The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.
Classroom Instructions
What’s in a name?
- Elimilech –
- Mahlon & Kilion –
- Naomi –
- Ruth –
- Orpah –
The fate of the widow...
Lessons in Hebrew:
- Shuv: Translation – ___________; Usage – _____ x in Ruth 1; Denotes physical and ______________ turning.
- Mara: Translation – __________; Name given to Naomi by ________.
The fate of THIS widow...
The Naomi and Job connection...
The Mara and Exodus connection...
- Consider this line from today’s teaching: “If we skip over the gravity of grief, we miss the impact of the glory of God.” Share a time in your life when God’s glory was revealed even in the midst of your grief.
- Review the list of Naomi’s losses. Which part(s) do you find particularly difficult to fathom? Are there any of her grievances that you had not considered before? How does this change the way you see Naomi and her story?
- Listen to this statement again: “As much as faith may desire an answer, it cannot be dependent upon one.” Explain what this means about faith in general. Now share what this means to you in your specific faith journey.
- Discuss some people, places, positions, possessions, etc. in which you have mistakenly placed your hope in the past. What does it mean to you today to declare, “My hope is in the resurrection of Jesus Christ”?
- Pray and thank God for the truth of 2 Corinthians 4.17. But as you pray these words, add in the specific troubles that you are facing today. Remind yourself and each other that his eternal glory far outweighs them all.