All By Myself!

Being lonely is a hard thing to deal with. You can be in the middle of a crowd and feel lonely. Your mind starts telling you that nobody cares about you at all. It may not be true, but you sure feel like that’s the way it is. When we are lonely, we forget that Jesus has promised to always be there for us no matter what. When loneliness sets in, we end up cutting ourselves off from others instead of reaching out to others. In this lesson, the children will learn about how to deal with loneliness. When you feel like there is no one else who cares for you, just remember that Jesus is always there.
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All By Myself!



Classroom Instructions

Intro Video
Puppet SkitMaterials: Silly Willy Puppet, song "Mr. Lonely" by Bobby Vinton
Game TimeMaterials: Large pieces of cardstock with one word of the Power Verse written on each one; some sort of removable adhesive; stopwatch; someone to keep time.
Power Verse Review
Review Questions

All By Myself! Instructions

Intro Video
Puppet SkitMaterials: Silly Willy Puppet, song "Mr. Lonely" by Bobby Vinton
Game TimeMaterials: Large pieces of cardstock with one word of the Power Verse written on each one; some sort of removable adhesive; stopwatch; someone to keep time.
Power Verse Review
Review Questions