Ezekiel 40-46

In this section Ezekiel is taken on another visionary journey to Jerusalem. But this time it is to tour the future temple of God! It is an awe-inspiring vision of God dwelling with his people.
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Ezekiel 40-46



The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.

Classroom Instructions


In this section, Ezekiel is taken on another visionary journey to Jerusalem. But this time it is to tour the future temple of God! It is an awe-inspiring vision of God dwelling with his people.

There is meticulous detail given about the dimensions and layout of the temple. But the important point is that it is magnificent and draws people’s attention to God. In Ezekiel 43:10-11 God tells Ezekiel that the perfection of the temple should provoke regret for the people in light of their sins. In a sense it invites them to say, “God is so much better than the false gods and idols that we put our trust in.”

In addition to the temple building itself being rebuilt, the vision shows the presence of God returning and the priesthood being reactivated. These mark the complete return of God’s people to peace with him and the freedom to serve him properly.

A unique element that is introduced in Ezekiel 45 is that the prince should preside at the holy festivals and provide sacrifices for the people. This is a picture of a prince that acts like a priest!

In the book of Hebrews, Jesus is described as our high priest, who is also our king. He fulfills this image of a prince-priest once and for all. Hebrews 9:24 says, “For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God’s presence.”

Ironically, the temple rebuilt after the return from Babylon would itself be destroyed in A.D. 70. Now, we are his temple and we await a new city described in Revelation 21:22 that has no temple. Because God himself will be our temple.

Questions for Discussion/Reflection:

  • God’s temple was the place for the presence of God to be accessible to people. We are now his temple of God on earth stewarding his presence through the Holy Spirit. How does it shape your self-understanding to think of yourself as a temple of God?
  • In Ezekiel 43 the perfection of the temple was meant to draw a contrast with sin. How could our way of life inspire as gracious but striking contrast with a way of life apart from God?
  • In what way does the hope we have for future total peace in the presence of God inspire you?

Ezekiel 40-46 Instructions


In this section, Ezekiel is taken on another visionary journey to Jerusalem. But this time it is to tour the future temple of God! It is an awe-inspiring vision of God dwelling with his people.

There is meticulous detail given about the dimensions and layout of the temple. But the important point is that it is magnificent and draws people’s attention to God. In Ezekiel 43:10-11 God tells Ezekiel that the perfection of the temple should provoke regret for the people in light of their sins. In a sense it invites them to say, “God is so much better than the false gods and idols that we put our trust in.”

In addition to the temple building itself being rebuilt, the vision shows the presence of God returning and the priesthood being reactivated. These mark the complete return of God’s people to peace with him and the freedom to serve him properly.

A unique element that is introduced in Ezekiel 45 is that the prince should preside at the holy festivals and provide sacrifices for the people. This is a picture of a prince that acts like a priest!

In the book of Hebrews, Jesus is described as our high priest, who is also our king. He fulfills this image of a prince-priest once and for all. Hebrews 9:24 says, “For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God’s presence.”

Ironically, the temple rebuilt after the return from Babylon would itself be destroyed in A.D. 70. Now, we are his temple and we await a new city described in Revelation 21:22 that has no temple. Because God himself will be our temple.

Questions for Discussion/Reflection:

  • God’s temple was the place for the presence of God to be accessible to people. We are now his temple of God on earth stewarding his presence through the Holy Spirit. How does it shape your self-understanding to think of yourself as a temple of God?
  • In Ezekiel 43 the perfection of the temple was meant to draw a contrast with sin. How could our way of life inspire as gracious but striking contrast with a way of life apart from God?
  • In what way does the hope we have for future total peace in the presence of God inspire you?