1 Peter 3:8-22 Reflect Your Identity in Your Suffering



The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.

Classroom Instructions


Read 1 Peter 3:8-22

  • “Do not repay reviling for reviling, but on the contrary bless.”

4 Principles of Trust when Suffering

  • God will see us when we suffer
  • God will hear us when we suffer
  • God will bless us when we suffer
  • God will use us when we suffer

An Example from History: Noah

  • It was a time of darkness and rebellion
  • Few believed, and few were saved
  • Jesus is victorious over even the darkest of times


  • Baptism is an appeal to Jesus who alone can save you from your sin.

    • It is an appeal that can also be translated “pledge.”
    • It admits, “I need rescuing!”
    • Baptism is both a public dedication and a personal prayer.
  • Baptism is a powerful confession of our faith.

    • It looks back to Jesus’ death, burial resurrection.
    • It looks forward to our own physical death, burial, resurrection.
  • Baptism is a physical picture of a spiritual reality.

    • We proclaim our repentance and are washed.
    • We die to self and are raised to a new life in Christ (Rom 6)
  • Baptism is not an action, but a passive submission and participation.

    • We “are” baptized.
    • We cannot do this without Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
    • We cannot do this without the church.

Read: Acts 2:38-40

1 Peter 3:8-22 Reflect Your Identity in Your Suffering Instructions


Read 1 Peter 3:8-22

  • “Do not repay reviling for reviling, but on the contrary bless.”

4 Principles of Trust when Suffering

  • God will see us when we suffer
  • God will hear us when we suffer
  • God will bless us when we suffer
  • God will use us when we suffer

An Example from History: Noah

  • It was a time of darkness and rebellion
  • Few believed, and few were saved
  • Jesus is victorious over even the darkest of times


  • Baptism is an appeal to Jesus who alone can save you from your sin.

    • It is an appeal that can also be translated “pledge.”
    • It admits, “I need rescuing!”
    • Baptism is both a public dedication and a personal prayer.
  • Baptism is a powerful confession of our faith.

    • It looks back to Jesus’ death, burial resurrection.
    • It looks forward to our own physical death, burial, resurrection.
  • Baptism is a physical picture of a spiritual reality.

    • We proclaim our repentance and are washed.
    • We die to self and are raised to a new life in Christ (Rom 6)
  • Baptism is not an action, but a passive submission and participation.

    • We “are” baptized.
    • We cannot do this without Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
    • We cannot do this without the church.

Read: Acts 2:38-40