When you are disappointed, the LORD is still at work

Many psalms are prayers of lament, expressing frustration and anger over God's perceived inaction. Psalm 74, written by Asaph after witnessing Jerusalem's destruction by the Babylonians in 586 BC, reflects this sentiment while also hoping for future deliverance. This session delves into moments of disappointment with God, crises of faith, and God's seeming inaction during evil times. It examines Asaph's response to the temple's destruction, God's broken promises, and the psalm's turning point that looks to the past for present meaning. Practical applications include speaking honestly with God, finding comfort in creation, and trusting God amidst life's uncertainties. Other psalms expressing disappointment include 13, 22, 39, 44, 60, 77, 79, 88, 102, and 137.
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When you are disappointed, the LORD is still at work



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When you are disappointed, the LORD is still at work Instructions