The Secret to Contentment (4:10-23)



The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.

Classroom Instructions


Opening Thoughts

- What are some ways you have seen people use Philippians 4:13? 

- If you want to understand a statement, read it in context! 

Philippians 4:10-23

- If you have Jesus, you have… 

    - This is one of the oddest thank-yous ever! 

    - “Secret to contentment” (autarkēs) – 

    - The real message of Philippians 4:13 

- Giving to God is never… 

    - The expectation of “reciprocity” and Paul’s limitation – 

    - This friendship is not just horizontal – 

- Paul may be in chains but… 

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. If we asked five people who know you whether you were content, what would they say?

  2. To what extent are you afraid of failure or disappointment? Why?

  3. How does examining Philippians 4:13 in context change your understanding of its message?

  4. How does Paul subvert his culture’s ideal of “sufficiency”? What are some values in our world that we should think about in the same way?

  5. What difference does this passage make for our understanding of friendship and giving our money for ministry?

  6. What will you take with you from our study of Philippians?

The Secret to Contentment (4:10-23) Instructions


Opening Thoughts

- What are some ways you have seen people use Philippians 4:13? 

- If you want to understand a statement, read it in context! 

Philippians 4:10-23

- If you have Jesus, you have… 

    - This is one of the oddest thank-yous ever! 

    - “Secret to contentment” (autarkēs) – 

    - The real message of Philippians 4:13 

- Giving to God is never… 

    - The expectation of “reciprocity” and Paul’s limitation – 

    - This friendship is not just horizontal – 

- Paul may be in chains but… 

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. If we asked five people who know you whether you were content, what would they say?

  2. To what extent are you afraid of failure or disappointment? Why?

  3. How does examining Philippians 4:13 in context change your understanding of its message?

  4. How does Paul subvert his culture’s ideal of “sufficiency”? What are some values in our world that we should think about in the same way?

  5. What difference does this passage make for our understanding of friendship and giving our money for ministry?

  6. What will you take with you from our study of Philippians?