In Session 5 of 'Mothers of the Messiah,' Beth DeFazio explores the story of Bathsheba, shifting the focus from societal judgments to God's perspective of redemption. The study delves into David's actions, the snowball effect of sin, and the nuanced roles of Bathsheba and Nathan. Participants discuss personal experiences of sin's impact, reflect on preconceptions about this part of David's story, and explore the language of repentance in Psalms 32 and 51. The session concludes with prayers for the application of lessons learned from David, Nathan, and Bathsheba in personal and collective journeys of faith.
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The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.

Classroom Instructions


Mothers of the Messiah

A NextLevel Series on the Women in Jesus’ Lineage

Session 5: BATHSHEBA. Where some see ravished, God sees redeemed.

With Beth DeFazio


⮚ Crave…

o When fighting men were off to war, David was at _______.

o David let his glimpse become a ________.

⮚ Conceal…

o David brings __________ home to sleep with his wife, _______________.

o Uriah’s character ________ is stronger than David’s character ________.

⮚ Cover Up…

o David sends Uriah to the front lines to be __________.

o David has wept over the death of his __________, but is relieved at the loss of his own __________.

⮚ Culpability…

o Look at the ________. David’s are active. Bathsheba’s are passive.

o When the King calls, a subject has two options: say _____ or be __________.

o Nathan rebukes ________ but not _______________.

⮚ Confession…

o When other kings would have made excuses, David __________.

o His anguish is clear in Psalm 32 & 51…

⮚ Concluding Application…

o David…

o Nathan…

o Bathsheba…


  1. David fell to the snowball effect of sin. Recount a time your sin led to another and another. What effects did that have on you spiritually, emotionally, and relationally?

  2. Before today’s study what thoughts or feelings did you have about this part of David’s story and Bathsheba’s role in his moral failure? How have these changed or remained?

  3. Read Psalm 32 and 51. Discuss the language that points to David’s repentant heart.

  4. Share a time when you felt invisible, but God assured you, you were seen. Reflect on Bathsheba’s continued role in the kingdom. What does this tell you about God?

  5. Read through your notes of application from David, Nathan, and Bathsheba. Pray that all of these lessons will be true in you and in the Church.

BATHSHEBA Instructions


Mothers of the Messiah

A NextLevel Series on the Women in Jesus’ Lineage

Session 5: BATHSHEBA. Where some see ravished, God sees redeemed.

With Beth DeFazio


⮚ Crave…

o When fighting men were off to war, David was at _______.

o David let his glimpse become a ________.

⮚ Conceal…

o David brings __________ home to sleep with his wife, _______________.

o Uriah’s character ________ is stronger than David’s character ________.

⮚ Cover Up…

o David sends Uriah to the front lines to be __________.

o David has wept over the death of his __________, but is relieved at the loss of his own __________.

⮚ Culpability…

o Look at the ________. David’s are active. Bathsheba’s are passive.

o When the King calls, a subject has two options: say _____ or be __________.

o Nathan rebukes ________ but not _______________.

⮚ Confession…

o When other kings would have made excuses, David __________.

o His anguish is clear in Psalm 32 & 51…

⮚ Concluding Application…

o David…

o Nathan…

o Bathsheba…


  1. David fell to the snowball effect of sin. Recount a time your sin led to another and another. What effects did that have on you spiritually, emotionally, and relationally?

  2. Before today’s study what thoughts or feelings did you have about this part of David’s story and Bathsheba’s role in his moral failure? How have these changed or remained?

  3. Read Psalm 32 and 51. Discuss the language that points to David’s repentant heart.

  4. Share a time when you felt invisible, but God assured you, you were seen. Reflect on Bathsheba’s continued role in the kingdom. What does this tell you about God?

  5. Read through your notes of application from David, Nathan, and Bathsheba. Pray that all of these lessons will be true in you and in the Church.