You Make Me Mad!

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Big Idea Don’t Give In to The Anger Infection, Turn And Head In God’s Direction.
Power Verse Don't sin by letting anger gain control over you. – Ephesians 4:26
Ask your children the following questions:
• What are some things that really make you angry?
• What do you usually do when you get angry?
• Is it a sin to get angry? (Although your children might answer yes, it’s not)
• When does anger turn to sin? (when it controls your actions and attitudes)
Place the baking soda in a small bowl and have one of your children pour a small amount of vinegar on it. It should bubble up quite a bit. Then place the flour in another bowl and pour vinegar over it. Nothing should happen.
Explain to your children that the vinegar represents situations that might make us angry, such as a friend breaking a toy or a parent not letting you do what you want to do. Then explain that the baking soda and the flour represent us. The same situation (vinegar) makes one person angry and out of control (like the baking soda), but doesn’t seem to have much of an effect on the other person (like the flour). Emphasize that we choose whether we’ll react like the baking soda or like the flour.
Talk to your children about some effective ways they can handle their anger. If you have problems handling your own anger, admit it (they already know it anyhow), and seek help from a pastor or counselor.
Pray together, asking God to help you deal with anger in appropriate ways. Ask Him to help you control both your actions and your attitudes when a situation causes you to be angry.