Common Questions about Prayer (Part 2)



The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.

Classroom Instructions


More Questions about Prayer

  • Why should we pray?

  • What difference does it make for prayer that God is Triune (Father, Son, and Spirit)? Should we pray to the different members of the Trinity?

  • What does it mean when the Bible says to ask/pray in Jesus’ name?

  • What about praying for dead people or to the saints?

  • Why can’t I clear my thoughts to pray for longer than like 15 minutes?

  • How do I know if prayer is working?

  • If I pray asking God to heal or change a situation that is in his will, but my heart doesn't have faith in the moment to believe it, is it ignored? How does prayer work when you lack faith or hope?

  • How do I better discern what God is saying to me through prayer?

  • Is having a conversation with God the same as intentionally praying? I often hear about people saying they constantly talk with God throughout the day but is that really the same as praying to him?

Challenge: Take five minutes and just pray.

Questions for Discussion and Reflection

  • Which of these questions resonate with you? To what degree are you helped or satisfied with the answers?

  • How does the fact that God is Triune impact your prayer life? How do you want it to?

  • Do you pray “in Jesus’ name”? Why? Will you continue doing so? Why?

  • Why is it crucial to evaluate our prayer lives carefully?

  • How can we stay honest about our questions without letting our questions keep us from praying?

Common Questions about Prayer (Part 2) Instructions


More Questions about Prayer

  • Why should we pray?

  • What difference does it make for prayer that God is Triune (Father, Son, and Spirit)? Should we pray to the different members of the Trinity?

  • What does it mean when the Bible says to ask/pray in Jesus’ name?

  • What about praying for dead people or to the saints?

  • Why can’t I clear my thoughts to pray for longer than like 15 minutes?

  • How do I know if prayer is working?

  • If I pray asking God to heal or change a situation that is in his will, but my heart doesn't have faith in the moment to believe it, is it ignored? How does prayer work when you lack faith or hope?

  • How do I better discern what God is saying to me through prayer?

  • Is having a conversation with God the same as intentionally praying? I often hear about people saying they constantly talk with God throughout the day but is that really the same as praying to him?

Challenge: Take five minutes and just pray.

Questions for Discussion and Reflection

  • Which of these questions resonate with you? To what degree are you helped or satisfied with the answers?

  • How does the fact that God is Triune impact your prayer life? How do you want it to?

  • Do you pray “in Jesus’ name”? Why? Will you continue doing so? Why?

  • Why is it crucial to evaluate our prayer lives carefully?

  • How can we stay honest about our questions without letting our questions keep us from praying?