The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.
Classroom Instructions
- Ruth is a book of History.
- Ruth serves as a bridge between the books of _______ and _________, and the eras of the _________ and the ________.
- Themes in Ruth: _____________________________________________________
- This story is all about the woman ____________________________________
- This story is all about the woman _______.
- This story is a fairy tale.
- In the Hebrew Scriptures Ruth is a part of the Ketuvim – the biblical texts that include __________ and __________________________.
- Ruth is found after the book of _________ and has a poetic nature as it follows a chiastic structure.
- Also themes in Ruth: ________________________________________________
- This story might be more about the woman __________.
- This story is an epic.
- Share some of your creature comforts—things that you just keep coming back to time and time again (meals, movies, books, etc.).
- Coming into this study, what did you already know (or think you knew) about the story of Ruth? In what ways has it been comforting?
- Looking back over your study notes, discuss some of the unexpected elements. What impact does this new information have on you as you move forward in this study?
- Take time right now, individually or as a group, to read through the entire book of Ruth.
- Pray for the Spirit to provide understanding throughout this study. Ask for the Lord to speak important truths into your life, however unexpected they might be.