The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.
Classroom Instructions
Lessons in Hebrew:
- Hesed: Translation – _____________________________; Usage – ____x in Ruth.
- Go’el: Translation – ___________________________; Explained in Leviticus 25 & Deuteronomy 25.
Naomi’s instructions...
- Arrival...
- Attire...
- Approach...
- Action...
Ruth’s proposal:
- “corner of your garment”...
- “guardian redeemer”...
Boaz’s response:
- “noble character”...
- Another go’el...
- Share the funniest or most ridiculous quotes you’ve heard regarding love.
- Read Psalm 103 in its entirety. Now read verse eight again. The word “love” is the word hesed. Discuss the definition of hesed that was shared in the study and then find examples of God doing hesed in this Psalm.
- Revisit the acts of hesed seen so far in the book of Ruth. Recognize the sacrificial love offered from Naomi to Ruth, from Ruth to Naomi, and from Boaz to both women. How has God done hesed in your life?
- Share other favorite verses, songs, or biblical stories that demonstrate the kind, loyal, merciful, and unfailing love of God.
- Pray for your eyes and hearts to be opened to the needs of those around you. Ask God to create in you a spirit of hesed—one that is compassionate and readily sacrificial for the benefit of others.