Defusing Semantic Bombs

In Session 3, "Defusing Semantic Bombs," Dr. Shane J. Wood explores the biblical definition of the "last days" and challenges the common notion of prophecy as mere prediction, emphasizing its broader role in prosecuting, persuading, revealing who God is, what He desires, and what He demands from us.
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Defusing Semantic Bombs



The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.

Classroom Instructions

Section 01

Simplifying Revelation: How to Read the Book of Revelation

Session 3: Defusing Semantic Bombs

I. Are we living in the Last Days?

a. To answer this question, we need to ask: “What is the biblical definition of ‘last days’?”

i. OUR DEFINITION: Last Days = last 24 hr. periods before 2nd coming

ii. BIBLE’S DEFINITION: “Last days” or “last times” in the NT [7 passages—not used: James 5:1-3; 2 Peter 3:3; 1 Pet 1:20].

  1. 2 Tim 3:1 – “last days”

  2. Jude 17-19 – “last times”

  3. Acts 2:14-24 – “last days”

  4. Heb 1:1-2 – “last days”

iii. Conclusion: The Biblical Definition of the “last days” = time between Christ’s 1st & 2nd Coming

II. What is Prophecy?

a. Common Definition: Prophecy = Prediction

b. How does the Bible Define Prophecy?

i. Key Observation:

  1. Around 17% of the time the words prophecy, prophesy, or to prophesy are used, the verses are in the context of a prediction.

  2. Over 83% of the time the words prophecy, prophesy, and to prophesy refer to something else besides prediction.

ii. Prophecy…

  1. …prosecutes and persuades a rebellious people.

  2. …reveals

a. Who God is

b. What God desires

c. What God demands of us

III. Conclusion:

Defusing Semantic Bombs Instructions

Section 01

Simplifying Revelation: How to Read the Book of Revelation

Session 3: Defusing Semantic Bombs

I. Are we living in the Last Days?

a. To answer this question, we need to ask: “What is the biblical definition of ‘last days’?”

i. OUR DEFINITION: Last Days = last 24 hr. periods before 2nd coming

ii. BIBLE’S DEFINITION: “Last days” or “last times” in the NT [7 passages—not used: James 5:1-3; 2 Peter 3:3; 1 Pet 1:20].

  1. 2 Tim 3:1 – “last days”

  2. Jude 17-19 – “last times”

  3. Acts 2:14-24 – “last days”

  4. Heb 1:1-2 – “last days”

iii. Conclusion: The Biblical Definition of the “last days” = time between Christ’s 1st & 2nd Coming

II. What is Prophecy?

a. Common Definition: Prophecy = Prediction

b. How does the Bible Define Prophecy?

i. Key Observation:

  1. Around 17% of the time the words prophecy, prophesy, or to prophesy are used, the verses are in the context of a prediction.

  2. Over 83% of the time the words prophecy, prophesy, and to prophesy refer to something else besides prediction.

ii. Prophecy…

  1. …prosecutes and persuades a rebellious people.

  2. …reveals

a. Who God is

b. What God desires

c. What God demands of us

III. Conclusion: