Session 02

The video series on Obadiah 1-2 explores the prophetic elements in the book, emphasizing visions and divine messenger statements conveying God's warning to Edom. It prompts reflection on discerning messages from the Lord and discusses God's intervention in contemporary geopolitical scenarios. Transitioning to Obadiah 3-9, the series delves into the dismantling of Edom's false securities, cautioning against modern arrogance. Obadiah 10-14 presents God's case against Edom, prompting viewers to identify parallel transgressions in today's context. Obadiah 15-16 discusses the significance of the Day of the Lord, applying key verses to Edom's judgment and modern relevance. Obadiah 17-20 contrasts Edom's fate with hope promised for Mount Zion, exploring safety, holiness, inheritance, unity, and victory. The series concludes with Obadiah 21, highlighting hope from Mount Zion and challenging viewers to live out Jesus' command to love enemies and pray for persecutors, referencing Matthew 5:33-34.
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Session 02



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Section 1

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