Leading Discussions and Roles in Groups

The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.
Session 6: Leading Discussions and Roles in Groups
How to guide a discussion
Start a conversation
Guide the discussion
a. Keep it “on track”
b. Contribute but not dominate
c. Allow “time” for pauses
d. Allow everyone a chance to respond
Listen well
Watch for “non-verbal” clues
Encourage participation from everyone
Conclude the discussion
Roles in Groups: How people participate in positive ways
o Orienter
o Initiator
o Gate-keeper
o Information giver
o Encourager
o Follower
o Tension Reliever
Roles in Groups: How people may participate in challenging ways
o Needy counselee
o “Talker”
o Counselor
o Academic
o Opinionated
o Preacher
o Philosopher
o Dominator
o Spiritualizer
Leading discussion is an art more than science. Continue to practice. Allow people to participate
in positive ways and address the challenging personalities when you need to with love and
For further study on the roles people play in groups, see How to Lead Small Groups by Neal McBride