The Knights of West Ridge

Three Knights are tasked with rescuing the princess from the vicious ogre! Follow their journey as they fight monsters, answer riddles, find magic, and learn a message from the Bible.
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The Knights of West Ridge



This one-year series, perfect for 4th-7th graders, is designed to engage families with fun games, exciting challenges, and Bible stories that teach about the love of Jesus.

Small Group Instructions

Section 01

Objectives: • Understand the characteristics of wisdom from heaven as described in James 3:17. • Reflect on how these characteristics can be applied in daily life.

• Break down the characteristics mentioned in the verse play each slide as you discuss each word. If needed google the definition of each word or have the students google it and take turns reading definitions. 

Do you think by following The Greatest Commandment, the characteristics in James 3:17 will be easy to follow?

Is it really as simple as loving God first and then loving others as ourselves? Why do you think it is or it isn’t?

Ask each student to reflect individually on which characteristic(s) they feel they need to work on the most in their own lives.

Would anyone like to share the characteristic they thought of?

Group Activity: • Divide the students into small groups. • Assign each group one or two characteristics to discuss. • Have them brainstorm examples of how someone with that characteristic might behave or act in different situations.

Encourage students to think about how they can incorporate these characteristics into their lives, both at school and at home.

Closing Prayer: Conclude the lesson with a prayer, asking for guidance and strength to embody the wisdom from heaven in their daily lives. This lesson aims to engage junior high students in understanding and applying the virtues described in James 3:17, fostering personal reflection and encouraging positive behavior.

The Knights of West Ridge Instructions

Section 01

Objectives: • Understand the characteristics of wisdom from heaven as described in James 3:17. • Reflect on how these characteristics can be applied in daily life.

• Break down the characteristics mentioned in the verse play each slide as you discuss each word. If needed google the definition of each word or have the students google it and take turns reading definitions. 

Do you think by following The Greatest Commandment, the characteristics in James 3:17 will be easy to follow?

Is it really as simple as loving God first and then loving others as ourselves? Why do you think it is or it isn’t?

Ask each student to reflect individually on which characteristic(s) they feel they need to work on the most in their own lives.

Would anyone like to share the characteristic they thought of?

Group Activity: • Divide the students into small groups. • Assign each group one or two characteristics to discuss. • Have them brainstorm examples of how someone with that characteristic might behave or act in different situations.

Encourage students to think about how they can incorporate these characteristics into their lives, both at school and at home.

Closing Prayer: Conclude the lesson with a prayer, asking for guidance and strength to embody the wisdom from heaven in their daily lives. This lesson aims to engage junior high students in understanding and applying the virtues described in James 3:17, fostering personal reflection and encouraging positive behavior.