwich.


That looks yummy. Let’s rub our tummies like we’re ready for a snack.


After you eat this sandwich, would you get hungry again?


Could you only eat one sandwich and not be hungry again for the rest of your life? No, you would need new sandwiches every day.


Of course you do. Jesus said that He is the Bread of Life. That means that Jesus gives us the help we need every single day. He doesn’t just help us one time. Jesus keeps helping us.


I can talk to Jesus any day, right?


That’s right. Jesus wants us to ask Him for all the help we need. He will never run out of ways to help us. Let’s see if Mia can find that missing cereal.

Engage 2Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Silk Streamer, Change Bag, Regular Silk

Host and Co-Host enter. This object lesson uses a silk streamer than can be purchased online at If you are unable to use a silk streamer, you could make one by attaching cloths together or use a roll of paper. A change bag works great because you can place both silks in the bag. You could also just place the items in a regular bag.


Have you ever been to the grocery store with your mommy or daddy? Mia saw lots of food while she was there with Conductor Carl.


The boxes of cereal helped her learn the Big Point. Let’s practice singing the Big Point again,


Jesus Is The Bread Of Life!


Conductor Carl said that even the grocery store could run out of boxes of cereal, but Jesus will never run out of power to help us. I like the Big Verse Conductor Carl shared.


John 6:35 (NIrV), “I am the Bread of Life. Whoever comes to Me will never go hungry.”


Jesus will always be there to help us. He never, ever goes away. It’s like this piece of silk. Some people think that if they ask Jesus for help one time, that’s all that He can do for them.

Take the single silk out of the bag and fling it into the air. Reach back in and pull nothing out.


I worry about that. Sometimes I ask Jesus to help me have a peaceful sleep and no bad dreams. But the next night, I don’t ask because I worry that Jesus doesn’t want to help me again.


That’s not how Jesus works. He says that we will never go hungry. That means that Jesus’ help is there day after day after day. You don’t just get a little help. You get a lot of help.

Switch the lever on the change bag and pull out the long silk streamer.


Wow! I can keep asking Jesus for His help?


Yep, it never runs out. Jesus gives us all that we need. Jesus even told us to pray every day and to ask God to give us what we need.


I like learning about Jesus. It makes me want to be around Him.


Conductor Carl reminded Mia about the good things she knows about her cousin, Luna. The more good things we know about someone, the more we want to be around them. We know lots of good things about Jesus, like He loves to help us. Before we head to the Big Story Station, let’s stand and sing a song to worship Jesus.

Big Story

Optional, play soft instrumental music.

Jesus loves you, and He loves to help you. All you have to do is ask. That is something we can do right now. Let’s quietly pray and talk to Jesus. While we do, ask Him to help you. He could help you not have scary dreams or if you’re feeling worried or sad. Talk to Jesus now. (Pause) Now I’ll pray for all of us.

Engage 3Materials: Overalls (2), Train Hat (2), Handkerchief (2), Play Food

For this game choose play food that will allow you to build a sandwich together. A great option is the Melissa & Doug Felt Food Sandwich Playset. You can also use real food if you would prefer.

Host and Co-Host enter.


Engineer Kelly and Mia enjoyed their breakfast together, and now Mia is excited to visit with her cousin, Luna.


It helps that Mia knows how nice her cousin is, so she doesn’t have to be worried. We learned about Jesus in our Big Point. Let’s all practice it again,


Jesus Is The Bread Of Life!


Just like Jesus fed lots of people with that small lunch that never ran out, Jesus’ help for us will never run out.


We can tell our families about Jesus feeding all the people with just two fish and five pieces of bread when we do the Big Do this week. Conductor Carl gave us a fun idea.


Make a sandwich with your family. As you add things to the sandwich, talk about all of the ways Jesus helps us.


I have a fun idea. Let’s use some toy food to build a sandwich. I have two Jr. Conductors and two engineers (volunteers) who will help. Let’s see which team can build the tallest sandwich.

Have each adult volunteer work with each child as a team to build the tallest sandwich out of the play food. Encourage the kids to cheer and encourage their friends.


Those are some tall sandwiches. Let’s pick off the toppings and think of different ways Jesus helps us.

Take off a few of the items and discuss ways Jesus helps us such as: wisdom, healing, peace when we sleep, protection, joy, etc.


Let’s say our Big Point once more,


Jesus Is The Bread Of Life!

Big Review
  • Did our Big Point say Jesus Is The Bread Of Life! or Jesus Is the Pizza of Life?

  • Let’s pretend to eat a bowl of cereal. What kind of cereal do you like to eat? Do you pour milk or tomato juice in your cereal? Take a big bite. Who ran out of cereal at the Train Station? Mia Did Conductor Carl help her find more? Yes Where did they go? Grocery Store

  • Poke out your tummies like you ate a really big lunch. Rub your tummy like you are hungry. What does our Big Verse say? John 6:35 (NIrV), “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to Me will never go ______.”

    • Hungry

    • Full

  • What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? What did the boy in our Big Story bring for his lunch? Bread and Fish Did he keep his lunch or share it with Jesus? Shared it

  • Can you tell me what color hair your mommy has? What does your daddy like to eat? Is your grandma or grandpa nice? Did Mia learn her cousin was nice or mean? Nice It helps when we know something about someone. What did we learn about Jesus? He wants to help us

  • Let’s pretend to eat as many slices of pizza as we can. What toppings are on your pizza? Ready? Go! (Pretend to eat) Wow! How many slices did you eat? When Jesus passed out the bread and fish was it enough to feed the big, giant crowd of people?

    • Yes

    • No