The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.
Classroom Instructions
Opening Thoughts
What are some dangers in trying to unpack this text?
As Christians, we don’t root our convictions in the world around us.
Four Thoughts on Marriage from Ephesians 5
The marriage relationship operates within mutual submission to one another in Christ.
Marriage works best when husbands and wives believe the gospel and follow Jesus
- Understanding this text in context of Paul’s practical instructions…
- Understanding this text in context of Paul’s letter as a whole…
The marriage relationship is a sign of God’s love for his people.
Within these larger contexts, husbands and wives have unique roles in marriage:
Husbands to exercise headship in love
Wives to respectfully submit (to place themselves under)
Questions for Reflection and Discussion
Finish this statement a few times: Marriage is…
What does it mean to say “the gospel is the secret to marriage”? Do you believe this? Why?
What difference does it make for both spouses to be actively living out the teaching in which 5:21-33 finds a home? What can you do when only you are following Jesus?
What would most folks in our culture say is the purpose of marriage? How does this differ from a biblical view of marriage? How does understanding the ultimate purpose of marriage change the way we engage our spouses (or marriage in general)?
If you are a husband, what is God calling you to do in obedience to this text? If you are a wife, same question? How important is it that each of take responsibility for our part?