The Torah Psalms (Psalm 19)

The Hebrew word Torah means “instruction” or “revelation”, and a Torah psalm is a psalm focused on the “law of the LORD”. Psalms 1, 19, and 119 are all Torah psalms, revealing to us that God speaks to all of humanity, compelling us to listen, to know him, and enter into a relationship with Him. Psalm 19 is also a psalm of creation, highlighting the glory of God on display in the skies.
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The Torah Psalms (Psalm 19)



The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.

Classroom Instructions


The Torah Psalms (Psalm 19)

  • Summary: The Hebrew word Torah means “instruction” or “revelation”, and a Torah psalm is a psalm focused on the “law of the LORD”. Psalms 1, 19, and 119 are all Torah psalms, revealing to us that God speaks to all of humanity, compelling us to listen, to know him, and enter into a relationship with Him. Psalm 19 is also a psalm of creation, highlighting the glory of God on display in the skies.

  • Notes:


      • God speaks to humanity through the created world
        • Clearly (vs. 1), the heavens (far) and the skies (near) declare and proclaim
        • Continually (vs. 2), the orderly cycles of nature are the basis of modern science
        • Completely (3-4), Romans 1:19-20, God’s eternal power and divine nature are clearly

revealed so that there is no rational reason to deny this reality - Consider the beauty, strength, and life-giving power of the sun - Ancient people worshiped the sun, but God tucks it into bed - The bridegroom represents the glory, beauty, and life-creating capacity of the sun - The champion highlights its strength and constancy - Theologians call this general revelation. God speaks silently to everyone through His creation.

    - Just as the sun gives life, warmth and power, so does the Word of God enlighten the soul
    - The nature of the law: perfect, sure, right, pure, clean, true, enduring forever, righteous altogether
    - The effect of the law: revives the soul, makes wise the simple, rejoices the heart, enlightens eyes
    - The desirability of the law: more valuable than gold, sweeter than honey, a warning and a reward

    - Through the Torah, YHWH reveals our errors and hidden faults. We hear his voice within our

hearts, convicting and motivating us to resist willful sins and great transgressions - David recognizes that he hears the word of God internally, and YHWH hears his meditation. - The Holy Spirit’s presence in the psalmist’s life (Psalm 51:11; 139:7-12) - The law of God written on our hearts (Romans 2:15) - The Holy Spirit convicting us of sin (John 16:8-11)

    - Jesus our Rock (cornerstone, 1 Peter 2:6-8)
    - Jesus our Redeemer (one who can purchase us out of our slavery to sin, Colossians 1:13-14).
    - The final and perfect way God made himself known is in Jesus (John 1:1-5,14,18; Hebrews 1:1-4)
    - Just as the Torah is the revelation of God and the means of salvation to the Jew, so Jesus is to

the Christian, the perfect and final revelation of God, and the means by which we are saved.


  1. What are some things we learn about God from paying attention to the heavens and skies?
  2. Some people believe that scripture and science are inherently in conflict. Are they in conflict? If so, how can we reconcile God’s world with God’s word?
  3. What are some practical ways that we can experience the illuminating effects of God’s word in our daily lives?
  4. When have you sensed God speaking to your heart? Do you sense Him listening to your heart?
  5. In what ways has Jesus been your Rock and Redeemer?

The Torah Psalms (Psalm 19) Instructions


The Torah Psalms (Psalm 19)

  • Summary: The Hebrew word Torah means “instruction” or “revelation”, and a Torah psalm is a psalm focused on the “law of the LORD”. Psalms 1, 19, and 119 are all Torah psalms, revealing to us that God speaks to all of humanity, compelling us to listen, to know him, and enter into a relationship with Him. Psalm 19 is also a psalm of creation, highlighting the glory of God on display in the skies.

  • Notes:


      • God speaks to humanity through the created world
        • Clearly (vs. 1), the heavens (far) and the skies (near) declare and proclaim
        • Continually (vs. 2), the orderly cycles of nature are the basis of modern science
        • Completely (3-4), Romans 1:19-20, God’s eternal power and divine nature are clearly

revealed so that there is no rational reason to deny this reality - Consider the beauty, strength, and life-giving power of the sun - Ancient people worshiped the sun, but God tucks it into bed - The bridegroom represents the glory, beauty, and life-creating capacity of the sun - The champion highlights its strength and constancy - Theologians call this general revelation. God speaks silently to everyone through His creation.

    - Just as the sun gives life, warmth and power, so does the Word of God enlighten the soul
    - The nature of the law: perfect, sure, right, pure, clean, true, enduring forever, righteous altogether
    - The effect of the law: revives the soul, makes wise the simple, rejoices the heart, enlightens eyes
    - The desirability of the law: more valuable than gold, sweeter than honey, a warning and a reward

    - Through the Torah, YHWH reveals our errors and hidden faults. We hear his voice within our

hearts, convicting and motivating us to resist willful sins and great transgressions - David recognizes that he hears the word of God internally, and YHWH hears his meditation. - The Holy Spirit’s presence in the psalmist’s life (Psalm 51:11; 139:7-12) - The law of God written on our hearts (Romans 2:15) - The Holy Spirit convicting us of sin (John 16:8-11)

    - Jesus our Rock (cornerstone, 1 Peter 2:6-8)
    - Jesus our Redeemer (one who can purchase us out of our slavery to sin, Colossians 1:13-14).
    - The final and perfect way God made himself known is in Jesus (John 1:1-5,14,18; Hebrews 1:1-4)
    - Just as the Torah is the revelation of God and the means of salvation to the Jew, so Jesus is to

the Christian, the perfect and final revelation of God, and the means by which we are saved.


  1. What are some things we learn about God from paying attention to the heavens and skies?
  2. Some people believe that scripture and science are inherently in conflict. Are they in conflict? If so, how can we reconcile God’s world with God’s word?
  3. What are some practical ways that we can experience the illuminating effects of God’s word in our daily lives?
  4. When have you sensed God speaking to your heart? Do you sense Him listening to your heart?
  5. In what ways has Jesus been your Rock and Redeemer?