The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.
Classroom Instructions
Simplifying Revelation: How to Read the Book of Revelation
Session 7: A Peculiar Organization of Thought (Structure)
I. An Unfamiliar Organization of Thoughts
II. Progression vs. Recapitulation
a. Western/American Minds (Progression)
i. We look at most things linearly.
ii. PROBLEM: John did not write the book of Revelation from a western perspective.
b. Jewish Minds (Recapitulation)
i. A Jewish mind looks at things cyclically.
ii. This is how John wrote the book of Revelation – cyclically.
III. Defining Recapitulation
a. The definition of recapitulation: the retelling of the same events from a different perspective with a different purpose commonly involving intensification.
IV. The Structure of Revelation
a. Example of cyclical progression in Revelation: The end of the world (Rev. 6:12-17; 11:15-18; 14; 16:17-21; etc.)
b. THUS: Different interpretative keys need to be identified:
i. Interludes: The seals, trumpets, and bowls.
All are a Series of 7—Completion
All come to the end of the world
All have an interlude between the 6th and 7th element of their series
ii. Dialog/Narrative Interruptions
- Revelation 19:10; 22:8-9
iii. Structural Interruption
- Introduction to the Unholy Trinity
a. Characters
i. Satan (Rev 12:3; cf. Rev 2:9, 10, 13; 3:9)
ii. 2 Beasts (Rev 13)
b. Parody ministries with the Holy Trinity
i. Babylon (Rev 14:8)
ii. The Church
- The Collapse of the Unholy Trinity
a. [a] Dragon introduced (Rev 12)
i. [b] Two Beasts introduced (Rev 13)
[c] Babylon introduced (Rev 14)
[c`] Babylon destroyed (Rev 17-18)
ii. [b`] Two Beasts destroyed (Rev 19)
b. [a`] Dragon destroyed (Rev 20)