The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.
Classroom Instructions
Parallels from Proverbs 31 and the book of Ruth...
Lessons in Hebrew:
- Ga'al (root of go'el): Translation – Redeem; Usage – ____x in Ruth. Definition ____________________.
Land ownership as a guardian redeemer...
- Pros:
- Cons:
Boaz’s declaration...
- It’s Elimilech’s land, but Boaz also honors _________________.
- He acknowledges not just Ruth, but her Moabite lineage as well.
- Boaz makes it abundantly clear that this redemption is for ___________ family line, not his own.
The honor of an heir...
- Obed is declared ____________ son.
- The Levirate Law has been fulfilled.
- Ruth is deemed worth more than ________ sons.
A closing genealogy:
- Begins with __________...
- ________ comes in at number seven...
- Wraps up with ___________...
- Look up Proverbs 31. Share a word or phrase that is unmistakably “Ruth” in your eyes.
- Boaz takes on great responsibility in becoming guardian-redeemer of Naomi’s family. Share a story from your life, or that of another, in which great love led to great sacrifice.
- Look back at the rejoicing in verses 11-12 and 14-15. Which of the blessings proclaimed impacts you the most and why?
- Think through the gospel message shared in these four session titles: Grief, Covenant, Love, Redemption. Articulate your own salvation story in just a few sentences with these themes as your guide.
- “Every book reveals his blood, every story his sacrifice.” Share your favorite Old Testament story and how it reveals Jesus to you. End in prayer thanking God for these reminders of his unexpected love.