Understanding Small Group Systems

The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.
Session 3: Understanding Small Group Systems
Reflect on your small groups by using a small group systems theory...recognizing the beauty and complexity of groups.
People! o Characteristics o Personalities o Needs o Attitudes o Values o Abilities o Skills o Knowledge o Stage of Discipleship
Time available Resources available Support (or lack of) from the larger community
Typical schedule of activities Communication patterns Roles of the members (formal) Behaviors of the members How conflict/solving problems is managed Non-verbal messages between members
What is learned by the group members? Did your group complete a task or project together? How do members feel about the group and one another? Are they growing in their discipleship? Are they satisfied by participating in the group?
Location and space where the group meets Seating arrangement Time of day Temperature, noise, smells, etc.
Reflecting on the complexity of groups helps us to address the things we can manage, make changes when we can, and help eliminate potential barriers to the group.